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School shooting in Sweden


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A masked man with a sword has killed a teacher and seriously injured three other people at a school in Sweden before being shot by police.

The attacker is being treated for gunshot wounds in a nearby hospital in the city of Trollhattan, police said.

The student victims, aged 11 and 15, and another teacher are all in surgery, the hospital said in a statement.

Police responded to an emergency call reporting an attack in the cafe area of the Kronan school, near Gothenburg.

Eyewitnesses described chaos at the school, with hundreds of students fleeing from the building screaming.

Police spokesman Thomas Fuxborg told the Associated Press the attacker was in his 20s and carried more than one weapon, including "at least one knife-like object".

Mr Fuxborg said police fired two shots, one of which hit the attacker. No motive was given for the attack.

A statement from the hospital said: "We have four seriously injured patients. All are in surgery right now. One is a teacher and two are students. One is 11 and one 15 years old. They have knife wounds.

"One of the injured is the suspected culprit. He is being operated on for gunshot wounds. A teacher died at the scene."

One student told The Local newspaper: "I was in a classroom with my class when one of my classmates' sisters called her to warn her that there was a murderer at the school. So we locked the door to the classroom, but our teacher was still outside in the corridor.

"We wanted to warn him, so a few of us went outside and then I saw the murderer, he was wearing a mask and had a sword. Our teacher got stabbed.

"The murderer started chasing me, I ran into another classroom. If I had not run, I would have been murdered. I'm feeling really scared. Everyone's scared here."

Sweden's prime minister, Stephen Löfven, will travel to Trollhattan this afternoon. He said it was a "black day for Sweden".

"I think of the victims and their families, students and staff, and the whole of the affected community. No words can describe what they are going through right now. We are familiar with them, and we must ensure that they receive all the support they need," he said.

Sweden's interior minister, Anders Ygeman, said on Twitter: "It is with sadness and dismay I received the news of the attack on the school in Trollhattan. My thoughts go to the victims and their families."

Trollhättan is an industrial town in west Sweden, located around 75km (50 miles) north of Gothenburg, the nation's second largest city.

School attacks are rare in Sweden - this is the first since a shooting at a school in Kungalv near Gothenburg in 1961 which killed one person and injured six others.


Since the Swedish police involved discharged their service weapons at the school, the title of the thread is accurate.

So, what does the government have to ban to prevent this sort of thing from happening again?

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Since the Swedish police involved discharged their service weapons at the school, the title of the thread is accurate.

So, what does the government have to ban to prevent this sort of thing from happening again?

Ban the ignoring of cries for help? The title is accurate maybe, but misleading. Still, that's both an unfortunate thing to have happened, and an unfortunately named town. 

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Since the Swedish police involved discharged their service weapons at the school, the title of the thread is accurate.

So, what does the government have to ban to prevent this sort of thing from happening again?

No, the title is inaccurate.

"Police shoot man with sword at a school in Sweden" is accurate.


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Since the Swedish police involved discharged their service weapons at the school, the title of the thread is accurate.

So, what does the government have to ban to prevent this sort of thing from happening again?

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here, but the fact is this guy did far less damage with his sword that was done at any of the actual school shootings in the U.S.

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Since the Swedish police involved discharged their service weapons at the school, the title of the thread is accurate.

So, what does the government have to ban to prevent this sort of thing from happening again?

The fact that you are trying to convince people that the title is accurate indicates that you already know it will be misinterpreted by many.

The title is not accurate as you describe - it is misleading as numerous people already indicated.

Nevertheless, a sad story.  People suffering with mental health problems is a worldwide epidemic and tragedies like this will unfortunately continue to happen - even in places like Sweden where they have a world-class health care system sadly.

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The fact that you are trying to convince people that the title is accurate indicates that you already know it will be misinterpreted by many.

The title is not accurate as you describe - it is misleading as numerous people already indicated.

Nevertheless, a sad story.  People suffering with mental health problems is a worldwide epidemic and tragedies like this will unfortunately continue to happen - even in places like Sweden where they have a world-class health care system sadly.

Guys we don't even know if he's mentally ill yet.

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