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(Proposal) Armchair GM this offseason

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With the TDL come and gone, and now that we’ve deferred to the offseason, just what do some of you think are viable, and more importantly, ACCEPTABLE, options to effectuate a retool?


I think there are some hard decisions to be made that will involve a bit more sacrifice, and given the current makeup of this roster and the potential to build on it and make the playoffs next year, we are kind of limited as to how best service and afford this required retool.


One option:

How would folks feel if we completed another Arizona type deal but with Seattle in the offseason?


Would anyone be willing to accept losing a 1st round pick to shed the Myers and Dickinson contracts? Maybe getting a Will Borgen (25yrs old, 1 more year at 900K then RFA) in exchange?


Myers + Dickinson (8.65 mill in cap) + 

+ 1st rounder


Will Borgen (900K) 


Personally I would hate to lose another 1st round pick, but shedding the Myers  (or OEL for that matter) and another contract is paramount to us moving forward.  Don’t get me wrong, I like Myers but for $2 mill less per.


It’s not going to be easy and I’d really like to hear what us fans think are some approaches to take the next steps.




Thank you!

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Ah, so here we go thanks.

Looking over the data at capfriendly.com, I do not think Myers is the problem, but OEL is.

I don't want to give up any cap space or draft picks, or future cap constraints; I want to clear the decks so mngt's hands are not tied for once.

I also loved Garland when we first got him and like him still; for now.

But he seldom actually wins his battles, is most often overpowered and loses the puck, does not have much of a ripper, and starts fights he cannot be expected to finish.

What do you think we package Gnarly back up with OEL and see if we can unload that 12m or so for whatever we get?

Also, if OEL is injured, we could put him on LTIR, although I really don't want the LTIR consequences anymore either.

Anyway, there's 2 bits for ya.

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Much appreciated. 

Given the Garland TDL chatter I would not be surprised to see him go.

There was some talk that ARZ might take on the Shea Weber contract to reach the cap floor.

I don't think they would take OEL back, and there likely aren't many suitors for that contract elsewhere imho, so we may be stuck with him for now and eventually as an LTIR add within the next couple seasons.


Agreed, I am not at all interested in moving early round picks. I also don't want to accumulate picks in exchange for contributing personnel.

And that's where this gets increasingly difficult to manage cap going forward, especially when considering next season and after we are due for some raises.


Do we re-sign Lammiko and Highmore to new their new RFA contracts, and if so, how much do fans think they will fetch?


If we intend to re-sign Miller this coming season then the majority of this roster will also likely have to stay relatively competitive (on paper) this offseason in order to convince him to stay. I go either way there.

Its a careful balance as our record under Bruce dictates we are a playoff team next year, but recent warts have shown we still aren't consistent enough as a team and most likely don't have the depth either.


If we have to focus on improving one specific area as an immediate concern, what do we address?  The F group? Re-shape the D? Restock the cupboard and add quality depth/support players that can benefit in the regular season standings?  We're ok in G.


I guess what I'm asking for from the fans who post in this area of the message board to come up with a detailed plan as to how they would address the offseason as if it were right now, and regardless of what playoff outcomes could be.  Almost a primer blueprint in the meantime.


There seems to be a lot of disgruntled folks commenting on what mgmt did wrong this past TDL.

I want to hear how those same fans propose change rather than just complaints, because complaining about action without providing a personalized resolution is kind of redundant to me.





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1 hour ago, RWJC said:

With the TDL come and gone, and now that we’ve deferred to the offseason, just what do some of you think are viable, and more importantly, ACCEPTABLE, options to effectuate a retool?


I think there are some hard decisions to be made that will involve a bit more sacrifice, and given the current makeup of this roster and the potential to build on it and make the playoffs next year, we are kind of limited as to how best service and afford this required retool.


One option:

How would folks feel if we completed another Arizona type deal but with Seattle in the offseason?


Would anyone be willing to accept losing a 1st round pick to shed the Myers and Dickinson contracts? Maybe getting a Will Borgen (25yrs old, 1 more year at 900K then RFA) in exchange?


Myers + Dickinson (8.65 mill in cap) + 

+ 1st rounder


Will Borgen (900K) 


Personally I would hate to lose another 1st round pick, but shedding the Myers  (or OEL for that matter) and another contract is paramount to us moving forward.  Don’t get me wrong, I like Myers but for $2 mill less per.


It’s not going to be easy and I’d really like to hear what us fans think are some approaches to take the next steps.




Thank you!

Tbh Myers actually has trade value based on his play this year and the rarity of the position he plays
He's likely worth a mid draft pick. I think we unload him if we can sign Manson for 4 - 4.5/year. Manson won't bring Myers' offense, but he'll play a better stay at home defensive game. 
The Poolman contract isnt going anywhere, so we might as well accept him as our bottom pairing RHD. 

OEL's contract isn't going anywhere unless he has a Myers-style resurgence, which he has the best chance of doing if we give him a stay at home partner. 

Karlsson tied Petey's SHL scoring record, I expect he should be able to crack the canucks lineup this coming year and be good value for us on an ELC. 

Sign Trocheck for 5m/year. 
Re-sign Kapanen after the trade for 3m/year

My ideal moves:

1. Myers out for a 3rd or 4th, Sign Manson at 4.5m/year
2. Boeser & Rathbone to Pittsburgh for Marino and Kapanen
3. Sign Karlsson to an ELC
4. Re-sign Highmore and Lammikko at 1m/year each
5. Sign Vincent Trocheck for 5m/year
6. Sign Spencer Martin for a league minimum deal as Demko's backup
7. Bury Dickinson in minors and recoup 1.6m in cap space

- Vastly improved center depth 
- Trocheck, Manson, Marino improve the penalty kill dramatically
- Kapanen is much faster than Boeser and will help our off-the-rush play style
- Petey gets quality linemates
- Defense goes from one of the worst in the league, to one of the best


*Schenn, Burroughs

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21 minutes ago, eeeeergh said:

Tbh Myers actually has trade value based on his play this year and the rarity of the position he plays
He's likely worth a mid draft pick. I think we unload him if we can sign Manson for 4 - 4.5/year. Manson won't bring Myers' offense, but he'll play a better stay at home defensive game. 
The Poolman contract isnt going anywhere, so we might as well accept him as our bottom pairing RHD. 

OEL's contract isn't going anywhere unless he has a Myers-style resurgence, which he has the best chance of doing if we give him a stay at home partner. 

Karlsson tied Petey's SHL scoring record, I expect he should be able to crack the canucks lineup this coming year and be good value for us on an ELC. 

Sign Trocheck for 5m/year. 
Re-sign Kapanen after the trade for 3m/year

My ideal moves:

1. Myers out for a 3rd or 4th, Sign Manson at 4.5m/year
2. Boeser & Rathbone to Pittsburgh for Marino and Kapanen
3. Sign Karlsson to an ELC
4. Re-sign Highmore and Lammikko at 1m/year each
5. Sign Vincent Trocheck for 5m/year
6. Sign Spencer Martin for a league minimum deal as Demko's backup

- Vastly improved center depth 
- Trocheck, Manson, Marino improve the penalty kill dramatically
- Kapanen is much faster than Boeser and will help our off-the-rush play style
- Petey gets quality linemates
- Defense goes from one of the worst in the league, to one of the best


*Schenn, Burroughs

Thank you for taking the time for this, very interesting.



Kapanen is RFA at end of this season. Don't expect he'll see much of a raise based on recent production, but a new deal might include some NTC/NMC clause, which for me is a big concern.

Why that worries me is that he's played alongside some pretty formidable players and given a decent shot at recapturing form, but instead has regressed. If he doesn't rebound here with equal to lesser talent, then he's a diminishing asset. Then what is the recoup for what was traded away for him, and is it difficult to move him out with any clauses he might have received?


Marino is a good option on a long term deal, but also has an M-NTC on the last 3 years on his deal ending in 26-27. Given he's coming in at 4.4 per, its not as much of a concern as to his future fit/performance.


I love the Karlsson idea/experiment. Good call.

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36 minutes ago, RWJC said:

Thank you for taking the time for this, very interesting.



Kapanen is RFA at end of this season. Don't expect he'll see much of a raise based on recent production, but a new deal might include some NTC/NMC clause, which for me is a big concern.

Why that worries me is that he's played alongside some pretty formidable players and given a decent shot at recapturing form, but instead has regressed. If he doesn't rebound here with equal to lesser talent, then he's a diminishing asset. Then what is the recoup for what was traded away for him, and is it difficult to move him out with any clauses he might have received?


Marino is a good option on a long term deal, but also has an M-NTC on the last 3 years on his deal ending in 26-27. Given he's coming in at 4.4 per, its not as much of a concern as to his future fit/performance.


I love the Karlsson idea/experiment. Good call.

Yeah Kapanen is definitely a bit of a question mark, but I think that's why we would be able to get him in that deal. Interestingly, he has 2 more even strength goals than Boeser, and Kapanen has not been used on the powerplay, which makes me think his style of play is already in abundance on Pittsburgh so he's getting squeezed out. On the other hand, we desperately need someone with speed and (pretty good) hands. Petey and Hughes are both capable of making incredible passes, and if they are able to find Kapanen, he's the type of guy who should be able to get a lot of breakaways. 

Honestly if Kapanen signs at 3-3.5m/year, its hard to go wrong. 

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Don't get me wrong RW, I agree there needs to be some difficult decisions made here.  And we likely need to take a step back in order for the entire franchise to take a meaningful step forward.   But I don't feel trading away picks is the way to go.  At the risk of triggering a certain portion of CDC, I believe separate deals involving JT and one of BB/Garland could provide a substantial return upon which a legitimate retool could occur. The logistics of said deals can be debated ad nauseum, but the gist is to sell high and target team needs while restocking picks & prospects. 

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7 minutes ago, Fanuck said:

Don't get me wrong RW, I agree there needs to be some difficult decisions made here.  And we likely need to take a step back in order for the entire franchise to take a meaningful step forward.   But I don't feel trading away picks is the way to go.  At the risk of triggering a certain portion of CDC, I believe separate deals involving JT and one of BB/Garland could provide a substantial return upon which a legitimate retool could occur. The logistics of said deals can be debated ad nauseum, but the gist is to sell high and target team needs while restocking picks & prospects. 

Totally. I guess what my motivation in creating this thread is to see what us fans can conceptualize as a realistic approach to taking that step forward, ideally without involving surrendering many picks if any at all, and still managing to ice a competitive team that can become cost controlled within 2 seasons.

So much vitriol regarding mgmt and JTM/Boes...so what is acceptable to the fanbase? Is there even a remotely feasible semi-common denominator approach while currently straddling the JTM fence?


That's the creative $hit that engages me as an armchair fan. 



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One thing that I won't do is trade a 1st. 




First, try to re-sign Miller on a 5 years x 10 mil contract. If a deal can be reached,


1. Build around Miller-EP as core centermen. Creates a natural succession plan where EP will take over as a 1C in 2-3 years and Miller as 2C.

2. Consider trading Horvat for upgrade on defence -- namely focus on acquiring young defenceman that is near NHL ready that can fill a role within a year or two.

3. Acquire 3C via UFA or alternate trade as a replacement for Horvat.


In parallel, get Brock re-signed to 2-3 year deal at 6-6.5 mil. With a short term deal, Brock will be walking into UFA sooner but we should not commit long term given his current level of play. From Brock's perspectives, short term contract is a motivation to play harder to max out on his UFA contract. It's a win-win where we milk some good production from Brock at relatively low cap and Brock gets to taste UFA sooner.





4LW (Lockwood or another cheap contract)-Lammikko-Higmore


If Miller cannot be re-signed because he wants an 8 year deal, then trade Miller. In this case, we go with EP and Horvat as the centers. So we should re-sign Hovat, again 4-5 year deal at around 6-7 mil. Horvat puts up good offensive numbers so he is good as 2C but EP has to step in as 1C and take on a lot of the defensive match ups while having to replace Miller's offensive output. 


Positive side of trading Miller is that we will be able to acquire a young NHL ready RD, an NHL ready forward, and a 1st. This allows more proper retool/rebuild for those that wants one.




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Yeah like others are saying I wouldn't give up a first just to move Meyers. He's had a decent season and we need top end prospects in the system. He's only got a few more years left and while he is more of a 4.5 million per year Dman, I think we can live with this. 


I would be happy moving Dickinson and wonder if anyone would be interested in him (without us having to give something up to do it). He played well in Dallas and is signed to an okay contract for that player. Didn't have a good start in Van and is now hurt. So maybe if he comes back and plays decently the remainder of the season, someone will take him for a late draft pick. 

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I wonder if there's a decision to be made between Miller and Horvat.  Both play C and will need new contracts in 2023.  Do they trade one and then re-sign Boeser? (5 x $7) 


I'm going to guess that Schenn will be re-signed after his contract expires in 2023. He's too valuable to let go. 



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1 hour ago, Bobby James said:

Yeah like others are saying I wouldn't give up a first just to move Meyers. He's had a decent season and we need top end prospects in the system. He's only got a few more years left and while he is more of a 4.5 million per year Dman, I think we can live with this. 


I would be happy moving Dickinson and wonder if anyone would be interested in him (without us having to give something up to do it). He played well in Dallas and is signed to an okay contract for that player. Didn't have a good start in Van and is now hurt. So maybe if he comes back and plays decently the remainder of the season, someone will take him for a late draft pick. 

Yeah I’m hopeful he bounces back as well. Given what I saw of him he’s earning about 1.2-1.4 mill above what his value has been. Maybe that sounds harsh, but I think the things this team requires from him (especially a much better face off percentage) he has not delivered enough on.


Where this team is with cap, it’s absolute that we at least get fair value on the dollar with each contract going forward, especially when the returns from OEL and Myers are highly unlikely to zero balance their respective cap hits. We don’t have the luxury of floating any underachievers on the payroll. I don’t see many cup contenders that have passengers. 

I’m all for giving Dickinson another chance under Bruce because if anyone is going to get him to shine, it’s him.

That said, we did see a little regression from Garland and Hogz (sophomore slump?) but I think it’s because both were playing farther down the lineup.


I wouldn’t give Dickinson more than 1/4 of next season to prove his worth though. That role can be replaced by someone at half the hit.


and based on the transactions that took place this past TDL, I would think that if he wasn’t injured, he probably could have been sold for a 4th or 5th.

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On defense....Draft some decent RDs the next 2 drafts. Until they come through I like the idea of moving Myers and signing UFA Manson $4.8m for next season. Schenn can fill the 2RD spot just fine for next season. Then in 2023 sign either Mayfield or Severson as UFA for ~5m. Get some size on the blue line.


2023-24 D corps becomes:

Hughes Mayfield/Severson

OEL Manson

Rathbone Dermott

(depth = Poolman, Burroughs, Juulsen, Woo)


In the forwards...trade Boeser for picks/prospects. Waive Dicky to the minors. Sign Nichushkin $6m, Nick Paul $3m, Deslauriers $1.6m.


2022-23 line up:


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Kracken desperately need a minute munching middle 4RD

Myers($2m retained) for Donato(C)



Hogs + Rathbone +1st  for Lawson



Brock   for  Zacha + Mcleod(C-r)  + Walsh(RD) + 2nd   *if it's Garland, drop Walsh + 2nd


I think Miller wants to be traded or his $ + term is too high for the Canucks.  His trade will

return 1st + top 4 young RD + ?


Lawson  Pete  Brock/Garland   *Signing Brock is the #1 job which will decide if he's traded.

Zacha   Bo   Pods

Pears  Donato  McLeod

Dixie   Lammy   Highmore



Hughes  Schenn

Dermot   Poolman

Burroughs  Keeper


*Walsh goes to Abby +2nd if Boeser is traded to Devils

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Well, JR said we are too slow.....................We keep Rathbone because of him being Offensive and fast

I think we are too small................................



#1. I am moving our 1st (12 OA) and Garland at the Draft for a #3/4/5 OA pick, and drafting Nemec/Jiricek.......INO we need a #2 Dman, and this is the only way to get such

#2. I am moving Boeser to LA for Grans and their 2022 1st at the draft

#3. I am signing Max Domi to a 7 years @ $6 million per (currently $5,300,000)

#4. I am signing Manson to a 5 year @ $5 million per (currently $4,100,000)

#5. I am signing Spencer Martin to a 2 way 5 year @ 1 million per (currently $800,000)

#6. I am signing Rodriguez 5 years @ 2.5 million per (currently $1,000,000)

#7. I am signing Deangelo 5 years @ 2.5 million per (currently $1,000,000)

#8. I am signing Karlsson for 3 years @ $1,000,000 per

#9. Buy out Dickenson @ .950 Million X4 years


Pearsson              Miller             Rodriguez..............................11.000

Domi                    Horvat            Podkolzin...............................12.500

Hoglander          Pettersson       Karlsson.................................. 9.350

Highmore           Lammikko        Lockwood.................................3.000

                          Richardson........................................................1.000......................................Forwards $36,850,000


Hughes             Manson............................................................12.850

OEL                   DeAngelo..........................................................9.860

Rathbone          Myers................................................................7.000

              Schenn.........................................................................1.000..................................Defensemen $30,710,000



Martin...............................................................................................................................................Goalies $6,000,000


................................................................................................................................................Roster Total  $73.560,000





.................................................................................................................................................Buyout Totals $3,350,000


.................................................................................................................................................Bonus's totals $2,550,000


Team Budget 2022-2023...............................................................................................................Total Cap $79,460,000


2022-2023 Team Cap................................................................................................................................... $83,500,000


 ...........................................................................................................................................Total Surplus Cap $4,010,000


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1 hour ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

Well, JR said we are too slow.....................We keep Rathbone because of him being Offensive and fast

I think we are too small................................



#1. I am moving our 1st (12 OA) and Garland at the Draft for a #3/4/5 OA pick, and drafting Nemec/Jiricek.......INO we need a #2 Dman, and this is the only way to get such

#2. I am moving Boeser to LA for Grans and their 2022 1st at the draft

#3. I am signing Max Domi to a 7 years @ $6 million per (currently $5,300,000)

#4. I am signing Manson to a 5 year @ $5 million per (currently $4,100,000)

#5. I am signing Spencer Martin to a 2 way 5 year @ 1 million per (currently $800,000)

#6. I am signing Rodriguez 5 years @ 2.5 million per (currently $1,000,000)

#7. I am signing Deangelo 5 years @ 2.5 million per (currently $1,000,000)

#8. I am signing Karlsson for 3 years @ $1,000,000 per

#9. Buy out Dickenson @ .950 Million X4 years


Pearsson              Miller             Rodriguez..............................11.000

Domi                    Horvat            Podkolzin...............................12.500

Hoglander          Pettersson       Karlsson.................................. 9.350

Highmore           Lammikko        Lockwood.................................3.000

                          Richardson........................................................1.000......................................Forwards $36,850,000


Hughes             Manson............................................................12.850

OEL                   DeAngelo..........................................................9.860

Rathbone          Myers................................................................7.000

              Schenn.........................................................................1.000..................................Defensemen $30,710,000



Martin...............................................................................................................................................Goalies $6,000,000


................................................................................................................................................Roster Total  $73.560,000





.................................................................................................................................................Buyout Totals $3,350,000


.................................................................................................................................................Bonus's totals $2,550,000


Team Budget 2022-2023...............................................................................................................Total Cap $79,460,000


2022-2023 Team Cap................................................................................................................................... $83,500,000


 ...........................................................................................................................................Total Surplus Cap $4,010,000


Hi Jan,

I like it. Couple of comments:


Would really like to see us add more size than Domi, Rodrigues and Karlsson.


I think Domi has not lived up to his current contract of $5.3m. Basically scoring at around 40pt pace (around the same as Pearson). I think you could sign Domi for around $4m.


Most pundits and CAR fans have their team reupping Deangelo at around $5m next season. He has fit in very well. Don't think he'd come to VAN and certainly not for $2.5m.



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2 hours ago, higgyfan said:

Kracken desperately need a minute munching middle 4RD

Myers($2m retained) for Donato(C)



Hogs + Rathbone +1st  for Lawson



Brock   for  Zacha + Mcleod(C-r)  + Walsh(RD) + 2nd   *if it's Garland, drop Walsh + 2nd


I think Miller wants to be traded or his $ + term is too high for the Canucks.  His trade will

return 1st + top 4 young RD + ?


Lawson  Pete  Brock/Garland   *Signing Brock is the #1 job which will decide if he's traded.

Zacha   Bo   Pods

Pears  Donato  McLeod

Dixie   Lammy   Highmore



Hughes  Schenn

Dermot   Poolman

Burroughs  Keeper


*Walsh goes to Abby +2nd if Boeser is traded to Devils

Can't see NJD including McLeod in that trade for Boeser. Probably Zacha + 2nd will be all you get for Brock's rights due to his QO.


Hogs + Rathbone + 1st seems very steep for Crouse. Maybe leave out Rathbone. Or change the 1st to a 3rd. Just spit balling here...

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Just a thought.......but I always see Rathbone in proposals..........


We suffer from low scoring from the back end, and Rathbone scores and is a fast skater


If we are giving him up it should be for a RHD scoring prospect of the same value...........IMHO



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