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Ouija Boards


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I had a board as a teenager and used it a bunch, never had a notable experience though. I'm pretty open to supernatural stuff and have had a couple freaky moments elsewhere, so if anything I'm disappointed that the ouija never paid off.

I like living vicariously through these other stories, so please ignore dumbassbrashear and keep 'em coming.

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I had a board as a teenager and used it a bunch, never had a notable experience though. I'm pretty open to supernatural stuff and have had a couple freaky moments elsewhere, so if anything I'm disappointed that the ouija never paid off.

I like living vicariously through these other stories, so please ignore dumbassbrashear and keep 'em coming.

I'm curled up with my blanket and my cat. Now's a good time to go into more details about the events.

The most eventful supernatural occurrence for me was when I hallucinated with a fever of 106F. Not really paranormal so I'll pass.

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Hate to be the one that burst everyones bubble about these things but Ouija boards are subconscious controlled by the people, We did a research project on this type of stuff in university. And we weren't the first school to do this.



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Yes. Anything unsettling

I think the few experiences I've had are pretty tame by internet standards and not too unsettling.

If anything stands out it was visiting friends on the north end of the island, they had set up a tent in their backyard. 6-man size with no fly on it b/c it was the middle of august. Arrived in the afternoon, threw my stuff in set up my bed, zipped it up and left. We watched a movie that night, everyone passed out in the living room, I turned off the tv and went out there around 1. Opened the tent and stepped in and had a few seconds to freeze and try to figure out what was on my sleeping bag, it kind of unwound itself and stood up into the shape of a very large dog and started walking towards me.

Sprinted back across to the deck. There was a porch light that illuminated a third of the yard or so, looking back I could see a shape and eyes tracking back and forth but it wouldn't step out of the shadow. I went in and woke up a few people, so at least they were able to verify I wasn't hallucinating. We sat on the back deck there and watched whatever it was for 5 min or so. Eventually we went down in a group with a flashlight. Nothing there.

In daylight we could see there were no rips in the tent, no damage. Nobody who lived in the house could remember where the tent itself had come from, it'd had been used a bunch but in the end they thought it might have been in the house when they moved in. Tent went in the garbage, I slept on the couch, we all lived happily ever after.

(fwiw using the 'hellhound' myth as framework I've since taken it as something that had no interest in me but was more attached to that tent)

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Many years ago, I read a book called The Demonologist. The book was written by a guy called Ed Warren and it chronicled his many years of investigating hauntings with his wife Lorraine.

If those names sound familiar, it's because they are the two characters from the movie The Conjuring. I make no claims about the veracity of the Warrens' "work", but they are real people. (Or were. The pictures of them in the book were of much older people than the actors who played them in the movie)

In the book, the Warrens relate several of their investigations into hauntings, concentrating on those they deem "demonic" in origin. One thing that Ed stresses, is that people who are victims of demonic "infestation" have done something to cause their problems. Most of the time, they just happened to choose a house that was already haunted, but they also said several times that Ouija boards and other such "spiritual communications" (seances, etc.) are the absolute best way to get yourself into trouble.

As I said earlier, I don't vouch for the Warrens. I'm just passing on the message, but it's worth noting that I read the book many years before The Conjuring was released and long before most people had ever heard of Ed and Lorraine Warren.

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