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Hostage Situation in Sydney, Australia - Possibly ISIS


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Or Christians?






Seriously I expected better than this from you of all people Chip.

Hardcore radicals, religious zealots.

NOT MUSLIMS just people who share the faith

You can't rag on him for what he says and then throw all white folk under the bus. Knowing your heritage, it's laughable you throw "white folk" into your list.

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Ha...oh wait you're actually serious

That's kind of troubling

Listen to you. See you're everything wrong with the world today man.

Because I have a differing point of view and won't believe everything people say without demanding proof, or that I feel as though eventually when you cause enough crap you're gonna get some crap back

Russia stirs up enough crap they're gonna get attacked

Israel stirs enough up they're gonna get attacked

USA same damned thing.

Harpers endless involvement in whatever the US or Israel tells him to, we're now a target too

YOU don't get o bully the world and NOT get some back in return, this isn't how the world works.

But for thinking this I am a terrorist sympathizer...?

A little early in the morning to be hitting the stupid isn't it?

Dude you keep goin after ppl on here like you know all and that your opinion is the one that matters... Personally I find your hockey talk usually spot on... But when it comes to religion or politics.. You sir are what's wrong with this world. Conspiracy theories in abundance and preaching they are the facts. You need to tone down your rhetoric dude.. We lost a lot of good men and women and you dishonour them by saying they died in vain. Who are you to make this claim?

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Ha...oh wait you're actually serious

That's kind of troubling

Listen to you. See you're everything wrong with the world today man.

Because I have a differing point of view and won't believe everything people say without demanding proof, or that I feel as though eventually when you cause enough crap you're gonna get some crap back

Russia stirs up enough crap they're gonna get attacked

Israel stirs enough up they're gonna get attacked

USA same damned thing.

Harpers endless involvement in whatever the US or Israel tells him to, we're now a target too

YOU don't get o bully the world and NOT get some back in return, this isn't how the world works.

But for thinking this I am a terrorist sympathizer...?

A little early in the morning to be hitting the stupid isn't it?

That's laughable.

The USA helped afghanistan from the Russians then helped Kuwait from saddam and they get 9-11 in return.. F You dude. Again you should convert to Islam you seem to fit the profile they like to convert. So much hate for the white folk as you put it. disgraceful.

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If you were posting that you sympathized with ISIS and openly wrote hateful letters to Canadian soldiers, I'd gladly report you to provincial and federal authorities.

Likewise, I positively interact quite often in the Calgary community. If I saw any similar actions to the history this guy had (see: three posts above the one you "didn't read"), given I care about my safety and those around me, I'd make sure he was being watched, rather than worry about offending his Muslim sensibilities.

It's called life and paying attention, or, in deb speak, "paranoia".

I think the ISIS part might get a reaction from the government and put someone on a watch list.. but that's all they can do.

As for the canadian soldier part they can't do anything about that because of freedom of speech.

I remember you said if this happened in America there would be a bullet in the accuses head well how can you explain these instances?


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That's laughable.

The USA helped afghanistan from the Russians then helped Kuwait from saddam and they get 9-11 in return.. F You dude. Again you should convert to Islam you seem to fit the profile they like to convert. So much hate for the white folk as you put it. disgraceful.

Your hate mongering is too damn high...

Where is the hate for white folk in his posts? He was just using an example and keeping things fair/accountable.

All this hate for a single group of people while wrongs of another group are forgotten makes me sick..

Have you not heard of white guilt?

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Sadly this is so true

Sandy Hook


Colorado Theater


And many other shootings done by individuals with extreme views that just snapped. Again, it isn't relegated to religion but religion is certainly the main culprit these days.

It starts with actually stepping in and doing something about it instead of endlessly making statements in front of a camera.

I completely agree with you that people need to be aware and realize that anyone at anytime could be that person. But I won't go about worrying about it day in and day out

It also covers those shootings. A couple of crazies that shot up a school in your example too showed serious signs like posting videos of themselves making pipe bombs, illustrating in a school assignment about how they'd shoot the school up, etc.

The only real solution is a populace that pays attention. Not:

- More surveillance laws

- More gun control laws

But for some reason we're in denial when it comes to Muslims. I understand the issue with blowback, and the problems it's caused with these countries meddling in MENA causing even further instability in a region that's already full of barbaric people, but what's done cannot be undone.

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You can't rag on him for what he says and then throw all white folk under the bus. Knowing your heritage, it's laughable you throw "white folk" into your list.

I can absolutely use that example. If you use a blanket statement that involves 1/6th of the ENTIRE population of the world for one mans actions, one sick person, you've got to expect that you're going to get a gross generalization in return.

My heritage by the way is first nations and scottish so what that has to do with anything I don't know.

You cannot make that kind of statement these days without retaliatory comments OG. Muslims are as at fault as ANY of the others I have listed for atrocities in the past, but to sit and make statements about them being the issue with the event that occurred over the last 24 hours is ludicrous. Much like claiming all cops are crooks, all african americans are criminals etc.

It doesn't fly man

Dude you keep goin after ppl on here like you know all and that your opinion is the one that matters... Personally I find your hockey talk usually spot on... But when it comes to religion or politics.. You sir are what's wrong with this world. Conspiracy theories in abundance and preaching they are the facts. You need to tone down your rhetoric dude.. We lost a lot of good men and women and you dishonour them by saying they died in vain. Who are you to make this claim?

So because I have a differing opinion, I should sit back and let some d-bag call me a terrorist sympathizer and let it slide? Because I pointed out that countries that live by the sword will eventually be attacked by the sword I am an islamist and I cheered when 9-11 happened?

I am never going to allow an accusation like that slide pal. What conspiracy theories by the way? You'll have to elaborate on that

We DID lose a good deal of men and women, you're right in that. We lost them in a fight not our own because of MISINFORMATION stating that we were looking in the right country.

Just because I go against the grain and just because I have a differing opinion on things does not mean a damned thing in regards to me being an islamist or 9-11 cheerleader k bud.

As to who I am to make a claim like that, I am a cousin to a fallen soldier one Jean-Francois Drouin, I was a lifelong friend of one Jon (Jonny) Sutherland Snyder both who died in duty in Afghanistan. Both good men who had VERY specific views on the fight they were in in a country so far from home.

I lost 2 good men in my life to a war not my own so to make claims like that bugs me on a fundamental level that i cannot describe due to the impending Ban hammer if I do.

So who am I to make that claim? If you haven't figured it out yet I am sure you will eventually.

Again, I won't sit and have accusations like that tossed at me by some pud on a computer, nor will I sit back and watch a normally even tempered poster make such generalized claims against 1/6th of the entire globe without showing a mirror opposite of what they are stating.

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"The USA helped afghanistan from the Russians then helped Kuwait from saddam and they get 9-11 in return."

firstly the US did not help Afghanistan as much as they thwarted the Russian invasion. Then when the US invaded the Afghanis used the previously American supplied weapons to resist.

Secondly the US did not help Kuwait as much as they secured their access to cheap, available oil. Kicking Saddam out of Kuwait merely stabilized the price of oil.

Basically the US did it for self-interest. Don't mistake this for America bashing, all countries have a habit of working for their own self interest.

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That's laughable.

The USA helped afghanistan from the Russians then helped Kuwait from saddam and they get 9-11 in return.. F You dude. Again you should convert to Islam you seem to fit the profile they like to convert. So much hate for the white folk as you put it. disgraceful.

Cry it out bud boo frigging hoo.

Try to link Russia, Afghanistan, Suadi Arbai and the events in 9-11 together I dare your little mind to try.

NONE of those are related events except geographically. Just say what you want, I know there's a fun derogatory comment on your thin little lips. So just say it, say what you really feel.

But just for the record, if you dare call me a 9-11 sympathizer or islamist again you know I will just reply to your ignorance with some of my own.

Maybe you cheered when those innocent women and children were killed via drone strikes in Afghanistan? You like that? Baby killing? Did you cheer and celebrate the death toll? Making such ignorant and uninformed statements doesn't feel good does it.

Back to the story, this guy was an absolutely disturbed and radicalized individual with a history of disturbing crimes who eventually went to far. Hopefully he got the justice he deserved in that coffee shop.

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^This is the problem, although many are peaceful the 7% can be problem for the world in the future. Just look at UK; how they managed to somehow get Sharia Law in courts for Muslims. It makes my blood boil, but what can we do its life. The fact is USA has bombed their homelands to shreds, so they see no other alternative but to become suicide bombers against the west and any non-muslims. I have nothing against muslims or any religious people who "Do no harm." I have everything against religious people who are fanatics and extreme. Its ignorant, as people need to have a open mind and learn to be human and just love and live in peace. Not so hard, but to religious fanatics it seems very hard.

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It also covers those shootings. A couple of crazies that shot up a school in your example too showed serious signs like posting videos of themselves making pipe bombs, illustrating in a school assignment about how they'd shoot the school up, etc.

The only real solution is a populace that pays attention. Not:

- More surveillance laws

- More gun control laws

But for some reason we're in denial when it comes to Muslims. I understand the issue with blowback, and the problems it's caused with these countries meddling in MENA causing even further instability in a region that's already full of barbaric people, but what's done cannot be undone.

See now THIS is a well thought out statement. More interference is hardly the answer I agree. More laws won't help and neither will tighter control over an already paranoid populace.

the sad thing is, the only thing we are assured of is more of just that. Nanny state style interference.

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^This is the problem, although many are peaceful the 7% can be problem for the world in the future. Just look at UK; how they managed to somehow get Sharia Law in courts for Muslims. It makes my blood boil, but what can we do its life. The fact is USA has bombed their homelands to shreds, so they see no other alternative but to become suicide bombers against the west and any non-muslims. I have nothing against muslims or any religious people who "Do no harm." I have everything against religious people who are fanatics and extreme. Its ignorant, as people need to have a open mind and learn to be human and just love and live in peace. Not so hard, but to religious fanatics it seems very hard.

Sikhs were guilty of this at point and time... Minus the suicide part, but those two Air India planes that fell etc..

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That's laughable.

The USA helped afghanistan from the Russians then helped Kuwait from saddam and they get 9-11 in return.. F You dude. Again you should convert to Islam you seem to fit the profile they like to convert. So much hate for the white folk as you put it. disgraceful.

What? Do you really think that the US actually wanted to help Afghanistan? They did it for their own interests.

Plus They created Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

Oh and look at this;

To get a full scope of American violence in the world, it is worth asking a broader question: how many countries in the Islamic world has the U.S. bombed or occupied since 1980? That answer was provided in a recent Washington Post op-ed by the military historian and former U.S. Army Col. Andrew Bacevich:

As Americas efforts to degrade and ultimately destroy Islamic State militants extent into Syria, Iraq War III has seamlessly morphed into Greater Middle East Battlefield XIV. That is, Syria has become at least the 14th country in the Islamic world that U.S. forces have invaded or occupied or bombed, and in which American soldiers have killed or been killed. And thats just since 1980.

Lets tick them off: Iran (1980, 1987-1988), Libya (1981, 1986, 1989, 2011), Lebanon (1983), Kuwait (1991), Iraq (1991-2011, 2014-), Somalia (1992-1993, 2007-), Bosnia (1995), Saudi Arabia (1991, 1996), Afghanistan (1998, 2001-), Sudan (1998), Kosovo (1999), Yemen (2000, 2002-), Pakistan (2004-) and now Syria. Whew.

I disagree with Warhippy's "White Folk" remarks, but you need to understand why some people would be angry at the US.

Also, isn't there a rule about not saying "F U" directly to someone specific?

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What? Do you really think that the US actually wanted to help Afghanistan? They did it for their own interests.

Plus They created Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

Oh and look at this;

To get a full scope of American violence in the world, it is worth asking a broader question: how many countries in the Islamic world has the U.S. bombed or occupied since 1980? That answer was provided in a recent Washington Post op-ed by the military historian and former U.S. Army Col. Andrew Bacevich:

As America’s efforts to “degrade and ultimately destroy” Islamic State militants extent into Syria, Iraq War III has seamlessly morphed into Greater Middle East Battlefield XIV. That is, Syria has become at least the 14th country in the Islamic world that U.S. forces have invaded or occupied or bombed, and in which American soldiers have killed or been killed. And that’s just since 1980.

Let’s tick them off: Iran (1980, 1987-1988), Libya (1981, 1986, 1989, 2011), Lebanon (1983), Kuwait (1991), Iraq (1991-2011, 2014-), Somalia (1992-1993, 2007-), Bosnia (1995), Saudi Arabia (1991, 1996), Afghanistan (1998, 2001-), Sudan (1998), Kosovo (1999), Yemen (2000, 2002-), Pakistan (2004-) and now Syria. Whew.

I disagree with Warhippy's "White Folk" remarks, but you need to understand why some people would be angry at the US.

Again, that was a mirrored generalization to a statement about Muslims being disgusting.

The same thing could be said about any race or religion of person on this planet for crimes committed in the past. But to again, generalize an entire bloc of the worlds population based on the actions of one man is beyond ridiculous.

I used an extreme example to reply to an extreme statement. C'est la vie.

Also, I forgot about Lebanon in 83. Thanks for the reminder. that one still to this day makes me shake my head and wonder why

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Sikhs were guilty of this at point and time... Minus the suicide part, but those two Air India planes that fell etc..

And about a decade or so ago the Catholics and Protestants were bombing people and places in both Ireland and England.

Spain has had and probably still does, problems with Basque sepratists.

bottom line- crazy people do crazy things. Religion just gets used as an excuse.

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Again, that was a mirrored generalization to a statement about Muslims being disgusting.

The same thing could be said about any race or religion of person on this planet for crimes committed in the past. But to again, generalize an entire bloc of the worlds population based on the actions of one man is beyond ridiculous.

I used an extreme example to reply to an extreme statement. C'est la vie.

Also, I forgot about Lebanon in 83. Thanks for the reminder. that one still to this day makes me shake my head and wonder why

Oh ok, Guess I just understood ur post wrong then.


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That's laughable.

The USA helped afghanistan from the Russians then helped Kuwait from saddam and they get 9-11 in return.. F You dude. Again you should convert to Islam you seem to fit the profile they like to convert. So much hate for the white folk as you put it. disgraceful.

I'm trying to stay out of this cesspool of a thread but dude have you listened to yourself?

Your so-called intelligent response is "9/11, FU, go convert to Islam".

Your fingers definitely work faster than your brain and you've managed to outdo your own self this time!

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Oh ok, Guess I just understood ur post wrong then.


NO apologies necessary.

This thread has me pretty heated. The whole blanket statement nonsense every single time an israel or Islmaist thread is created hurts my head.

I lost two close people in my life fighting a war for a country that believed in multiculturalism and equality only to continue to see such disgusting comments. It absolutely makes their sacrifices meaningless. It bugs me on such a deep level I retaliate in kind.

I'll apologize now to anyone I've offended and to the mods who are no doubt popping headache relief having to read through this but I still will not stand by and be called such nonsense.

So I am bowing out of this thread as no good can come of it and I will most likely say something that gets me banned if I keep commenting.

Good on the AUS authorities in Sydney for ending the standoff and I hope all involved are ok and the crazy bugger who perpetrated it got the justice he deserves on a cafe floor.

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Sikhs were guilty of this at point and time... Minus the suicide part, but those two Air India planes that fell etc..

Yep, extremists are in every religion and whether its sikh,muslim,hindu,jews, etc etc etc. Any person who is a fanatic or extreme I'm 100% against them.

Islam the 7 percent who are extremists is a threat to the world. However its also important to note, that their are extremists in every religion, but they are not being shown on media and not being given much attention too. Examples include Hindu - RSS, Sikhs in india (the fake khalistanis) Chirstians ( the fantaics) etc etc etc

Maybe the question, we have to ask is what causes these people to become extremists?

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