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Next 5 years and prospects....

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5 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:

Boston's core is made up of 2nd and 3rd round picks.  Benning of all people should know how important it is to acquire them.  And if he was scouting for Boston in 2013, how the hell do you let Pastrnak get past us in 2014?.. anyways..


Marchand 3rd round

Bergeron 2nd round

Krejci 2nd round

Chara 3rd round


Carlo 2nd round

Grezlyk 3rd round


Forsbacka-Karllson 2nd round

Lindgren 2nd round

Donato 2nd round

Cehlarik 3rd round


Lucic 2nd round


I say, even though it’s not been made public, that JB (because he came to us from Boston) was not allowed - gentleman’s agreement- to participate in the first two rounds of the 2014 draft. 

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3 hours ago, The 5th Line said:

Boston's core is made up of 2nd and 3rd round picks.  Benning of all people should know how important it is to acquire them, wasn't he a part of these drafts?  How does Pastrnak get by us in 2014 when Benning was a part of that scouting staff?  Why is he not prioritizing draft picks?  Clearly trying to rush the process


Marchand 3rd round

Bergeron 2nd round

Krejci 2nd round

Chara 3rd round


Carlo 2nd round

Grezlyk 3rd round


Forsbacka-Karllson 2nd round

Lindgren 2nd round

Donato 2nd round

Cehlarik 3rd round


Lucic 2nd round


You know there’s a clip somewhere where a Benning berates his draft team for accidentally passing on Pastrnak? He was pissed.

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2 hours ago, The 5th Line said:

So Benning gets all the credit when we make a good pick, but apparently it's someone else's fault when we miss?   How do we know when Benning is the one pulling the trigger?  When we nail a pick.. of course


Benning would of scouted Pastrnak while in Boston wouldn't he have?  Does Benning actually do much scouting or is this all just completely overblown?  Maybe he's too busy overpaying old free agents and getting pushed around in negotiations to do any amateur scouting.  If he's not the one scouting, what the hell is he doing?  Telling our scouts how to scout?  He was a rookie GM and is still trying to learn on the fly and it just hasn't been working.   


We have no solid hockey people helping him make decisions, we had Linden who himself was a rookie president and he couldn't hack it, now Benning stands alone and answers to Aqualini..we could be doomed.  I hope everybody is strapped in for July 1st it's gonna be fun

It's likely that, if Benning was angry about it, he probably had scouted Pasternak and they probably just accidently missed him on the list come draft.


Basically would have been a big oops. I don't know anything about it though. It's just my interpretation of it.

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4 hours ago, The 5th Line said:

I am well aware of their draft history.


Donato, Lindgren, Carlo, Forsbacka-Karlsson, Grezlyk, Cehlarik, Khochalev(not sure why he never got a shot), Spooner, Hutchinson are all fairly recent.  Sure it's been a long time to acquire the elite talents like Marchand, Krejci, Bergeron, Lucic and Chara but you gotta start somewhere.  And just cause it took them a long time to find them, doesn't mean it will take us that long.  



The last 10 years the Bruins have made


12 2nd round picks

7  3rd round picks


The Canucks


7 2nd round picks

9 3rd round picks


Last 5 years(since Benning took over)



7 2nd round picks

3 3rd round picks



4 2nd round picks

5 3rd round picks


In the last 10 years they have missed the playoffs twice, we have missed it six times, and they are still out-drafting  us in the second round nearly two fold.  When are we going to learn from our mistakes?  Seriously 


Every one wanted change when Benning came here, everyone thought we were finally going to do things properly.  Draft, develop rinse and repeat.  Benning is trying to make the playoffs, he isn't looking at the bigger picture, it's obvious.  We have hit on some beauties with our first rounders, great, lots of teams do that.  Other than the first rounders we have brought in 0 impact players other than.... Baertschi and Roussel?  Friggin Vrbata?  Thats a dog's breakfast if we're talking about impact players .  Two 35 point players and Radim "sniffles" Vrbata

Let me get this straight...Boston has 1 more pick in 5 years so that means they out drafted the Canucks....OK.

The Canucks 2 round picks have been considerably higher the Boston's 2nd rounders.

Seems to me you are the one missing the "big picture".

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3 hours ago, spur1 said:

Let me get this straight...Boston has 1 more pick in 5 years so that means they out drafted the Canucks....OK.

The Canucks 2 round picks have been considerably higher the Boston's 2nd rounders.

Seems to me you are the one missing the "big picture".

Never mind that you actually need saleable assets to acquire extra picks...

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3 hours ago, spur1 said:

Let me get this straight...Boston has 1 more pick in 5 years so that means they out drafted the Canucks....OK.

The Canucks 2 round picks have been considerably higher the Boston's 2nd rounders.

Seems to me you are the one missing the "big picture".

Totally agree.  We should be selling our aging guys, before they age too much to have less than 3rd. value.  The first few seasons of this habit would be hard, of course.  But once the picks start to mature in the AHL, then it's just a matter of moving the old, and allowing the young guys to compete for the open spots.  When you have Chara, Bergeron, Marchand (friggin' rat) and other much needed core guys who are aging, decisions to trade them for 3rd picks becomes much more difficult.  But maybe that's when it's time to do a tear down full rebuild?  I think, because of Aquilini's interference (he did fire Gillis, when Gillis wanted to rebuild) we delayed a proper rebuild by several years.  Now we have Bo, Petey, Boeser, Hughes, and Demko to build around, so the future should be very bright.  

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9 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:

 Yes just one more pick during the last 5 years but overall they've had more value with the extra 2nds.  Plus, here they are in a conference final again and here we are near the bottom again.  And no you pointed out one aspect of my numerous pages of info and data.

Boston's key core guys, from 2011, were a lot younger than ours though, or have aged better.  I agree we need more picks in the top 60 though.  

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15 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:

Not a single forward prospect joining our organization this season.  We have defenseman prospects joining because they CHOSE to sign with us via free agency.  We have one that's right ONE drafted prospect joining our club this season and that's a goalie.  Pitiful 





I'm not sure what your point  is?  Last year we had Gaudette, Demko and that EP guy play for us.  Next year you will see Hughes, Joulevi, Macewen, and potentially our #10 pick  (depending who) in the NHL.  Lockwood, Madden, Woo, Rathbone the following year or 2.  How many rookies do you expect them to add each year?

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25 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:

Not a single forward prospect joining our organization this season.  We have defenseman prospects joining because they CHOSE to sign with us via free agency.  We have one that's right ONE drafted prospect joining our club this season and that's a goalie.  Pitiful 





Really...you might want to wait until after training camp and exhibition to say that. 

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17 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:

Not sure what my point is?  You're kidding, right?


I would hope at least one drafted forward or d-man join our organization each year...during a rebuild

Next year you will see at least 2 D and 1 forward, maybe more.  This year was 2 forwards and a goalie.  That's 6 homegrown rookies in 2 years with more to come.  We're complainig about that?

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One has to concede that mistakes have been made by Benning. I don't know how one cannot admit that. Caused by, seemingly, a caveat in accepting the position, and be prepared to NOT do what Gillis recommended, strip down and rebuild. And instead figure out a way to take advantage of the final years of Sedins at their best, add support veterans and get back into the playoffs where anything can happen. Draft picks be damed.  I can't blame JB for taking the job, first time as a GM, even under those conditions, its a dream job.  And hey It might have even worked. What if Eriksson performed at even a 20 goals a year pace? What if Gagner and Sutter had played at near that same level of performance?  What if our injury troubles were less taxing to core players. If Tanev and Edler weren't so injury prone?  Dorsett didn't have to retire. I could go on. Better luck at the draft. Basically if our luck was anything other than "Canuck luck".


But history tells us that building up through the draft, shedding vets before their due date, is the most successful way in the end. If you think you don't have the assets, get creative. Weaponize your cap. Other GMs find ways.  It takes creativity and a commitment to go 180, soon enough, while you still have assets.  (Like the Rangers publicly announced) Its not so much that we don't have SOME decent prospects, its how many more quality prospects we'd have ready to contribute even next season. 


It really hit home watching the first round where it sunk in...how there are at least 16 teams that are contenders, that have a playoff calibre team, with much of the pieces needed. 16 teams where when I watched them I realized how much further they are. The toughness, the scoring, the goaltending to compete in the SC playoffs. And how much more we need to get better. We would have been swept if we even had made it. We are getting better but other teams are getting better too. The NHL in general is getting younger, faster, and more skilled. Its about catching up and keeping up.


All that said,  I'm getting tired of complaining. We are what we are. I, and all of us, have no other \choice but to look at the positives. Pettersson and Boeser are actual "foundational" players. It seems like Quinn will be one as well. Markstrom has improved and evolved into a real #1, taking the pressure off of that position from Demko to develop. Of course Bo is playing even better than some projected. And, even though we have a gap now in new top prospects for next season maybe two, we have a few promising coming up the pike.. Lockwood, Woo, Madden, Juolevi, DiPietro.  It is now too late to strip down, and do it right, as we will have wasted Bo's best years, and much of Petey and Brock's.  So let's hope it pays off, and JB can perform a couple of miracles this draft / trades.  We need some luck now. And I'm cheering for JB to get a little of it.  I think we have to admit the mistakes first, but we can only be positive and hope for the best. We have no other choice.  Go Canucks Go!


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2 hours ago, The 5th Line said:

No I don't need to.  Obviously I'm excluding this years draft, we may add one from their but other than that there is nobody coming.   

Never heard of FA or a trade eh. 

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2 hours ago, BCNate said:

Next year you will see at least 2 D and 1 forward, maybe more.  This year was 2 forwards and a goalie.  That's 6 homegrown rookies in 2 years with more to come.  We're complainig about that?

We also added a 3 forwards through trade. 

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4 hours ago, kilgore said:

One has to concede that mistakes have been made by Benning. I don't know how one cannot admit that. Caused by, seemingly, a caveat in accepting the position, and be prepared to NOT do what Gillis recommended, strip down and rebuild. And instead figure out a way to take advantage of the final years of Sedins at their best, add support veterans and get back into the playoffs where anything can happen. Draft picks be damed.  I can't blame JB for taking the job, first time as a GM, even under those conditions, its a dream job.  And hey It might have even worked. What if Eriksson performed at even a 20 goals a year pace? What if Gagner and Sutter had played at near that same level of performance?  What if our injury troubles were less taxing to core players. If Tanev and Edler weren't so injury prone?  Dorsett didn't have to retire. I could go on. Better luck at the draft. Basically if our luck was anything other than "Canuck luck".


But history tells us that building up through the draft, shedding vets before their due date, is the most successful way in the end. If you think you don't have the assets, get creative. Weaponize your cap. Other GMs find ways.  It takes creativity and a commitment to go 180, soon enough, while you still have assets.  (Like the Rangers publicly announced) Its not so much that we don't have SOME decent prospects, its how many more quality prospects we'd have ready to contribute even next season. 


It really hit home watching the first round where it sunk in...how there are at least 16 teams that are contenders, that have a playoff calibre team, with much of the pieces needed. 16 teams where when I watched them I realized how much further they are. The toughness, the scoring, the goaltending to compete in the SC playoffs. And how much more we need to get better. We would have been swept if we even had made it. We are getting better but other teams are getting better too. The NHL in general is getting younger, faster, and more skilled. Its about catching up and keeping up.


All that said,  I'm getting tired of complaining. We are what we are. I, and all of us, have no other \choice but to look at the positives. Pettersson and Boeser are actual "foundational" players. It seems like Quinn will be one as well. Markstrom has improved and evolved into a real #1, taking the pressure off of that position from Demko to develop. Of course Bo is playing even better than some projected. And, even though we have a gap now in new top prospects for next season maybe two, we have a few promising coming up the pike.. Lockwood, Woo, Madden, Juolevi, DiPietro.  It is now too late to strip down, and do it right, as we will have wasted Bo's best years, and much of Petey and Brock's.  So let's hope it pays off, and JB can perform a couple of miracles this draft / trades.  We need some luck now. And I'm cheering for JB to get a little of it.  I think we have to admit the mistakes first, but we can only be positive and hope for the best. We have no other choice.  Go Canucks Go!


original.jpg?s=320x320m&sig=2dc60e95c5e8    MNQqTfVk_400x400.jpg

EP and Hughes are still young enough for a complete tear down top to bottom. Horvat can be our grisly vet once our rebuild is complete.


I say do it right rather than hope... if it takes another 3 or 4 years so be it. Judging on our current team, that’s how long it’s going to take anyways with Benning in charge.


Too bad Holland is off the table now. He could have been our catalyst for our proper rebuild. 

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2 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:

Im talking about drafted prospects joining the org next year.  Sure I guess you can count Hughes in that, DiPietro too.  No forwards.


People here just don't have a grasp on the rest of the league and how many young players are continuously brought in to each teams system....retooling teams in particular.   

True.  I’d like to see Jasek and Gadjovic get some games up here next season.  I think Jasek could provide much needed forecheck and Gadjovic some much needed face punching.  Would Big Mac count as a forward we developed?  

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18 hours ago, Tomatoes11 said:

EP and Hughes are still young enough for a complete tear down top to bottom. Horvat can be our grisly vet once our rebuild is complete.


I say do it right rather than hope... if it takes another 3 or 4 years so be it. Judging on our current team, that’s how long it’s going to take anyways with Benning in charge.


Too bad Holland is off the table now. He could have been our catalyst for our proper rebuild. 

Horvat may demand a trade if that happened.  At any rate, I hardly think the Aquilini's  ("NO COLLUSION..NO INTERFERENCE! FAKE NEWS!") will suddenly go 180 now, admit they were wrong. Especially now with Boeser and Pettersson in the fold. Those two + Hughes, will only make them want to double down to make the playoffs next season. And even JB, no matter how much he grovels to his boss, and how Francis has him all to himself with no obnoxious President, or other experienced managers, to clip the string between their two can phone line, would not feel the heat of looking at more years of playoff drought. He had his shot at rebuilding....er retooling....and kinda blew it.  Not many GMs miss the playoffs for 5 years and THEN are allowed to stay and start a new 3-4 year plan. 


No, we have to see this out now.  Hope for a bit of luck.  Detroit managed to compete in the playoffs for 25 freakin years in a row!  Landing free agents through that time like, Hasek, Hull, Kocur, Hossa, Osgood, Cleary, Rafalski, Robitaille, Duchesne, Drake, Bertuzzi!!....to push them over the top. And hope like heck our remaining prospects don't leave the system, and improve better than expected. And for gawd's sake can we have a season or two in a row with at least less than average injuries?

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