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Value of Chris Higgins (Discussion)


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As so many proposals are including Chris Higgins in them, I was wondering what your thoughts on him and his value is.

For me Chris Higgins is a very multi talented player, with a potential to make any team better. He is a very good team player, that carries no baggage, his defensive work is very sound and under recognized, he can move up and down the line up between lines 2, 3, and 4. He is cap friendly.

I believe his best position is 3rd line LW and I think he is worth a 2nd on a high ranking team (48-60 OA).

What I would like to know is if you agree with my take on him, his value, and what teams you possibly see him going to, if at all? Or does he stay?

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I agree with your assesment of Higgins. He can play on the PK, he can contribute a bit of offence, and is solid defensively. He can fill in on the second line if there's an injury but he's a top 9 forward, not a top 6. Only thing I wish Higgins would play with is much more grit. Although Higgins and Hansen are similar players with Higgins having a bit more of an offensive touch, Hansen shows a lot of grit when he plays...something Higgins barely shows. On a team that lacks grit, you go with the grittier guy. Anyways, if Winnik got a second round pick, so should higgins. In my opinion, I would prefer to package Higgins with another player (Kassian) to get more. Higgins has proven that he can be a valuable asset to a team looking to win the cup... reason why we traded for him when we did.

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I love Chris Higgins. He brings a lot to the table. But when you see our team in the future, he just seems like the odd man out seeing as that with the Benning era, we are shifting youth into our line-up slowly and that's what we need to do more of. There is a helluva log jam and we need to sign either Matthias, Richardson, and Dorsett.

Next year, we have guys like McCann, Jensen, Virtanen, Kenins(who's playing pretty damn good), hopefully our 2015 1st/2nd round picks, Grenier, Archibald, hell even Shinkaruk and Gaunce fighting to make the team next year. It would be preferable if we had youth and younger guys that take in Higgins spot. Chris Higgins is a great, cap hit friendly, workhorse and he'd definitely cost a high 2nd round pick.

Teams that want to go ballz deep into the playoffs would be all over a guys like Higgins/Hansen/Matthias. I'd rather have Matthias/Hansen since they are all younger and fit better in our bottom 6. With a prospect to replace Higgins duties, I think it makes our team younger, and more exciting to watch as we all watch and see how the prospects/young guns groom out and develop at the NHL level.

I'd hate to see Higgins go, but at the end of the day, when you look at the future which is coming closer and closer, Higgins doesn't really fit. Maybe now he might be useful, but lets say next year, or definitely the year after when he turns 33/34, he wouldn't fit with us.

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higgins is my favorite player and as you say is under appreciated by fans, but the canucks management know his value....teams need goal scorers but having that strong defensive element like richardson, higgins and burrows are valuable assets to have..these guys

would be welcome on my team anytime.....higgins and richardson, would be worth a draft pick but only on teams that need to tighten up their defense..... who is near the top of the league in pk?...there is a reason for that...they can be replaced in the off season.

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Yes, there is not much not to like about him.....no to mention his leadership.....his scoring is down a little, but I think that is to do with the revolving door due to so many injuries...I hope that doesn't change his value.

Good call on the bigger picture Canuckling

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