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ICBC Excessive Speeding Prohibition

Thirty Niner

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I was behind someone on the highway today who was going well below the speed limit in the fast lane. (like 65-70 on an 80) Granted it was wet outside but I was driving a 5 spd truck with an iffy rear end, I always slow down well in advance of a stop, and always downshift when I'm driving my truck/a standard. In the middle of a highway that's a little ridiculous. Our drivers need to have courtesy. That's my big pet peeve in driving for a living. (That and people who speed up to a stop, just to go heavy on their brakes to make the stop)

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13 minutes ago, Smashian Kassian said:

I got an excessive speeding ticket with my N. Got impounded, had to pay a big ticket, then had to pay again each year for 3 years. I agree with a big penalty upfront but don't agree with the penalties years later. That part of it feels like a money grab.


ICBC is garbage. I've had my full licence for like 4+ years, I now drive a big truck for a living & have my air brakes (planning to get my class 1), and my insurance goes up $40+ a month with this new system, that's with minimum liability & no collision. (no accidents, and the 1 ticket). 


I don't know what the answer is but something needs to change. I don't even feel bad for myself when I consider how they are bleeding new drivers now. Its crazy.

Yup just found this out the other day when I renewed my insurance, because basic insurance went up 6.3 or something percent and I now pay almost $200 more a year, I thought the whole point was the people who were getting the tickets were going to be paying more... So what's the point of driving safe? If it just goes up anyways.....



I remember when I used to get insurance yearly and maybe around when I was only at 20% discount, the following year my insurance was cheaper, but for some reason the last 4-5 years as my discount rate went to 43% my insurance has gone up every year with having a higher discount, that crap just doesn't add up anymore especially when I'm not getting any tickets either, the system is a JOKE. 


And regarding new drivers and their costs I'll agree with you it's stupid, seeing how much my brother had to start paying when he turned 18 and got his own vehicle, was RIDICULOUS he was paying almost 5x more a month then me.

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2 minutes ago, ChuckNORRIS4Cup said:

Yup just found this out the other day when I renewed my insurance, because basic insurance went up 6.3 or something percent and I now pay almost $200 more a year, I thought the whole point was the people who were getting the tickets were going to be paying more... So what's the point of driving safe? If it just goes up anyways.....



I remember when I used to get insurance yearly and maybe around when I was only at 20% discount, the following year my insurance was cheaper, but for some reason the last 4-5 years as my discount rate went to 43% my insurance has gone up every year with having a higher discount, that crap just doesn't add up anymore especially when I'm not getting any tickets either, the system is a JOKE. 


And regarding new drivers and their costs I'll agree with you it's stupid, seeing how much my brother had to start paying when he turned 18 and got his own vehicle, was RIDICULOUS he was paying almost 5x more a month then me.

Absolutely. Like I said I don't know what the answer is but this is ridiculous. The roadways here largely suck, too many people congested, now you have distracted driving (and not just phones, cars made with screens). With our system it ends up in everyone fronting the bill. I guess that's the way it is with so many people. I really don't know. I just don't think my insurance should go up when I've had no accidents. 


And I don't know that I agree with killing people who get in accidents either. I've made mistakes & I wouldn't want to be murdered for a mistake, its just broken & they need someone to blame. So its young people paying the price. Make it even harder for people starting out right? Genius idea. 

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2 minutes ago, ChuckNORRIS4Cup said:

Yup just found this out the other day when I renewed my insurance, because basic insurance went up 6.3 or something percent and I now pay almost $200 more a year, I thought the whole point was the people who were getting the tickets were going to be paying more... So what's the point of driving safe? If it just goes up anyways.....



I remember when I used to get insurance yearly and maybe around when I was only at 20% discount, the following year my insurance was cheaper, but for some reason the last 4-5 years as my discount rate went to 43% my insurance has gone up every year with having a higher discount, that crap just doesn't add up anymore especially when I'm not getting any tickets either, the system is a JOKE. 


And regarding new drivers and their costs I'll agree with you it's stupid, seeing how much my brother had to start paying when he turned 18 and got his own vehicle, was RIDICULOUS he was paying almost 5x more a month then me.

Clearly having a public insurance monopoly like ICBC is the worst way to cover drivers’ insurance.  The fat system created in a government system is so bloated it can never be as affordable private.  

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Just now, Smashian Kassian said:

Absolutely. Like I said I don't know what the answer is but this is ridiculous. The roadways here largely suck, too many people congested, now you have distracted driving (and not just phones, cars made with screens). With our system it ends up in everyone fronting the bill. I guess that's the way it is with so many people. I really don't know. I just don't think my insurance should go up when I've had no accidents. 


And I don't know that I agree with killing people who get in accidents either. I've made mistakes & I wouldn't want to be murdered for a mistake, its just broken & they need someone to blame. So its young people paying the price. Make it even harder for people starting out right? Genius idea. 

Yeah, now don't get me wrong many N drivers have been causing more accidents or speeding insanely, but doesn't mean the system should target "every" young driver because of other people's actions, but that's what they're doing and why it cost so much for young new drivers, it's a bad system.


I've been saying this since day 1 when I started driving and back then you could drive holding a cell phone and have a conversation, it wasn't because my hand was not on the wheel that made me distracted it was the conversation I was having that made me distracted, my eyes are on the road the whole time I'm not looking at my phone when I'm talking to the person. The mind needs to be concentrated on the road infront of them while driving, but when it's being distracted by a conversation that's what makes it a problem now, even though my eyes were on the road the whole time I drove through an intersection and as soon as I drove through I had no idea if the light was red or green just went on instinct, because my mind was distracted by the conversation I was having not because my other hand wasn't on the wheel. I then handed the phone to my buddy in the passenger seat and told him to talk to my gf because I wanted to pay attention to the road and not accidently do something wrong. 


Texting is a no no, you need to keep your eyes on the road, but here's the other thing like you mentioned with the screens now, but I drive older cars because I like to do my own work on them and tbh they don't have as many gadgets in them like cars do now that imo distracts drivers more, and they continue to put more of these things in the cars which just ends up distracting people more imo and taking their eyes off the road. When I got into and drove one of my parents newer vehicles, I couldn't believe how many buttons are all over the place now it's way to many imo, to be distracting drivers, so imo the cars who keep producing these things with all these new gadgets and buttons are helping create the distracted driving.


Wait what you're last comment, people are being killed now if they accidentally kill someone in a car accident? That's news to me, if true then that just puts more fear into drivers and that's not safe at all....

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42 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Clearly having a public insurance monopoly like ICBC is the worst way to cover drivers’ insurance.  The fat system created in a government system is so bloated it can never be as affordable private.  

I don't think it's the worst to have it, but the way it's being run unfortunately is the worst way.

Edited by ChuckNORRIS4Cup
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49 minutes ago, ChuckNORRIS4Cup said:

It shouldn't be but if that car is going below the speed limit on purpose and now slowing down even more because they don't like the car that close and it's on dash cam now, who's really at fault? 


Now if you're going the speed limit and continue to go the speed limit but the car is tailgating you(city driving we're talking about) then they rear end you then 100% they're at fault, you don't need to use your brakes because your going the speed limit, but with dash cam video now a days and it's showing you slowing down on purpose now going below the speed limit without using your brakes, it's going to be 50/50 fault.



It's incumbent on you to be at a distance that's sufficient for you to stop before hitting them from behind. You hit someone from behind, it's your fault regardless of what you think their motivation is. 

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1 minute ago, inane said:



It's incumbent on you to be at a distance that's sufficient for you to stop before hitting them from behind. You hit someone from behind, it's your fault regardless of what you think their motivation is. 

Things just aren't as black and white as they used to be, what you're saying is 100% correct don't get me wrong, you are to keep a distance, but unfortunately when you're in heavy traffic situation that just doesn't happen, and the driver behind you can't always see what's going on infront of the vehicle infront of them, so if they purposely slow down or stop without using their brakes and you accidently rear end them and have that on camera, you will be just as much at fault as the person who re-ended you, because you didn't warn the vehicle behind you that you were coming to a stop, the vehicle behind you can't see what's infront of you always.

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3 minutes ago, ChuckNORRIS4Cup said:

Things just aren't as black and white as they used to be, what you're saying is 100% correct don't get me wrong, you are to keep a distance, but unfortunately when you're in heavy traffic situation that just doesn't happen, and the driver behind you can't always see what's going on infront of the vehicle infront of them, so if they purposely slow down or stop without using their brakes and you accidently rear end them and have that on camera, you will be just as much at fault as the person who re-ended you, because you didn't warn the vehicle behind you that you were coming to a stop, the vehicle behind you can't see what's infront of you always.

What? If they intentionally stop in front of you without using their brakes? How? What? Lol

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13 minutes ago, inane said:

What? If they intentionally stop in front of you without using their brakes? How? What? Lol

Manual cars can stop when in neutral if you're not aware, not all cars are automatic and move, lol


They could also be in 1st gear and stall and come to a stop, if traffic is that slow, it's the down shifting of slowing down and not using the brakes, where if the driver is experienced enough he could almost stop the car by just downshifting and not using his brakes.

Edited by ChuckNORRIS4Cup
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As my car has been impounded twice I was served notice that the impound increased from 7-days to 30-days.


The kick in the nards is the prohibition time will follow (not be served concurrently).


A bigger kick in the nards is typing this out knowing CDCers enjoy reading it.


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3 minutes ago, Thirty Niner said:

As my car has been impounded twice I was served notice that the impound increased from 7-days to 30-days.


The kick in the nards is the prohibition time will follow (not be served concurrently).


A bigger kick in the nards is typing this out knowing CDCers enjoy reading it.


The real question is have you learned anything from this?

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13 minutes ago, ChuckNORRIS4Cup said:

Manual cars can stop when in neutral if you're not aware, not all cars are automatic and move, lol


They could also be in 1st gear and stall and come to a stop, if traffic is that slow, it's the down shifting of slowing down and not using the brakes, where if the driver is experienced enough he could almost stop the car by just downshifting and not using his brakes.

If any of that happens and you hit them from behind, it's your fault lol


I drive stick, I can't suddenly stop by down shifting lol. 


I feel like you're stretching here lol

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16 minutes ago, inane said:

If any of that happens and you hit them from behind, it's your fault lol


I drive stick, I can't suddenly stop by down shifting lol. 


I feel like you're stretching here lol

So why do cars need brake lights then? By that logic you're trying to say we don't need them to inform vehicles behind us that we're slowing down..... 


I used to drive a couple vehicles with manual and I could almost come to a complete stop without using my brakes, it's not that hard.

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List of vehicles I have own, 1978 Toyota Land Cruiser, 1984 Honda Accord, 1989 Honda Prelude(Manual), 1990 Toyota Celica(Manual), 1994 Chrysler Intrepid, 1995 Chevrolet Beretta. 


My favorite 1978 Toyota Landcruiser, this thing was a beast, and the best part the previous owner of it converted it into an automatic, all those Landcruisers back then were made as manuals, this guy put a Chevy 350 in it and man did it have power, but once gas prices starting going up it became to expensive unfortunately had to sell it.


I also really liked my Honda Prelude that car was so smooth handled amazing imo, unfortunately some stupid driver smashed it when it was parked on the road and it became a write off.

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14 minutes ago, ChuckNORRIS4Cup said:

The real question is have you learned anything from this?

I've learned more about myself actually. I could let this ruin my daily outlook and sulk about costs and restrictions but rather I accept it's out of my control now. What's done is done. It's more important to stay positive, make the most out of every day and adapt as needed. I'm not prohibited yet but once that comes I'll deal with the arrangements and live every day fully. I accept the consequences but I'm not going to let the "program" affect my spirit or way of life. That's #1.


#2 is obvious. They nail you pretty harshly when you drive 41km over a speed limit.

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Just now, Thirty Niner said:

I've learned more about myself actually. I could let this ruin my daily outlook and sulk about costs and restrictions but rather I accept it's out of my control now. What's done is done. It's more important to stay positive, make the most out of every day and adapt as needed. I'm not prohibited yet but once that comes I'll deal with the arrangements and live every day fully. I accept the consequences but I'm not going to let the "program" affect my spirit or way of life. That's #1.


#2 is obvious. They nail you pretty harshly when you drive 41km over a speed limit.

So you will continue to drive with excessive speed when all is said and done?

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19 minutes ago, ChuckNORRIS4Cup said:

So you will continue to drive with excessive speed when all is said and done?

No I'll watch the speed. And quite frankly being caught I was only commuting to work. I drove into a trap. I wasn't driving the hell out of my car or trying to pass people. It was a surprise and that's the way it had to go. I can follow the signs, that's a choice I'll do differently going forward.

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2 minutes ago, Thirty Niner said:

No I'll watch the speed. And quite frankly being caught I was only commuting to work. I drove into a trap. I wasn't driving the hell out of my car or trying to pass people. It was a surprise and that's the way it had to go. I can follow the signs, that's a choice I'll do differently going forward.

There we go that's the answer I was hoping for the first time :lol:. Look people aren't asking or wanting you to drive like an old lady or something, but just be more cautious and obviously aware of yes the signs, because at the end of the day speed does kill. 

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8 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:

Our drivers need to have courtesy. 



Pages now of arguing about who's more wrong, the tailgater or the going too slow and not moving out of the left laner. 




Frankly, I put both of you in the same category as people on their phones, people who drive 'scared' and people who drive hyper-aggressively and WAY faster than surrounding traffic.


You can all GTFO of public roads as far as I'm concerned.


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