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Canucks requiring covid vaccination for staff and fans

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3 hours ago, stawns said:

There haven't been many red plates in the OK this summer, at all.  Certainly the lowest I've seen.  I'm sure tourists had some impact, but the situation here is on the backs of locals.  Within days of lifting restrictions we were 90% unmasked and acting like it was all over.  It wasn't hard to predict the outcome


But, isn't he Smokanagen mostly made up of ex-Albertans Vax holes?   I've spent alot of time there (especally in Kelowna) and well more than half the people i met have roots from Ab.

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3 hours ago, Jimmy McGill said:

its also a balancing act between these things. One isn't supreme over the other. 

I'm interested to see the lawsuits that will come of this. The government must have informed consent.  Some that take the vaccine and happen to have serious side effects after these mandates will have a good case for taking it under duress , which makes informed consent legally impossible.  People that end up in this situation will have a strong case for battery. Agree or not , I'm serious. 

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6 minutes ago, cuporbust said:

I'm interested to see the lawsuits that will come of this. The government must have informed consent.  Some that take the vaccine and happen to have serious side effects after these mandates will have a good case for taking it under duress , which makes informed consent legally impossible.  People that end up in this situation will have a strong case for battery. Agree or not , I'm serious. 

Just curious, what exactly is mandated by the government here in terms of getting vaccinated?  Serious.

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6 minutes ago, cuporbust said:

I'm interested to see the lawsuits that will come of this. The government must have informed consent.  Some that take the vaccine and happen to have serious side effects after these mandates will have a good case for taking it under duress , which makes informed consent legally impossible.  People that end up in this situation will have a strong case for battery. Agree or not , I'm serious. 

Doubt it. There haven't been successful injury suits for seat belts cutting people when they get into car crashes. Taking the the action that averts the most risk (but leaves some) is not negligence.

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2 hours ago, Edge_Case said:

VANCOUVER -- People who can't get vaccinated against COVID-19 for medical reasons won't be exempt from B.C.’s upcoming vaccine passport system, nor will those who choose not to get immunized for religious reasons.

Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, who announced the requirement Monday afternoon, said those individuals will have to miss out on discretionary services and activities, such as dining in restaurants and attending live sporting events, until the proof-of-vaccination requirement is lifted next year

I fully agree with this decision. People who opt not to vaccinate because of medical reasons probably shouldn't be wandering around anyway. Their situation is unique and they must take steps to make themselves safe. They can't complain about COVID restrictions when they are the ones who can't vaccinate.

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11 minutes ago, HKSR said:

Just curious, what exactly is mandated by the government here in terms of getting vaccinated?  Serious.

It it's not direct physical force that can cause legal duress. There is a legit case for this. Not kidding. They don't have to prove that the government directly forced them to get it, they can argue the mandates caused so much duress ( losing job, not being able to enter 90% of businesses exct. ), there was no legal way the government facilitated informed consent.  I didn't make the laws myself, just telling you what's going to happen 

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9 minutes ago, HKSR said:

Just curious, what exactly is mandated by the government here in terms of getting vaccinated?  Serious.


1 minute ago, cuporbust said:

It it's not direct physical force that can cause legal duress. 

Huh?  I was asking about what exactly is being mandated by the government here in terms of getting vaccinated.  What are you talking about in regards to "physical force"??

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12 minutes ago, HKSR said:


Huh?  I was asking about what exactly is being mandated by the government here in terms of getting vaccinated.  What are you talking about in regards to "physical force"??

These are the things someone who is either at a health risk for the vaccine , or someone who doesn't want to take the vaccine risks can't do. I'm not even saying one way or the other what's right or wrong , people can decide that for themselves . 


The list of restrictions will likely  be more then enough legal grounds to cause duress in allot of cases where someone took the vaccine after the mandates,  and was injured. That means they couldn't legally give informed consent.  Which means allot of people are likely going to win allot of lawsuits 

Screenshot_20210823-133619_The Province.jpg

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1 minute ago, cuporbust said:

These are the things someone who is either at a health risk for the vaccine , or someone who doesn't want to take the vaccine risks can't do. I'm not saying one way or the other what'd right or wrong , people can decide that for themselves


The above will likely  be more then enough legal grounds to cause duress in allot of cases where someone took the vaccine after the mandates and was injured. That means they could legally give informed consent.  Which means allot of people are likely going to win lawsuits 

Screenshot_20210823-133619_The Province.jpg

You do realize that NONE of those items are ESSENTIAL services right?  That alone will have the case thrown out immediately. 


Imagine in court, someone saying "I was forced to get a covid vaccine shot because I wanted to go to a Canucks game!".  That statement would be torn apart layer by layer.

1.  Nobody forced anybody to get a covid vaccine shot

2.  Nobody MUST attend a Canucks game

3.  Side effects to a vaccine are publicly outlined EVERYWHERE and therefore, when the DECISION to get a vaccine shot was made by the indiividual, he/she had accepted the potential risk. 


Face the facts, NOTHING will come out of this from a legal standpoint.  Nobody is being forced to do anything.  You say it yourself "people can decide that for themselves" ... everyone has a choice of whether or not they get a vaccine. 

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Its Good, i agee 100% that you should have too provide your card showing your vaccined.


if we all get the shot then we all can be done with this Trumpflu.


Selfish stupid unvaccinated people are prolonging this Virus.




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18 minutes ago, cuporbust said:

These are the things someone who is either at a health risk for the vaccine , or someone who doesn't want to take the vaccine risks can't do. I'm not even saying one way or the other what's right or wrong , people can decide that for themselves . 


The list of restrictions will likely  be more then enough legal grounds to cause duress in allot of cases where someone took the vaccine after the mandates,  and was injured. That means they couldn't legally give informed consent.  Which means allot of people are likely going to win allot of lawsuits 

Screenshot_20210823-133619_The Province.jpg

A lot of people disagree with your premise.  I mean a lot.  That’s a lot. 

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10 minutes ago, HKSR said:

You do realize that NONE of those items are ESSENTIAL services right?  That alone will have the case thrown out immediately. 


Imagine in court, someone saying "I was forced to get a covid vaccine shot because I wanted to go to a Canucks game!".  That statement would be torn apart layer by layer.

1.  Nobody forced anybody to get a covid vaccine shot

2.  Nobody MUST attend a Canucks game

3.  Side effects to a vaccine are publicly outlined EVERYWHERE and therefore, when the DECISION to get a vaccine shot was made by the indiividual, he/she had accepted the potential risk. 


Face the facts, NOTHING will come out of this from a legal standpoint.  Nobody is being forced to do anything.  You say it yourself "people can decide that for themselves" ... everyone has a choice of whether or not they get a vaccine. 

Lol. You don't even have a clue what could cause legal duress do u? 

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14 minutes ago, HKSR said:

You do realize that NONE of those items are ESSENTIAL services right?  That alone will have the case thrown out immediately. 


Imagine in court, someone saying "I was forced to get a covid vaccine shot because I wanted to go to a Canucks game!".  That statement would be torn apart layer by layer.

1.  Nobody forced anybody to get a covid vaccine shot

2.  Nobody MUST attend a Canucks game

3.  Side effects to a vaccine are publicly outlined EVERYWHERE and therefore, when the DECISION to get a vaccine shot was made by the indiividual, he/she had accepted the potential risk. 


Face the facts, NOTHING will come out of this from a legal standpoint.  Nobody is being forced to do anything.  You say it yourself "people can decide that for themselves" ... everyone has a choice of whether or not they get a vaccine. 

Let me help you. 


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10 hours ago, RU SERIOUS said:

LOL.....you have to see this to believe it.   Not sure if anyone watched the CTV National news tonight during a story of the New covid restrictions - where they interviewed some Albertan farm boy asking his opinion on the matter in regards to NHL games.   Check the Vid/story out - in particular at the 1:45 mark where he states his logic. 




Thank god these small minded Flat-Earth believers live in Flat-Land where they usually can cause no harm to anyone but themselves and fellow CONservatives - except when they escape out of their province, like when they swarmed Kelowna by the tens of thousands this summer, spreading all their disease and driving up the infection rate on the poor unsuspecting normal people of Kelowna.  We should have had better border controls with Alberta to prevent this type of inter-provincial contamination.



You are a real piece of work.  From your posts, it sounds like you fart rainbows and sweat perfection. Get off your damn high horse and realize that idiots are EVERYWHERE. Close-minded people like you give Canucks fans a bad name. 

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The "vaccine" actually creates asymptomatic people.  This has been documented, as it does not stop the virus, but just its symptoms.  So someone that is vaccinated, could have it and not even know.  I work in schools, I sure as $&!# want to know if I am sick and could pass it on to little Billy that can not get the vaccine because he is not eligible.  This is my problem with what is going on.  I am Pro-Vaccine, definitely not an anti-vaxxer, I am hesitant on this one.  I do have my first shot, but the crap over summer where they started monetizing it through lotteries, etc made me raise some flags.  If we have 75% of people with 2 doses and we are still seeing this spread...  Whats next, 3rd, 4th shot, etc...  Its a slippery slope.

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41 minutes ago, HKSR said:

You do realize that NONE of those items are ESSENTIAL services right?  That alone will have the case thrown out immediately. 


Imagine in court, someone saying "I was forced to get a covid vaccine shot because I wanted to go to a Canucks game!".  That statement would be torn apart layer by layer.

1.  Nobody forced anybody to get a covid vaccine shot

2.  Nobody MUST attend a Canucks game

3.  Side effects to a vaccine are publicly outlined EVERYWHERE and therefore, when the DECISION to get a vaccine shot was made by the indiividual, he/she had accepted the potential risk. 


Face the facts, NOTHING will come out of this from a legal standpoint.  Nobody is being forced to do anything.  You say it yourself "people can decide that for themselves" ... everyone has a choice of whether or not they get a vaccine. 

Lol. The entire premise of duress is  ironically recognized for this exact reason. The entire point they use that as a defense,  or offense,  is because many times , people try and use the " more than one way to skin a cat" approach to get the results they want. 


The fact you think a court would only consider a person under duress if their ability to go to the grocery store (and so on)was included tells me you honestly have no idea what ur talking about in regards to law


Ur reply is hilariously ironic 

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3 minutes ago, EHeye said:

The "vaccine" actually creates asymptomatic people.  This has been documented, as it does not stop the virus, but just its symptoms.  So someone that is vaccinated, could have it and not even know.  I work in schools, I sure as $&!# want to know if I am sick and could pass it on to little Billy that can not get the vaccine because he is not eligible.  This is my problem with what is going on.  I am Pro-Vaccine, definitely not an anti-vaxxer, I am hesitant on this one.  I do have my first shot, but the crap over summer where they started monetizing it through lotteries, etc made me raise some flags.  If we have 75% of people with 2 doses and we are still seeing this spread...  Whats next, 3rd, 4th shot, etc...  Its a slippery slope.

Omg!  You’re 100% an antivaxxer.  You made several incredibly ignorant suppositions.  Why not link some reputable science to support the craperolla you espouse?  The data was posted yesterday.  93% of our hospitalization is the non vaccinated!  90% of cases are the non vaccinated.  Stop being such an ignoramus.  

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3 minutes ago, cuporbust said:

Lol. The entire premise of duress is  ironically recognized for this exact reason. The entire point they use that as a defense,  or offense,  is because many times , people try and use the " more than one way to skin a cat" approach to get the results they want. 


Ur reply is hilariously ironic 

Get vaccinated. The data is in.  This is now a pandemic of the antivaxxers.  

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