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"Who knows what else they do" - Benn + Seguin


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I dunno, did they really say anything over the top? Just some vague joking around about how weird they look. So? Let's see some reaction from the Canucks if they have a legit beef with it. I don't think there's anything there but reaching for a story and trolling some fan reaction. Fine. It is what it is.

That kind of garbage should stay on the ice. Off the ice, players should at least make some effort to act like a professional and not like a 5 year old.

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Reading the transcript someone posted on the first page I do see that the interviewer is "leading" them to say what he wants to hear, but nonetheless these guys are professional athletes and are highly visible, this kind of talk is deragotory both to the Sedins, and homophobic in general. A smart answer to the question do you think the Sedins room together would have been, " I don't know how Vancouver handles their road trip rooming situations" that would have pretty much ended that. The Sedins should not be subject to this type of disrespect from anyone let alone their fellow NHLers. I admit back in 06 07ish I was loosely using the sisters term, but honestly I mean these guys are nothing but class, and the epitomy of toughness. Youll never see them fight or lay the bone crushing check, but youll see them take check after check, cheap shot after cheap shot and get right back up and continue on with the play. I never had much respect for Seguin, Benn I couldnt care less about, but it is a shame they let this radio fella lead them around on his leash to appease his listeners. No worries Sedins, nothing but respect for you in Calgary!

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“Stupid is as stupid does” — Forrest Gump
It’s always disappointing to see a professional athlete's intelligence – or in this case, common sense — isn't on a par with his physical prowess, especially for such good players like Benn and Seguin.
Really, this bull c**p again? Didn't anyone learn from Dave Bolland’s similar disgusting comments about Sedins on another radio show just a few years ago? Or is their memory span just about as long as their hockey stick? Regardless of how little it’s worth, Benn and Seguin owe a sincere apology to Sedins and Canucks. The Stars organization should not get a free pass either.
I’m especially dismayed by Benn since he spent most of his junior hockey years here in Kelowna. He should be fully aware of the legacy/greatness of Sedins in this league and what they mean to this city, team and its fans. Seguin I don’t care as much, as he’s a former member of the Bruins team who was the sorest cup winner and spat all over their SCF runner-up. Perhaps Benning also saw such an idiocy in Seguin and got rid of him before it gets any worse.
To me, this is the most repressing issue in today’s NHL: Lack of respect among the players. It’s always easy to point fingers at the greedy Commissioner, inept league office and inconsistent referees. But if the players do not respect one another and keep playing along to this kind of rubbish media circus, who’d really care?
Grow some brains, not just your paycheck, please.
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Nice post Cowtown..Respect back t'wards your own. Think I posted last wk, how impressive the kids on the Flames look. They're young, but STILL pulling late games outa' the fire! Great entertainment for their fanbase.

GoodGawd, can you imagine if BOTH cities(Van & Cal) construct young, exciting teams, so we can get back to a respect-filled, intensely hating, fierce war, with begrudging respect? It could be in the cards...

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Reading the transcript someone posted on the first page I do see that the interviewer is "leading" them to say what he wants to hear, but nonetheless these guys are professional athletes and are highly visible, this kind of talk is deragotory both to the Sedins, and homophobic in general. A smart answer to the question do you think the Sedins room together would have been, " I don't know how Vancouver handles their road trip rooming situations" that would have pretty much ended that. The Sedins should not be subject to this type of disrespect from anyone let alone their fellow NHLers. I admit back in 06 07ish I was loosely using the sisters term, but honestly I mean these guys are nothing but class, and the epitomy of toughness. Youll never see them fight or lay the bone crushing check, but youll see them take check after check, cheap shot after cheap shot and get right back up and continue on with the play. I never had much respect for Seguin, Benn I couldnt care less about, but it is a shame they let this radio fella lead them around on his leash to appease his listeners. No worries Sedins, nothing but respect for you in Calgary!

Well nice to see Calgary back in playoff contention as well.

Don't look now, but three Canadian franchises in the playoff hunt in the West.

Let's hope it stays that way into the postseason.

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This is a good example of what happens when u encourage young spoiled , classless kids to worry more about being good players then having good character. . They are encouraged to have an attitude. It's pathetic.

Give a young kid with zero maturity and no character too much money and this is what you get. It's a product of the salary cap to and teams focus on youth in the lineup. This is the kind of leadership you end up with.

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Reading the transcript someone posted on the first page I do see that the interviewer is "leading" them to say what he wants to hear, but nonetheless these guys are professional athletes and are highly visible, this kind of talk is deragotory both to the Sedins, and homophobic in general. A smart answer to the question do you think the Sedins room together would have been, " I don't know how Vancouver handles their road trip rooming situations" that would have pretty much ended that. The Sedins should not be subject to this type of disrespect from anyone let alone their fellow NHLers. I admit back in 06 07ish I was loosely using the sisters term, but honestly I mean these guys are nothing but class, and the epitomy of toughness. Youll never see them fight or lay the bone crushing check, but youll see them take check after check, cheap shot after cheap shot and get right back up and continue on with the play. I never had much respect for Seguin, Benn I couldnt care less about, but it is a shame they let this radio fella lead them around on his leash to appease his listeners. No worries Sedins, nothing but respect for you in Calgary!

Classy +1

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Dallas is probably the most disappointing team this season ... all the hype before the season of them being a contender, cup favourite. Not to mention that Benn and Seguin's Dude Perfect video at the beginning of the season ...

AND Seguin losing to the over weight Kessel in skills contest ... you let THIS guy beat you in your prime. Karma.


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Everyone is so offended... Who cares? It doesn't mean anything, Are we now discussing if it was mean..? Who cares! More important things to worry about than if the sedins are wierd looking.

I think millions of things are stupid, immature, offensive to others, etc. However, that doesn't make me personally offended by those things. It doesn't make me sad or hurt my feelings or get mad at the world. Its just a stupid thing to say, likely offended other people, and I have no problem wanting to stand up for other people. I don't need my own feelings to be hurt to recognize when something was wrong.

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People often complain that NHL players are too bland. This is the opposite. Anyone who's played hockey knows that the dressing room isn't always a professional, sanitized, politically correct environment. I mean people loved it when Biznasty started tweeting all these vaguely inappropriate things. We all loved it when Kesler and Burrows were chirping Backes about his wife, that was immature and sexist as well. So what's the problem here? Not the fact that they said it, but just that they said it in public? The fact that they comments were directed towards our team instead of someone else's?

I'm not saying that these comments aren't inappropriate or vaguely homophobic, my point is that fans say we want the players to have less of a filter but I don't think we're truly prepared for what would come out if that were the case.

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People often complain that NHL players are too bland. This is the opposite. Anyone who's played hockey knows that the dressing room isn't always a professional, sanitized, politically correct environment. I mean people loved it when Biznasty started tweeting all these vaguely inappropriate things. We all loved it when Kesler and Burrows were chirping Backes about his wife, that was immature and sexist as well. So what's the problem here? Not the fact that they said it, but just that they said it in public? The fact that they comments were directed towards our team instead of someone else's?

I'm not saying that these comments aren't inappropriate or vaguely homophobic, my point is that fans say we want the players to have less of a filter but I don't think we're truly prepared for what would come out if that were the case.

It's this sick attitude that is destroying The concept of morals and values. Let me get this straight, you are saying even though this is a brutal example to set for young kids, it's okay because people might be entertained? Good call man. People obviously have no idea what's good for them. If you think that this kind of crap is good for the people watching, especially young impressionable kids,then you're just as classless as those two idiots

Look through history at what people are capable of allowing for the sake of entertainment. Yeah sure this is a small-scale incident, but it's allowing this kind of crap to go on because it entertaining that is making it hard to be a father

It's not okay to set that example for my children. I don't want my kids role models acting like pricks on live radio. Period

These guys taking notes from Sean Avery or something ? Didn't work out to well for him Did it

So Yeah, if they are morons I would rather them be morons in private.

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or maybe growing up here he knew exactly how Canuck fans would react to this so he was deliberately trolling

exactly....ohhh poor Sedins....their witto feewings got huuuurt.

And they wont do annnnything about it either. The only way to get even is by outplaying that line and owning a game or 2. But you k ow what? Wont happen. Seguin and Benn will be so far in their heads.

This is a compatative world here folks. A little trash talk isnt going to bother anybody. Its the media that gets bent out of shape or simply runs with it...."Oh MY God...how could they?!?!"

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exactly....ohhh poor Sedins....their witto feewings got huuuurt.

And they wont do annnnything about it either. The only way to get even is by outplaying that line and owning a game or 2. But you k ow what? Wont happen. Seguin and Benn will be so far in their heads.

This is a compatative world here folks. A little trash talk isnt going to bother anybody. Its the media that gets bent out of shape or simply runs with it...."Oh MY God...how could they?!?!"

Isn't going to bother anybody?lol
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