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Is Milan Lucic Out of Control?

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4 minutes ago, riffraff said:

I'm on the fence with Lucic here.

 At the right price/hometown discount it could be good for us in that with the bad of Milan comes the good.  He is a competitor and proven at the playoff level. He adds a tool we don't have and that's intimidation and physicality in the top six. Players will play "bigger" with him in the lineup. That'd fact. We've seen it first hand already.


although I don't see his age as an issue, I do agree the speed of the game could be difficult for him. Having said that, I wouldn't say he is slow.  His style creates space for himself and others which makes up for some speed anyway.

I'd be 'OK' with Lucic at a discount and/or if we could get him to agree to say a 5 (or less ) year term. Like you say, you take the good with the bad if you're getting a 'deal'. 

I doubt that happens though and frankly I'd prefer Okposo anyway. 

I'll go as far as saying I'd rather slightly overpay for Okposo in term and/or dollars than get Lucic at a 'deal'.

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5 minutes ago, J.R. said:

I'd be 'OK' with Lucic at a discount and/or if we could get him to agree to say a 5 (or less ) year term. Like you say, you take the good with the bad if you're getting a 'deal'. 

I doubt that happens though and frankly I'd prefer Okposo anyway. 

I'll go as far as saying I'd rather slightly overpay for Okposo in term and/or dollars than get Lucic at a 'deal'.

They're totally different players:blink:

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3 minutes ago, riffraff said:

They're totally different players:blink:

Yeah Okposo actually has speed (and better hands). He's, you know, better at actually playing hockey :P

Kind of why I'd prefer him ;)

They can both physically impose their will on the opposition. 

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23 minutes ago, J.R. said:

Yeah Okposo actually has speed (and better hands). He's, you know, better at actually playing hockey :P

Kind of why I'd prefer him ;)

They can both physically impose their will on the opposition. 

How do their stats compare?


You say it's unlikely lucic ends up here.  Just a hunch?  What is the likelihood of Kyle okposo as a Canuck? What would draw him here?

im unaware that okposo had a reputation as a physical game changer.  I saw his last fight for what it's worth.:sick:

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28 minutes ago, riffraff said:

How do their stats compare?


You say it's unlikely lucic ends up here.  Just a hunch?  What is the likelihood of Kyle okposo as a Canuck? What would draw him here?

im unaware that okposo had a reputation as a physical game changer.  I saw his last fight for what it's worth.:sick:

KO is better offensively, defensively, is faster and has better hands. While not quite the wrecking ball Lucic is, he has the size and strength to impose his will on the opposition (while playing cleaner and drawing less negative attention).

I think LA tries to re-sign him for starters. I also think given his lack of speed etc, we're less likely to over spend too get him. Okposo, we'd be more inclined to over spend on IMO and we'd likely play him with the twins. 

I don't really care about his fighting ability. 

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3 hours ago, J.R. said:

But yeah, more of a hope than a hunch. 

It's tough to know what's best at this point.


how many more years do the Sedins have in them? When do they become second liners? Do we concentrate on the long term and not the next couple years?  Lots of questions that the mgmt will have challenges answering.


i would suspect that from what you're saying about okposo he would definitely add life to them for next couple years....imo Lucic or okposo would rejuvenate the Sedins based on the ability to share the workload of the down low cycle game.


and a big part of me would really like to see a policeman for Daniel and henrik.  Imagine what they could do with open ice and the opposition rethinking going after them with cheap hits.

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17 minutes ago, riffraff said:

It's tough to know what's best at this point.


how many more years do the Sedins have in them? When do they become second liners? Do we concentrate on the long term and not the next couple years?  Lots of questions that the mgmt will have challenges answering.


i would suspect that from what you're saying about okposo he would definitely add life to them for next couple years....imo Lucic or okposo would rejuvenate the Sedins based on the ability to share the workload of the down low cycle game.


and a big part of me would really like to see a policeman for Daniel and henrik.  Imagine what they could do with open ice and the opposition rethinking going after them with cheap hits.

I guess that's a very succinct reason I'd prefer KO over ML, I think they both help us while the twins are still with us but more after. I also think he's more movable in a few years of we go that route. 

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2 hours ago, J.R. said:

I guess that's a very succinct reason I'd prefer KO over ML, I think they both help us while the twins are still with us but more after. I also think he's more movable in a few years of we go that route. 

He'd fit a lot better in this lineup than Lucic and has much less chance of causing issues in the room.  Miller isn't alone in his assessment of that clown's character.

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Milan Lucic is a tremendous force in the NHL.  Jim Benning loves his toughness and tenacity and constantly refers to him as a comparison whenever any player remotely close to him is being discussed.  Jake Virtanen is a completely different player, but Benning still compared him to Lucic.

If Benning has the opportunity to sign Lucic as a UFA, I believe he will do so by any means needed.  The move would bring about a culture change in Vancouver, and that may be what the Canucks need the most.

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56 minutes ago, BanTSN said:

Milan Lucic is a tremendous force in the NHL.  Jim Benning loves his toughness and tenacity and constantly refers to him as a comparison whenever any player remotely close to him is being discussed.  Jake Virtanen is a completely different player, but Benning still compared him to Lucic.

If Benning has the opportunity to sign Lucic as a UFA, I believe he will do so by any means needed.  The move would bring about a culture change in Vancouver, and that may be what the Canucks need the most.

Given Lucic's character issues I doubt the character change would be positive.  I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be as much of an issue as Messier.

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On Friday, January 29, 2016 at 0:06 PM, riffraff said:

Apparently CDC posters have the evidence.

they just aren't presenting it<_<

There are far too many clowns on this site that throw out conjecture regarding what players are using or on.  Pathetic really. 

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Oh I just remembered a Detroit vs LA game not long ago (November?) where Lucic just punched Zetterberg as the buzzer went off at the end of the game.  Zetterberg wasn't doing anything other than trying to block Lucic's shot into the net.

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