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"Who knows what else they do" - Benn + Seguin


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Wow this one has me laughing. Not only do these two comedians not really say anything (leaving it up to the fertile mini minds of the far-too-easily-offended Canuck fans and writers) Botchford makes it sound like the Sedins are being bullied on the playground. Getting all bent out of shape because some guy calls the twins "weird"? You gotta be kidding me. No wonder this team is so soft. Never mind the sticks and stones; apparently names CAN hurt the Canucks. Jesus...

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This is coming from Seguin, the same guy who had his twitter account 'hacked' and tweeted gay slurs. You can't hack your own account.

Much like every negative thing said about the Sedins, it'll just roll off and they'll keep being the classy, upstanding, role model type players they've always been. People may complain about their production and such but these are the types of players that you bring young guys up around, they lead and give to the team and the community. I respect that a lot about them and about how much the Van organization is involved in the community. It isn't just about making millions and being rich and famous.

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And when BOSTON doesn't want you because you're a cancer in the room, there's a serious issue. Hopefully Kassian beats him within an inch of his life before the season is over.

Time to call up Sestito for the next game against Dallas too. Imagine the carnage.

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he's only 23, i'm sure his maturity and give a ???? levels are still pretty low

I turn 23 in April. I don't think, much less publicly say, things like this about other people. Don't bunch all us early 20 year olds as ignorant "boys will be boys" mentality. It's a disgrace to the game and to their organization as a whole. Lost a boat load of respect for Benn and didn't have much to lose for Seguin. There's no excuse for these comments.
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The radio guy asked Benn if he roomed with his brother then Jamie Benn said no then the radio guy said the Sedins room together and then I think Seguin said "who knows what else they do together" and then they started talking about how the Sedins are ugly and stuff

The Sedins don't room togerther any more. The new CBA has given teams the directive to let each player have their own rooms. The Sedins are comfortable rooming together, as most brothers are on the road, if it becomes necessary in circumstances of bad weather, grounded airplanes, etc. Radio-guy was being a douche, fishing for disparaging remarks with some no-longer-applicable innuendo. Benn and Seguin were simply too stupid to avoid being lead into this line of talk. Those guys are the real suckers, here. No pun intended.

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Honestly who cares? It's just words the Sedins don't care so why would we?

Sedins can say publicly that it doesnt bother them but I bet it must sting them inside to always be the targets of shots when they are so classy and never do anything to warrant that abuse. I wish they would go off on sequin and Benn for once to show enough is enough.

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Sedins can say publicly that it doesnt bother them but I bet it must sting them inside to always be the targets of shots when they are so classy and never do anything to warrant that abuse. I wish they would go off on sequin and Benn for once to show enough is enough.

Look what happened when Hank dropped an F-bomb... skatin' away from a ref!

They have set the bar very high for themselves. I for one, think they should be true to themselves and those many decent examples of humanity , sportsmanship and integrity,..that have been set. They will be long remembered for their hockey skills as twins in the NHL,..but also for staying classy. And - trust me there are many hockey-moms, coaches, and players around the world,.. who do appreciate that.

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