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9 Thoughts


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12 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

We are the lowest scoring team in franchise history. Lucic, or any UFA available will not change this. 


People also assume the rest of the league won't get better. I disagree. I would not so boldly predict that we are one of the only teams in the Western Conference that is trending down. We are trending up 5 years from now, but our spot price doesn't look good. 


If Calgary gets 1/2 a goalie they will be better

If Edmonton gets Mathews they'll be able to move guys for D. They look poised to finally make the moves needed. 

Winnipeg, Arizona and Colorado are stacked with ELITE scoring talent ready to take the next step. 


Dallas, Minny, Chi, LA, St.Louis, Nash, Ana, SJS aren't fading away anytime soon. 


We have too many holes to fill with UFAs and graduates. We don't have the organizational depth to trade for guys like Hamonic for example. 


This has been lurking in the shadows for the past few years now. It's inevitable. 


I am excited to draft generational talent for a change.


Hoping to make the playoffs next year is hoping for a prolonged period of mediocrity. Luckily we are so bad that we won't be able to stop it anymore. 


Embrace it, and watch the new core take shape. 

BOOM! goes the dynamite. Good analysis, Bamba. 

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17 hours ago, appleboy said:

1  So why nine?

2  Why not ten?

3 Or maybe just eight?

4  Ruuummmm?


Wow I couldn't get past four thoughts.

Because 10 was taken by Letterman.

OP, I give you a 10 for your 9.  It makes a lot of sense and I almost agree completely.  I would try to re-sign Hamhuis though.  As I said elsewhere in these threads, our young team needs the Sedins and Hamhuis as mentors.  Most likely they have the respect of the young players because of their personal achievements ... more so than guys like Hansen, Burrows, Edler.  Hutton has already mentioned the influence that Hamhuis has had on him.  Without adequate mentorship we become another Edmonton.

I also don't think we're getting Lucic.  He has said how much he likes it there in LA, and I think he will re-sign there.  LA is a cup contender and he's fitting in there. Why come to Vancouver, which is rebuilding, and where he has a love-hate relationship with the fans?  The rabid fans here (compared to LA's) would turn on him so quickly if he doesn't perform to their expectations, and things could get ugly fast.  I don't think he would risk that if he could help it.

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1 hour ago, Patchoball Cannons said:

8 years is max actually.

8 years if you are the team that own/last owned his rights. 7 years if you are picking them up via free agency. In other words Tampa can offer a 8 year deal any other team can only offer a 7.

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19 hours ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

Good post OP..You'd best make it 10!


#10..Bettman has a heart attack whilst walking his poodle in the summer heat. Gretz appointed league-czar. Cdn teams get to honestly join the league again. Bobby Orr is Gretz' asst..they design offensive plans, so the league avg's 7~8 goals per game.


World peace seems inevitable.

Zero chance of Gretzky being the next commissioner. And zero chance of Stamkos signing here. As for the Canucks in the playoffs next year, there is way more than a zero chance but it`s very unlikely. If you think that this team`s problems are limited to injuries, you are a biased fan, which is totally fine and what being a fan is all about. The facts are that Sedins are in decline and there is not much after that. This team is not good and won`t be good for some time. But yes, it`s those damm injuries and it`s Betman`s fault. And the refs.

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18 hours ago, RetroCanuck said:

Good because i think we are going to need it tonight....and the rest of the year! might need a few more bottles

The rest of the year? Do you think that this team will magically be better next year? Really?

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12 hours ago, Bur14Kes17 said:

Thanks for the nod mate. I'll try and stick around and post more often! I can't disagree with you're thoughts on Willie at all. We would have to start next year the way we're finishing this year for it to happen. 

I like Hammer a lot. Would love him back. It would be tough to let him walk. Just such a log jam of D on one way contracts. Maybe some of those can be moved at the draft?

Personnaly, I think stamkos is worth the money the way Toews and Kane are. He's only 25.. Wait maybe 26? . But you look and see how Chicago just continually fills in the spaces around them with young players while they drive the team. Seems to be a winning formula. All guess work at this point since he may not even make it to free agency.

Stamkos may be. I havent watched him much other against us or in the playoffs though. To me he seems like a pure goal scorer. How is he defensively though?  Id pay toews 10M because to me he is the best all around player in the league. Stamkos to me is worth Sedin money. 7-8M is the most i would pay. But hey, its just an opinion and you know what they say about opinions? They're like ass holes, everyone has got 1 :)


Stamkos is a very very talented player theres no doubt about it, I just hope we dont lose our youngsters because we dont have the cap after signing this guy long term. Thats my biggest fear.

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I know people are using it sarcastically but I wish people would stop using the term "tank". This more like the Tortorella season..... fubar.


"Tank" implies strategy. Like playing the developing goalie more, playing top line players less, trading vets at the TDL or acquiring draft picks. 


If VAN does end up with a high draft pick and that's a huge part of the "rebuild", that's not strategy, it's dumb luck. 



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1 hour ago, LaBamba said:

We are the lowest scoring team in franchise history. Lucic, or any UFA available will not change this. 


People also assume the rest of the league won't get better. I disagree. I would not so boldly predict that we are one of the only teams in the Western Conference that is trending down. We are trending up 5 years from now, but our spot price doesn't look good. 


If Calgary gets 1/2 a goalie they will be better

If Edmonton gets Mathews they'll be able to move guys for D. They look poised to finally make the moves needed. 

Winnipeg, Arizona and Colorado are stacked with ELITE scoring talent ready to take the next step. 


Dallas, Minny, Chi, LA, St.Louis, Nash, Ana, SJS aren't fading away anytime soon. 


We have too many holes to fill with UFAs and graduates. We don't have the organizational depth to trade for guys like Hamonic for example. 


This has been lurking in the shadows for the past few years now. It's inevitable. 


I am excited to draft generational talent for a change.


Hoping to make the playoffs next year is hoping for a prolonged period of mediocrity. Luckily we are so bad that we won't be able to stop it anymore. 


Embrace it, and watch the new core take shape. 

Sorry perhaps I was clear enough when I said big bounce back season.


By big bounce back I mean on the bubble for a wild card spot. By big bounce back, I mean a team that competes on a nightly basis. There is no scenario in my mind where we are a "good" team next year with any sort of playoff ambitions. What I am saying is that the Canucks are not as bad as the standings reflect them as being this year. But two broken jaws, a broken leg, and a sports hernia tear to your teams core, plus whatever Hank has had going on all year, will make any team drop pretty far. Like I said, I'm very happy about this because we would be in any position to draft elite scoring talent if Benning had his way.


This year truly is a gift of the hockey gods. We still have enough veterans to provide structure. With a healthier team next year, we can keep young players in roles better suited to them and we will be a better team next year. 


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2 hours ago, gameburn said:

You are right.  Edmonton is way too soft on D. They would love Sbisa.  But not until we have a bona fide replacement.  I think of Tryamkin as replacing Edler tbh.  And he's young.  If Pedan can replace Sbisa or if Larsen is good (I'm not sure he is) then we are talking.

Tryamkin and Sbisa are both leftys capable of playing the right side. So we may of found his replacment. Sbisa+vey for another 1st rounder? Would anyone bite?

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9 minutes ago, Bur14Kes17 said:

Sorry perhaps I was clear enough when I said big bounce back season.


1.  By big bounce back I mean on the bubble for a wild card spot. By big bounce back, I mean a team that competes on a nightly basis. There is no scenario in my mind where we are a "good" team next year with any sort of playoff ambitions. What I am saying is that the Canucks are not as bad as the standings reflect them as being this year. But two broken jaws, a broken leg, and a sports hernia tear to your teams core, plus whatever Hank has had going on all year, will make any team drop pretty far. Like I said, I'm very happy about this because we would be in any position to draft elite scoring talent if Benning had his way.


2.  This year truly is a gift of the hockey gods. We still have enough veterans to provide structure. 3.  With a healthier team next year, we can keep young players in roles better suited to them and we will be a better team next year. 


1.  I agree.   A big part of Benning's strategy is development.  The best kind of development comes from high level competition.  The best competition in the NHL is in the playoffs (1st round especially).  Therefore, Benning does his best to make this happen.


2.  Old core veterans (who can still play) provide the culture.  Sedin, Sedin, Hansen, Hamhuis.  Other veterans provide the structure (and sheltering) to allow young players the best chance at success.  Edler, Tanev, Miller, Sutter, Vrbata (or his replacement), Dorsett.


3.  When you're rebuilding, depth is always an issue.  You take a leap of faith that certain key personnel don't sustain major injuries.  Bad luck this year.  Horvat has enough character to get over being thrown in to the deep end of the pool.  The good news is, however this draft lottery goes, the Canucks will get a very good player.


Tin foil hat's aside, isn't it our turn to get a break with one of these draws?  The law of averages must turn some time.

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4 minutes ago, Bur14Kes17 said:

Sorry perhaps I was clear enough when I said big bounce back season.


By big bounce back I mean on the bubble for a wild card spot. By big bounce back, I mean a team that competes on a nightly basis. There is no scenario in my mind where we are a "good" team next year with any sort of playoff ambitions. What I am saying is that the Canucks are not as bad as the standings reflect them as being this year. But two broken jaws, a broken leg, and a sports hernia tear to your teams core, plus whatever Hank has had going on all year, will make any team drop pretty far. Like I said, I'm very happy about this because we would be in any position to draft elite scoring talent if Benning had his way.


This year truly is a gift of the hockey gods. We still have enough veterans to provide structure. With a healthier team next year, we can keep young players in roles better suited to them and we will be a better team next year. 


Again, you are assuming the rest of the league doesn't get better. 


You are also assuming we stay healthy all year. 


We didn't lose a prolific goal scorer to injury, so I'm still not sure where the goals will come from. 


UFA's? "I have been waiting my entire career to be able to cash in and select my destination, I choose the 2nd worse team in the league. I can't wait to be asked to waive my no trade when the new GM takes apart everything Benning did" " I am also excited to pad my point totals with the lowest scoring team in the league"

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26 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

Again, you are assuming the rest of the league doesn't get better. 


You are also assuming we stay healthy all year. 


We didn't lose a prolific goal scorer to injury, so I'm still not sure where the goals will come from. 


UFA's? "I have been waiting my entire career to be able to cash in and select my destination, I choose the 2nd worse team in the league. I can't wait to be asked to waive my no trade when the new GM takes apart everything Benning did" " I am also excited to pad my point totals with the lowest scoring team in the league"

You are right of course but the above is true for any season. 


The highlighted part is perhaps my single biggest fear with the new regime.  I think that they have a decent plan.  That is how Benning got hired in the first place and I would like to think that the 3 principles:  Benning, Linden, and Aquilini all sat down at the very beginning and agreed on a plan and how they would proceed.  I think that Aquilini's input was his desire to give the old regime another kick at the can.  They took it and did well with a 101 point season but got punted in the playoffs.  It is clear now that Benning is slowly turning the team over.


There is no bigger waste of time and resources than to start a plan, then change your mind and decide to go in another direction.

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11 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

Again, you are assuming the rest of the league doesn't get better. 


You are also assuming we stay healthy all year. 


We didn't lose a prolific goal scorer to injury, so I'm still not sure where the goals will come from. 


UFA's? "I have been waiting my entire career to be able to cash in and select my destination, I choose the 2nd worse team in the league. I can't wait to be asked to waive my no trade when the new GM takes apart everything Benning did" " I am also excited to pad my point totals with the lowest scoring team in the league"

You my friend are assuming that when some teams get better, that other teams don't get worse.  Every team in the league doesn't just get better every year while we get worse.


Im assuming that we have a healthier year next year then we did this year. There's a difference. 


We have no prolific goal scorer. But can you tell me that Bo, Jake, and Sven won't pot 4 more goals each next year then they did this year? Vrbatas replacement (Loui Eriksson perhaps) can't score 20? 


Dont try and think I'm without perspective


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47 minutes ago, McHortanen said:

Tryamkin and Sbisa are both leftys capable of playing the right side. So we may of found his replacment. Sbisa+vey for another 1st rounder? Would anyone bite?

Given what happened at TDL, I don't know what we get for these guys -- nor for the others that will have to be dumped if we have Rodin and various rookies in the lineup come Fall.  (And Laine.... I can dream.)  But every player who is a lock only makes the moving of some players so much more important.  I think it must have been a shocker for Benning to have no bites on his big list of expendables and then at the TDL with Hamhuis and Vrbata.   I could see Vrb not getting much (he's well into his 30s, had a bad year, and he'd have been free in 3 months) but the entire list of, what was it, 7 players?  Talk about having to deal with mediocrity. 


I do think though that Sbisa has value.  Vey? 

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29 minutes ago, gameburn said:

Given what happened at TDL, I don't know what we get for these guys -- nor for the others that will have to be dumped if we have Rodin and various rookies in the lineup come Fall.  (And Laine.... I can dream.)  But every player who is a lock only makes the moving of some players so much more important.  I think it must have been a shocker for Benning to have no bites on his big list of expendables and then at the TDL with Hamhuis and Vrbata.   I could see Vrb not getting much (he's well into his 30s, had a bad year, and he'd have been free in 3 months) but the entire list of, what was it, 7 players?  Talk about having to deal with mediocrity. 


I do think though that Sbisa has value.  Vey? 

Vey is really undervalued here on CDC. He has been great since his call up. Everyone is so close minded when it comes to him because of his poor play last year. The only way people here start liking him is if he becomes P. Kane lol.

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12 minutes ago, McHortanen said:
15 minutes ago, McHortanen said:

Vey is really undervalued here on CDC. He has been great since his call up. Everyone is so close minded when it comes to him because of his poor play last year. The only way people here start liking him is if he becomes P. Kane lol.


I'd like to see Vey back again -- for no other reason than to see if he keeps improving.  On the other hand, his defensive play can be awful at times; and in spite of fantastic passing and possession abilities, he doesn't seem to put up points -- especially 5 on 5.  Worth keeping, but if we draft Laine, Matthews or Puljujarvi (or Dubois or McLeod) all of whom would probably make the team, where do we fit in all these forwards?


Sedin, Sedin, Hansen

Puljujarvi, Sutter, Virt

Baer, Horvat, Etem

Dorsett, Gaunce or McCann, Ronin

And Granlund

And Vey? And Burrows? And Grenier?

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Just now, gameburn said:

I'd like to see Vey back again -- for no other reason than to see if he keeps improving.  On the other hand, his defensive play can be awful at times; and in spite of fantastic passing and possession abilities, he doesn't seem to put up points -- especially 5 on 5.  Worth keeping, but if we draft Laine, Matthews or Puljujarvi (or Dubois or McLeod) all of whom would probably make the team, where do we fit in all these forwards?


Sedin, Sedin, Hansen

Puljujarvi, Sutter, Virt

Baer, Horvat, Etem

Dorsett, Gaunce or McCann, Ronin

And Granlund

And Vey? And Burrows? And Grenier?

Is dubois really that good? I live in Cape Breton and have yet to see him play. My friends tell me hes great but would rather someone else if their team drafted top 10. Im actually surprised so many people want him with him being in the Q. To me Dubois is not a player that will make the Canucks right away, he will be a great project. But hey Im just basing my judgment off of a few buddies thats seen him play in person quite a few times this year. Maybe ill go watch a playoff game and get some video clips of his play for you guys and see how good he is. 


IMO if we dont get a top 4 pick (Matthews, Laine, Puljujarvi, Chychrun) or maybe top 5 (tkachuk) then we trade down a few spots and acquire more assets.


Back to Vey. If we cant get atleast our 2nd back we hang onto him for atleast 1 more season. Who knows what he can become, hes been getting better and better, I have hope for him still. To me I think he would do his best in the east and I am hoping to get Drouin for Edler++, maybe Vey could be one of the added pieces?

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1 hour ago, Bur14Kes17 said:

You my friend are assuming that when some teams get better, that other teams don't get worse.  Every team in the league doesn't just get better every year while we get worse.


Im assuming that we have a healthier year next year then we did this year. There's a difference. 


We have no prolific goal scorer. But can you tell me that Bo, Jake, and Sven won't pot 4 more goals each next year then they did this year? Vrbatas replacement (Loui Eriksson perhaps) can't score 20? 


Dont try and think I'm without perspective


Your disappointment in the future will amuse me.  

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