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Are you comfortable with Lack & Markstrom?


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With the roster the way it is we're again a bottom 6 team, maybe worse, so I'm fine with Lack and Markstromm. Lack isn't a world class number 1 but he'll keep us competitive. No sense in signing Miller or Hiller in the off-season to play on a rebuilding .500 club.

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Nothing wrong with Lack, he's an excellent goaltender, not even a downgrade to Schneider. Markstrom is more of an unknown at this point. I'm comfortable running with what we have or if we bring in Hiller to split with Lack for this coming season.

I really think we owe it to Slack Eddie to give him a chance to make this team his own. He played very well indeed considering all of the injuries and the fact that Torts played him to death down the stretch, something that I am sure Willie D. won't do. As for Marko I don't think he has been given much of a chance at the NHL level and should be given one at training camp and in the early going of the season. If he's still shaky then I say find a capable veteran backup for the short term but I think Eddie is our goalie of the future. He's earned it.

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I'm probably in the minority here but Here's what I see shaping up...

Benning drafted Demko and has contacted a veteran goalie (Miller, Hiller) because he isn't happy with what we currently have. Demko by all accounts is up with the big club in 3-5 years(assuming he doesn't bust) which is right around the time the rest of our prospects should be hitting their stride so the timing with the next core works better then any of Lack, Markstrom, Eriksson.

Benning has also cleared tremendous cap space to re- shape the team. Like it or not I think his plan is to throw a 4-5 year deal at Miller make him the starter and trade one of Lack/Markstrom (whoever he can get the best value out of) before the season starts. I don't think at this point either goaltender is in the long range plans of Benning as anything more than a backup/trade piece as he continues to acquire players that he is familiar with. The last two years of the Miller deal would conclude in this scenario with Demko backing up one season while learning from an American veteran goalie, then the following season a 50/50 split before Miller leaves/retires, and Demko takes his spot as the starter.

Now let me make this clear I'm not saying this is what should happen... it's just my gut feeling from the moves I've watched him make so far. I'm not sold that Miller would be the right path to go down however this scenario seems like the most likely to happen if the team wants to still be competitive throughout this rebuild. Who knows maybe Melanson could work some magic on Miller and get some useful years out of him!

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Interesting perspective. Buffalo sucks as a team. Miller having a couple bad years could just be a result of that simple fact. With our much better D-core , who knows. Maybe Miller bounces back in a big way for a season or two while Demko gets tims to develop his game.

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I'm probably in the minority here but Here's what I see shaping up...

Benning drafted Demko and has contacted a veteran goalie (Miller, Hiller) because he isn't happy with what we currently have. Demko by all accounts is up with the big club in 3-5 years(assuming he doesn't bust) which is right around the time the rest of our prospects should be hitting their stride so the timing with the next core works better then any of Lack, Markstrom, Eriksson.

Benning has also cleared tremendous cap space to re- shape the team. Like it or not I think his plan is to throw a 4-5 year deal at Miller make him the starter and trade one of Lack/Markstrom (whoever he can get the best value out of) before the season starts. I don't think at this point either goaltender is in the long range plans of Benning as anything more than a backup/trade piece as he continues to acquire players that he is familiar with. The last two years of the Miller deal would conclude in this scenario with Demko backing up one season while learning from an American veteran goalie, then the following season a 50/50 split before Miller leaves/retires, and Demko takes his spot as the starter.

Now let me make this clear I'm not saying this is what should happen... it's just my gut feeling from the moves I've watched him make so far. I'm not sold that Miller would be the right path to go down however this scenario seems like the most likely to happen if the team wants to still be competitive throughout this rebuild. Who knows maybe Melanson could work some magic on Miller and get some useful years out of him!

You could well be right, and if so, I don't like it, but it is looking that way.

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No idea why so many people here think Lack isn't ready or we shouldn't rush him.

He's only one year younger than Price and Price has been a starter for quite some time now.

Lack is 26 - not 21.

We don't need another goalie on this team!

All you talking about needing a veteran to "groom" him - that's what the goalie coach is for.

He got to play with Luongo - he doesn't need anyone else other than what we have now.

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If Benning's intention is to win next season, then I am certain we make a strong push for a vet goalie. No doubt Miller is being highly sought, but I don't think he'd be upset with getting Hiller either. Don't rule out Vokoun either - who has actually put up very respectable stats.

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No idea why so many people here think Lack isn't ready or we shouldn't rush him.

He's only one year younger than Price and Price has been a starter for quite some time now.

Lack is 26 - not 21.

We don't need another goalie on this team!

All you talking about needing a veteran to "groom" him - that's what the goalie coach is for.

He got to play with Luongo - he doesn't need anyone else other than what we have now.

Last year didn't go so well for him. He looked shaky and often uncomfortable in net. There are a lot of variables but I'm not %100 sold on him yet. Once he got the starter job he tail spinned into sub par play. Hopefully he just needed his feet wet and fills in nicely here.
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No idea why so many people here think Lack isn't ready or we shouldn't rush him.

He's only one year younger than Price and Price has been a starter for quite some time now.

Lack is 26 - not 21.

We don't need another goalie on this team!

All you talking about needing a veteran to "groom" him - that's what the goalie coach is for.

He got to play with Luongo - he doesn't need anyone else other than what we have now.

Lack showed he was not ready to be a starter so why would you want him to try again next season?

This city will not stand for a team not making the playoffs for 2 years in a row. Aqualini will not stand for it as well, millions of playoff revenue dollars were lost.

We need a bonafide starter until Lack can show improvement.

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Last year didn't go so well for him. He looked shaky and often uncomfortable in net. There are a lot of variables but I'm not %100 sold on him yet. Once he got the starter job he tail spinned into sub par play. Hopefully he just needed his feet wet and fills in nicely here.

The Canucks tail spinned into sub par play once we hit Christmas.

I say let us roll with him at the beginning of the season.

Whats's the worst that can happen? Connor McDavid sweepstakes?

Remember too, he was playing during the Luongo saga.

The team is going to be completely different...

Change is coming. ;)

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I am not comfortable heading into the season with Lack and Markstrom. Last year when Luongo got traded, we all figured our playoff chances were pretty much over so we accepted having them as our goalies. Eddie is still a year or 2 away in my opinion as a good #1 goalie. Markstrom in my opinion will never amount to more then a backup goalie or an AHL starter.

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If management believes the team they have right now is going to be competitive next year and that means making a solid playoff run they are smoking some funny BC grass. I do believe that last year was a complete train wreck with Torts leading the way but this team is still full of 3rd and 4th line players playing 2nd and 3rd line minutes.

The way I see it Burrows, Higgins, Kassian, Hansen, Richardson, Matthias, Bonino, Vey, Dorsett, Sestito are all bottom nine players for a true contending team. The only 2/3 out of this group that probably have the potential for second line are Kassian, Bonino and Burrows (only because of his chemistry with the Sedins). So, if management thinks it needs to bring a goalie to compete then they will also have spend big money on some top line players either through trade or free agency. If they go through free agency they will massively overpay. For example, look at Garrison's contract. Then that leaves us the trade route. What do we have but young assets and draft picks that will get us bonafide top line players???? It's just not going to happen.

So, my point is...why bother bringing an expensive veteran goalie like Miller or Hiller when we have 2 very talented young guys that should be learning along with some of our other younger players.

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In fairness to Eddie Lack, when he was given the "starter" role, he was thrust into what would arguably become the most difficult netminding position in the entire NHL. No goalie played more minutes (and with less rest) than Eddie Lack did during that period. And Lack had absolutely no safety net as Torts refused to use Markstrom--so no days off and no mercy hooks. Plus he had to play in front of what had by then become possibly the worst team in the NHL. Countless two-on-ones and odd man rushes, players mired in unprecedented slumps, poor puck luck (PDO) on a systemic level, player morale at an all-time low, defensive breakdowns becoming almost routine, own goals regularly coming off of defensmen, and general turmoil surrounding the team, both on and off the ice.

I don't think there's a goalie in the league who wouldn't have struggled under those circumstances.

(Open spoiler to read more)

Of course Lack looked shaky at times. Those 19 straight games from hell would have broken down even the steadiest of NHL veteran #1s.

I doubt Luongo (or Schneider) would have done any better under the exact identical circumstances.

I'm sure that things would have been better if Luongo had stayed but that's not because Lu would have necessarily been "better" than Lack. But with two goalies (who could actually be used), they'd at least have had each other to lean on and could share the load and provide some relief.

Lack was completely thrown to the wolves. And we've seen Roberto (and Cory) break down under less pressure.

And as far as the whole Miller thing goes: If we're going by the last 20 GP (or so) from last season, you could argue that Ryan Miller might have actually played worse than Eddie Lack (and under better circumstances and with a much better team). Of course, Miller has an impressive career track record (and when he's at the top of his game he can be one of the NHL's best goalies), but if we're basing the Canucks' "need" for "better" goaltending off of how Eddie performed over those 19 straight games, I'm not convinced that Miller (or any FA signing) provides a clear upgrade to the starter position (the backup position is another story as I could see a veteran being the safe choice).

Ryan Miller would most likely put-up strong numbers for the Canucks and a Miller/Lack tandem could give this team very solid goaltending. I'm just not sure it's the best use of cap space (especially if Miller wants #1 level money plus term).

There are several other areas that I'd like to fix on this team (and they all cost money). I'd rather save the cap space for other acquisitions and run with the goalies we have (Lack/Markstrom).

At least give Rollie a chance to work his magic with Markstrom. Let's really see what we have here before we throw out our young tandem and spend this newly-gained cap space on yet another veteran player on the wrong side of 30.

I just don't feel like Miller provides enough of a clear upgrade on Lack. That's not saying Miller isn't good. I just think that Lack is a very talented goalie who's ready to be a starter. If I'm choosing between the two, I'd probably say it's a bit of a wash between them at the present time but Lack is most likely going to be the clear-cut choice in the near future (as Miller will decline and Lack should get even better).

I think there's good reason to believe Eddie Lack is going to be at least a 0.924/2.10 goalie (his numbers before the Luongo trade) in 2014-15. Lack played quite well in front of a pretty poor team for most of the season (with the majority of his starts coming after New Year's). With better stability, both in front of him on the ice and backing him up on the bench, there's no reason why Lack can't equal or surpass his numbers from December 2013 to the beginning of March 2014.

I think that's the goalie we actually have in Eddie Lack. And that guy is a quality starter in the NHL.

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