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[Report] Ryan Miller won't be moved & looking for a 2nd rounder or hockey trade for Lack/Markstrom

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For some reason I feel like Eddie Lack is the Canucks, he's the heart of the team...

If they move him I just don't know how much i will care about this team anymore... Trading Eddie Lack will have a very very negative effect on the fanbase...

Edit: I know I will catch flack for it but I don't care, it's my opinion...

For an unproven back up goalie? Yeesh.

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The Miller signing was a bad one for the money aspect alone. Also you are absolutely wrong that everyone would be screaming fire Benning if he didn't sign him. Benning was just hired shortly before the Miller signing and after the MG/Torts fiasco, he was lauded as the franchise savior. He clearly over paid for an aging goalie who really had few options as good as the one Van could offer. So in reality 2 years at 10 mill per, is what he should have paid for Miller, tops.

Again I say, Did Miller crap the bed or something last year? Why is he not worth 5 M? He is ranked 17th in salary next year where Bobby Lu ,who is a couple of years older, is ranked 6th. If Eddy played a little better we would not have had to bring in another goalie. Fact!!!! B)

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Lack is very good goalie with a porous defence playing in front of him. If Eddie had Nashvilles, Chicago's or the Rangers D in front of him he would be well regarded as a top end goalie

Making excuses for him does not help his cause any. If you watched any of his games did you not notice that he tires and gets fatigued the longer the season goes on? He was better last year but it was still there. He even stated somewhere that it was an issue for him but he worked hard in the off season to improve it. Not sure he is the goalie you are making him out to be. A nice guy though. :)

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I'm just going keep posting this

Signing Miller to two years only really helps if Benning believed Lack is part of Canucks future. Other than that signing miller to 3 years was a really smart calculated move. And if you really break it down It seems that things are going exactly the way he planned.

When Benning signed Miller to 3 years it signalled two things about Lack.

A ) that he didn’t believe Lack would become top tier goalie in this League

B ) He didn’t think Lack is the “canucks” goalie of the future

And so far the league would tend to agree with that statement, as young number one goalies should have more value than a 2nd round pick. If the league was as confident as many of the people on CDC are about Lack abilities, we would be seeing more offers around the Schneider esq value. It doesn’t mean that teams don’t believe he can’t be a starter, it just means that teams that they aren’t as high on his ability as we in Vancouver are. One thing to remember is league value doesn’t = true value, we can see that when 29 teams let Markstrom pass through waivers.

The 3 year signing also signalled that Benning believed canucks needed a 3 year stop gap to develop the next canucks starter. Lacks play this year if anything just helped Benning situation as it likely increased his value. Markstrom's play helped the situation as his brought himself back into canucks future goaltender consideration. The signing of Miller was basically the writing on the wall for Lack's career in Vancouver. The only thing that could extend Lack’s stay in Vancouver is if Markstrom has increased his value enough that Benning see’s the benefit of moving him instead.

Now if Benning’s goaltending plan when he got to Vancouver was to, sign a veteran goalie that could give canucks time to develop/find their next future goalie, doesn’t things seem to be going accordingly to plan. You can tell this was his plan all along as he doesn’t even seem to be considering trading Miller.

A ) sign miller to 3 years (becomes a 3 year stop gap and provides canucks with a competitive goalie)

B ) Find/develop future goalie (drafts Demko, tries to sign O’Conner, watches Markstrom regain form of his former elite self)

C ) Lack, a goalie he’s basically written off a year ago, plays well and ups his value (value he likely didn’t have at the start of last year)

There’s not really any negatives in this plan. Not unless you truly believe that Lack is Canucks goalie of the future and or you believe that Lack would be a better option to mentor Markstrom/Demko. I’m not saying they are wrong beliefs, but outside of Vancouver, they would be in the minority. If teams were more confident in Lack, you would have to argue that a mid or even late first round pick would be the asking price.

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I think if Miller plays the way he did last season, the Canucks will lose a lot of fans. That has nothing to do with Lack.

A lot of it banks on Miller playing to expectations on par with the chunk of cap space he takes up. That means stealing games like other goalies in his price range do. There were not many games last season where Miller was better than the opposing goalie. Blame it on injury, new team, new baby, IDK and I don't care, he just needs to quite a bit better.

It's pointless to argue who's better Miller or Lack. It should be Miller, no question. It's like arguing who's better Lundqvist or Talbot. But obviously the Miller we saw last season is nowhere near as dominant.

I'm glad Benning has faith in Miller. I'm not sure I do.

Did I miss something? I thought he played OK until he was injured. This fan will be there for sure as we did not do too bad in last years regular season.

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I'm just going keep posting this

Signing Miller to two years only really helps if Benning believed Lack is part of Canucks future. Other than that signing miller to 3 years was a really smart calculated move. And if you really break it down It seems that things are going exactly the way he planned.

When Benning signed Miller to 3 years it signalled two things about Lack.

A ) that he didn’t believe Lack would become top tier goalie in this League

B ) He didn’t think Lack is the “canucks” goalie of the future

And so far the league would tend to agree with that statement, as young number one goalies should have more value than a 2nd round pick. If the league was as confident as many of the people on CDC are about Lack abilities, we would be seeing more offers around the Schneider esq value. It doesn’t mean that teams don’t believe he can’t be a starter, it just means that teams that they aren’t as high on his ability as we in Vancouver are. One thing to remember is league value doesn’t = true value, we can see that when 29 teams let Markstrom pass through waivers.

The 3 year signing also signalled that Benning believed canucks needed a 3 year stop gap to develop the next canucks starter. Lacks play this year if anything just helped Benning situation as it likely increased his value. Markstrom's play helped the situation as his brought himself back into canucks future goaltender consideration. The signing of Miller was basically the writing on the wall for Lack's career in Vancouver. The only thing that could extend Lack’s stay in Vancouver is if Markstrom has increased his value enough that Benning see’s the benefit of moving him instead.

Now if Benning’s goaltending plan when he got to Vancouver was to, sign a veteran goalie that could give canucks time to develop/find their next future goalie, doesn’t things seem to be going accordingly to plan. You can tell this was his plan all along as he doesn’t even seem to be considering trading Miller.

A ) sign miller to 3 years (becomes a 3 year stop gap and provides canucks with a competitive goalie)

B ) Find/develop future goalie (drafts Demko, tries to sign O’Conner, watches Markstrom regain form of his former elite self)

C ) Lack, a goalie he’s basically written off a year ago, plays well and ups his value (value he likely didn’t have at the start of last year)

There’s not really any negatives in this plan. Not unless you truly believe that Lack is Canucks goalie of the future and or you believe that Lack would be a better option to mentor Markstrom/Demko. I’m not saying they are wrong beliefs, but outside of Vancouver, they would be in the minority. If teams were more confident in Lack, you would have to argue that a mid or even late first round pick would be the asking price.

Very well put. I would like to add that he probably wanted to add some stability in that position especially after the Schneids/Lu fiasco. So that there would be NO GOALIE CONTROVERSY!!!!!! :lol:::D:P

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then we won't have gotten him. I can almost guarentee Edmonton and Calgary made him similar offers but the extra year was the deal breaker

It was Van or bust for Miller. Stop sugar coating it. JB overpayed and it's a bad contract.
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Miller would ideally be the one to go. Baumers post about stats vs west is relevant to this discussion, as we are essentially giving up the only goaltender that's had guaranteed success in our conference.

The Grigorenko talk is interesting if not highly unlikely. He should have been top 3 in his draft class but slid to 12 because of the Russian factor and rumored forged birthday. He's elite level talent and has the size to boot.

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It was Van or bust for Miller. Stop sugar coating it. JB overpayed and it's a bad contract.

Stop complaining about "bad" contracts miller's contract is on part of goalies of his caliber sure he's declining and aging some but that's the going rate for a good goalie now. If you look it all the "top tier" goalies are paid from 5.8-8.5 million range Miller is I belive tied at 13th for his average in 2015-16 for money. It's NOT THAT BAD. It's just an excuse for everyone to moan and complain

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Did I miss something? I thought he played OK until he was injured. This fan will be there for sure as we did not do too bad in last years regular season.

Our "fans" on this board are not representative of the fans in general. Miller played like a stud through the first quarter, we owe a lot of our success this season to his early play. Yeah, there were a few too many off games, and he didn't quite earn his 6 million, but only a handful of goalies really do. Other than the money, we're set up fine in net.

Lack is younger, cheaper, and of equal ability in this point in their respective careers. If they're both just stopgaps (which they are), why not keep the cheaper one? Markstrom and Demko both have elite upside, nurture that and keep building the rest of the team...

Oh well, Benning has made up his mind. Hopefully we get a good piece back for Eddie that helps us forget about how much we liked seeing him between the pipes. Maybe Miller's slight decline will be a godsend for Markstrom and open a door for him? Should be a fun season either way.

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It was Van or bust for Miller. Stop sugar coating it. JB overpayed and it's a bad contract.

Says who? it's funny you think that there wasn't a market for Miller when everything else say otherwise.

You're just set on making it all Bennings fault aren't you

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Is there a reason you left the W-L totals as well? Or the stats for last years playoffs? Probably because they favored Miller. :lol: You can twist stats around to make them what ever you want. I like that last part where "the excuse" is thrown in there. There always has to be at least one. I will take Millers 13 plus years experience in the NHL to a young goalie who has played 2 half seasons and a not so good playoff performance anytime.

Playoffs, 3 games is enough sample size to dictate whether a player is a playoff performer? I'd go as far as saying the W/L stat is more of a team stat than an individual stat. Especially given how sub par Miller's numbers were. I'd take Lack 6-7 years younger who played his team into the playoffs when it mattered than the guy who injured his knee and is 34 years old at 6 mil for 2 years.
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Stop complaining about "bad" contracts miller's contract is on part of goalies of his caliber sure he's declining and aging some but that's the going rate for a good goalie now. If you look it all the "top tier" goalies are paid from 5.8-8.5 million range Miller is I belive tied at 13th for his average in 2015-16 for money. It's NOT THAT BAD. It's just an excuse for everyone to moan and complain

Thing is that Miller would be one of the last guys in that tier. Almost all the guys getting payed big money aren't 34 or older btw. Other than Luongo I can't think of anyone else.
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Says who? it's funny you think that there wasn't a market for Miller when everything else say otherwise.

You're just set on making it all Bennings fault aren't you

Almost all the insiders have said that Miller was Van or bust. Facts are facts.

I'm a pretty big JB supporter btw. Signing Miller wasn't bad but giving him 3 years was kinda dumb. Oh well gotta live it now.

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Almost all the insiders have said that Miller was Van or bust. Facts are facts.

I'm a pretty big JB supporter btw. Signing Miller wasn't bad but giving him 3 years was kinda dumb. Oh well gotta live it now.

Thats the first time I heard that one.

You got any sources for those insiders?

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Google it or check twitter. I'm not going to dig up year old tweets.

"In the wake of Elliott’s signing, there’s growing speculation over where Miller will end up this summer. NBC Sports’ Jason Brough lists the Anaheim Ducks, San Jose Sharks, Vancouver Canucks, Minnesota Wild and Pittsburgh Penguins as possible destinations. The Buffalo News’ John Vogl also suggests Anaheim, San Jose and Vancouver.

Miller’s wife is actress Noureen DeWulf, so he probably prefers signing with a California-based team. CSN Bay Area’s Kevin Kurz believes signing Miller makes sense for the Sharks if they move current starter Antti Niemi.

It’s expected the Ducks will allow long-time starting goalie Jonas Hiller to depart via free agency, leaving Frederik Andersen and John Gibson as their tandem next season. Both have promise, but lack significant NHL experience. With Gibson considered their future starter, the Ducks could bring Miller in to mentor the youngster, which would make Andersen expendable"


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