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Mafia: Coven [Mafia win!]

Master Radishes

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GM Note on voting

A reminder that the 'extend round' vote is a separate vote to the regular lynch (or tiebreak lynch) and therefore you do not need to 'unvote' your lynch candidate to extend the round. (However, if you wish to unvote 'extend round' you must specify that's what you're unvoting, otherwise an 'unvote' will just be counted as unvoting your lynch candidate.)

tl;dr - I am counting the votes as such: Aladeen has voted both to extend the round and to lynch Hashtag (while I posted he unvoted Hashtag), while Hashtag has unvoted her previous vote on 112 but also to extend the round.

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I still don't think #Nucks is mafia FWIW and although 112 is making sense and says she thinks I'm TP, she could just be trying to get on my good side since I suspect her. Also I can't be sure obviously, but I feel like TP 112 would see # as TP.

About g_bassi, I find it odd that's he's so sure about me being mafia. I feel like he usually doesn't use absolutes in arguments, so I think it's suspicious that the one time he's this sure about something, he's incorrect and thinking differently than pretty much everyone else. Not saying that he can't have his opinion, but I just find it unusual in this situation. Going hard against me could potentially be a mask for not wanting to name other top suspects, which helps him avoid suspicion.

I'm guessing JL, 112, bassi is the mafia team.

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About g_bassi, I find it odd that's he's so sure about me being mafia. I feel like he usually doesn't use absolutes in arguments, so I think it's suspicious that the one time he's this sure about something, he's incorrect and thinking differently than pretty much everyone else. Not saying that he can't have his opinion, but I just find it unusual in this situation. Going hard against me could potentially be a mask for not wanting to name other top suspects, which helps him avoid suspicion

I often use absolutes. You're so mafia it hurts. I'm not the one playing a game, you are. If it can't be seen from this post, it never will.

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And the round officially expires.

Time check for you, MR:

Lol. Jk. I'm mafia. Why would I do that? :P

I bought a lot of TP for my house and I need to get a rid of a few extra.
Tiebreak TL (Just for you Bassi :wub: Well, mostly for you, but it's the thought that counts.)

Unvote; Vote Hashtag

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The coven of witches, having changed their mind about Time Lord, had held firm in not voting for him - right up until the last minute when one, grinning, cast a single vote.

Time Lord was burned at the stake (finally)! He was...


The Weird Sisters (Macbeth)

Evil Witch (TP)

Feeling the pressure to get this lynch correct - and risking complete humiliation if they don't - the witches cast one final vote. Surely, they reasoned, one of the most vocal witches was bound to be secretly a Good Witch. So they chose HashtagNucks to face the pyre. Would it be the right decision?

HashtagNucks was burned at the stake! She was...


The Witch (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)

Evil Witch (TP)

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Lol. Jk. I'm mafia. Why would I do that? :P

I bought a lot of TP for my house and I need to get a rid of a few extra.

Tiebreak TL (Just for you Bassi :wub: Well, mostly for you, but it's the thought that counts.)

Unvote; Vote Hashtag

I hope it works out lol.

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Three of the remaining witches - Hermione Granger, the White Witch, and Granny Weatherwax - burst into distinctly good cackles as they raised their broomsticks and swiftly beat g_bassi13 to a pulp. There was no reason, but they did it just for kicks.

g_bassi13 was killed! He was...


Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West (Wizard of Oz)

Evil Witch (TP)

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