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Sedins: no intentions of leaving Canucks even if it means a supporting role


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While I loved Bieksa as a player etc he really should have kept his mouth shut during the playoffs. Sure, he backed up his words when he pummeled Ferland but I would have prefered he said no comment instead of feeding the calgary trolls like he did.

That's definitely a minor blip in a great career with Vancouver. Sad to see him go, but it was his time to duck out (ha ha)

There were a few other "blips", but that's the case with most players. Overall, Juice's body of work in Vancity has been exemplary and it is the main reason that I get upset with so-called fans who denigrate him.

He was expressing loyalty to the franchise when he made the "go down with the ship" comment, but when he was asked to waive, he acceded to managements wishes.

For this, we have morons saying they were "ecstatic" when he was traded. :rolleyes:

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There were a few other "blips", but that's the case with most players. Overall, Juice's body of work in Vancity has been exemplary and it is the main reason that I get upset with so-called fans who denigrate him.

He was expressing loyalty to the franchise when he made the "go down with the ship" comment, but when he was asked to waive, he acceded to managements wishes.

For this, we have morons saying they were "ecstatic" when he was traded. :rolleyes:

It will be hard to see Juice in another jersey.

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There is clearly no reason for them to go anywhere. Both at age 34 had mid 70 point out puts. They are gradually moving down to the second line. Which is more than fine. You cannot argue what they've done for Vancouver, and have earned the right to deny any and all trades.

Who's gradually moving up to the first line? I don't understand how top 10 scorers in the NHL are second liners, do explain.

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In a perfect world we deal the Sedin's to a contender during the last year of their contracts. They fetch us some top you talent and draft picks and then re-sign with us for >$5MM each to play on our second line.

I feel these two have the ability to play into their 40's. They will still put up solid numbers facing 2nd and 3rd pairing d-men and will continue to be wizards on the PP.

I'd say a perfect world would better like hoisting a cup with the Canucks in their final year

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Who's gradually moving up to the first line? I don't understand how top 10 scorers in the NHL are second liners, do explain.

They are and will continue to be 1st liners for the next couple of years. But having declining Sedins as second liners in three-four years would be immense help in the quest for the Cup.

This team is in serious transition and might just come up with a 1st line before the Sedins retire.

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