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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:

I dont understand why they are heading to Victoria then.




There is still a bc vaxxpass and some mandates left. I have nothing to do with the convoy but that would be my guess. Maybe it's easier to drive to Victoria than Ottawa for them

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1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

Because Ottawa made it very clear that these worthless parasites were not welcome there.  Victoria will do the same.

So the only provincial mandate left is the vaxxpass and it's up soon.


They are barking at provincial legislature about federal mandates?


No wonder they confuse the majority of Canada. They aren't making much sense, still. 

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4 minutes ago, Mossberg said:

There is still a bc vaxxpass and some mandates left. I have nothing to do with the convoy but that would be my guess. Maybe it's easier to drive to Victoria than Ottawa for them



"This is a very intense, deeply rooted NDP-Liberal stronghold down there and they've had their way for too long."

Sounds more like neo-Nazi scum attempting to overthrow a lawfully elected government to me again.  Same as it was the first time these pieces of garbage occupied a Canadian city.  Give the cops the tools they need to deal with these scumbags and don't use the kid gloves this time; beat the living crap out of these terrorists.

Edited by King Heffy
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4 minutes ago, Mossberg said:

There is still a bc vaxxpass and some mandates left. I have nothing to do with the convoy but that would be my guess. Maybe it's easier to drive to Victoria than Ottawa for them

I heard the moron leadero of the  group this morning on CKNW.  He has no idea what he's talking about.  He rambled on about freedumbs and laws being broken and taking governments to court.  He's a complete idiot.  Anyone who is going along with this idiot are equally stupid.  These are the extreme antivaxxers.  You know.  The ones who eat horsey paste and drink their own urine.  The crazies.  Should all be locked up for their own good. 

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2 minutes ago, King Heffy said:


Sounds more like neo-Nazi scum attempting to overthrow a lawfully elected government to me again.  Same as it was the first time these pieces of garbage occupied a Canadian city.  Give the cops the tools they need to deal with these parasites and don't use the kid gloves this time; beat the living crap out of these terrorists.

Ya because one person said that that must be the whole reason

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3 minutes ago, King Heffy said:


Sounds more like neo-Nazi scum attempting to overthrow a lawfully elected government to me again.  Same as it was the first time these pieces of garbage occupied a Canadian city.  Give the cops the tools they need to deal with these scumbags and don't use the kid gloves this time; beat the living crap out of these terrorists.

Yes the Island is a NDP strong hold.

Someone recently broke the windows of my NDP local MP's office . Helping me make my decision to vote for them again. 

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4 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

Yes the Island is a NDP strong hold.

Someone recently broke the windows of my NDP local MP's office . Helping me make my decision to vote for them again. 

You're gonna vote for Gord John's again because of that. Lol

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7 minutes ago, Mossberg said:

Coming from you that's funny. 

Sure it's funny.  Kind of  like thinking eating horse dewormer and drinking one's urine being a good way to combat Covid (instead of getting vaccinated) is funny.  

Alf is a farm boy.  He knows the value of vaccinating the herd.  He understands what dewormer does. (and doesn't do)  And he can smell a moron a mile away.  The leader of this group of freedumb fighters heading to Victoria smells bad.  

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1 hour ago, WeneedLumme said:

And the opinion of everybody who is not completely braindead.

Well that leaves you out of it. I seem to remember you saying unvaccinated people were worse than serial killers. That has to be one of the most braindead things I have ever heard

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7 hours ago, Mossberg said:

Well that leaves you out of it. I seem to remember you saying unvaccinated people were worse than serial killers. That has to be one of the most braindead things I have ever heard

No, eating horse dewormer and drinking urine, believing it's a magic elixir, wins the braindead gold medal.  Stupid people those antivaxxers.  The gold medalists of stupid.

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