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[Report] Owner involvement nixed possible Hamhuis trade


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via user on Reddit:


If I've got this right, what happened was:


  • Hamhuis gave management the option to trade him to Chicago, LA or Dallas.

  • Benning worked the phones late last week and insisted on getting a very good prospect and a pick back.

  • LA was priced out right away and never interested.

  • Chicago refused to gave up the really good prospect (Pokka) and immediately moved on to Ladd, Weise and Ehrhoff.

  • Dallas negotiated very well and refused to give up any of their top 5 prospects or a 1st but stayed in the running hoping the price would drop.

  • Benning, realizing he had no leverage, went to accept a deal resembling what Dallas paid for Russell.

  • Ownership rejected it saying they needed to get more.

  • Dallas moves on and deals for Russell.

  • Benning is left with his d*** in his hand.

  • Dallas calls last minute and offers a mid round pick for Hamhuis on the off chance Benning just wanted to get something.

  • Benning never calls them back, goes thru the deadline without making a deal.




Well I don't know what to say. And before anyone tries to discredit Botch, I myself dislike him but acknowledge he's one of the most in-tune people when it comes to the Canucks. He's not like Ian MacIntyre/those folks and actually is dialed in on the inner rumblings of the team.



And in all honesty, everything adds up. With many credible insiders saying Dallas moved on to Russell after Vancouver asked for more, why wouldn't JB take that offer? There's just no way management would ever refuse the same deal Calgary eventually got. Not the first time management has been involved in a non-trade and it seems to be a reoccurring theme for the most part. And management saying they got an offer of a 3rd round pick, must have been the late last minute call Dallas gave to put salt in the wound in which management obviously wouldn't reply to.


Never have I seen a team run that has so much ruckus with ownership stepping in the way of managerial decisions. Seems like they had a personal feud with Stars ownership and they let it get in the way. From this regime, to Gillis, to Nonis, etc etc etc. Can't be a coincidence. 


...Looks like management and Hammer worked hand in hand as best they could and despite their being faults in both sides approach, ultimately it came down to Aquilini's telling JB and co to get more than what Dallas had already offered, which would have been a sufficient return aka ownership wanting Dallas to pay a premium which would never have been with the Canucks backed up in terms of having only 1 team to work with (Chicago and LA being out of it). 



PS, here's a link outlining Gaglardi-Aquilini past http://www.canadianbusiness.com/blogs-and-comment/gaglardi-makes-the-big-leagues-at-last/




edit: Also, Benning did in fact say in the post deadline presser that he received a quote on quote "parallel offer" to the Russell deal, but Dallas decided to take Russell over Hamhuis for some odd reason...and Linden saying ownership didn't have a say in this is a blatant PR lie. Obviously as an employee he won't tarnish the reputation of his boss. And the fact Linden admitted he talked to Aquilini before pulling the trigger on the Shinkaruk deal but this time didn't in regards to Hamhuis is bs. Needed the rubber stamp of approval then but not now in a potential deal with the Stars, who just happen to be owned by the guy Aquilini has a grudge against? Yea right.

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I made this point when I heard Botch speak of it, but it wasn't just botch it was also Moj and Don Taylor asking the same questions. There is going be some uproar, Linden blatantly denies it and Craig Button also supports Linden and Benning. I feel the ownership has been medeling Gillis hinted to it, so now we are lead to believe they have stopped because Linden is in-charge. Well Lindens interview are fishy too, somtimes he says No and sometimes he gives a answer like,"look anytime a big market like Vancouver, ownership is involved in some way." then asked about medelling " I can assure ownership is not involved in anyway"


This leaves two options

A) Benning is a horrible manager and the whole team of management failed today, but I find that part hard to beleive, I don't think any management can be this lost and decide to keep Ufas, after admitting they will not be making the playoffs.


b. Ownership, Gillis alluded to it, some posters on here alluded to it, and some callers alluded to it. Yep we are now known as the conspiracy theorists of the Canucks, yippie! lol


well ask yourself is management just that bad at trading or is ownership medelling. Freidman reported it too, so all the media is wrong?"yeah they are because they are from Toronto, the insiders are doing this for ratings lol"  well okayyyyyyyyyyy thennnnn. All theories aside something fishy is going on with this team, and lets hope the truth comes out, I do also feel ownership had a hand in this. 

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I have to admit, after originally being quite disappointed and angry at JB, my out look has changed. 


He has made a few stupid moves, but I don't think the TDL was one of them. 


1. Just based on what he talked about at the press conference, if in fact it was true. Plus he really looked tired, beat up and very nervous of the potential back lash. 


2, The fact that he actually had been trying since last week (did not leave it till the last minute like I originally speculated). 


3. NTC clause of Hamhuis, limiting to 3 teams, Vrbata's down fall in play/lack of interest. 


4. Now hearing the owners Meddling into affairs yet again and potentially rejecting a deal with Dallas. 


A large amount of factors went into the result today. Multiple parties are to blame for the ultimate result. Can't point the finger at just JB in this case.  


Seems like the team is going no where until Aqua is out of the equation. 


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2 minutes ago, samurai said:



Not at all. There is a lot here that fits the puzzle here, and it is a known fact Gaglardi and the Aquilini's have had a massive feud for over a decade now.


...tbh I thought it was bs at first glance at well but reading/tuning into this as the day went along, it really does make a whole lotta sense.

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2 minutes ago, Joker said:

I don't mind Hamhuis not getting traded, but Vrbata? Not even a mid-round pick? C'mon! Jim should've taken anything for him. No one needs his mopey attitude around the team. 

Lol I genuinely feel for Vrbata's well being.   I mean he is a zombie out there. He needs to go on sabbatical.

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8 minutes ago, samurai said:



our organization have a history of Ownerhip meddling.


the John Torterella hiring was an Ownership decision.


that's all the evidence you need, if they are willing to step in and make a coaching decision, I am not one bit surprised that Ownership might have nixed the deal.

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I can believe it. 

This is not the first story we've heard about ownership getting in the way of trades, and I highly doubt it'll be the last. 

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Nothing surprising at all about ownership still meddling. Didn't believe it for a second when Linden was hired, that ownership would stop meddling. Anyone who believed it, all I can say is: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Linden is nothing more then "yes man" and PR man to take pressure of ownership. Ownership also nixed a trade with Pittsburgh for Kesler. This organization is a mess and things are only going to get worst. Canucks need new ownership.


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Although I would't put it past the ownership to pull a stunt like this (which, from my understanding, some of us expected from the beginning), I would be extremely cautious when dealing with sources that are, shall we say, less than savoury.

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So we did nothing at the trade deadline... except lose Cracknell to waivers. Man, it's hard to be a Canucks fan these days.


And so what now happens with Hammer? On an open market I'm sure he could command a good $4-6m short term depending on how defenseman availability looks when his contract is finally up. Will the Canucks pay that? Does he really want to stay here and never have a shot at a cup before his retirement? I'm skeptical.


Also, nothing for Vrbata? Seriously? Given a more positive situation and a change of scenery the guy can still score 20 goals. I find that nobody was interested hard to believe.


If this really is ownership just being idiots and intervening, they need to stop right now. I'm seeing an awful lot of empty scenes in Roger's Arena these days, and it's just going to keep getting worse.

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5 minutes ago, the last outlaw said:

Nothing surprising at all about ownership still meddling. Didn't believe it for a second when Linden was hired, that ownership would stop meddling. Anyone who believed it, all I can say is: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Linden is nothing more then "yes man" and PR man to take pressure of ownership. Ownership also nixed a trade with Pittsburgh for Kesler. This organization is a mess and things are only going to get worst. Canucks need new ownership.


didn't ownership nix a trade at 2014 deadline for kesler

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