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Let's go Crazy! (Proposals) NHL-22 Style

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Odd thread.   By the time the picks gained are ready to make an impact (let's just say at best 2/3 first rounders do just that), all these UFAs plus Miller and Horvat if they are even around (probably bolt!) will be well passed their primes.    


Instead why not built behind EP/Qhs etc by using our aging vets?   Brock is about the only one that makes much sense, but even that one stings because we are sure selling low on him.    

To me Miller is the guy that makes the most sense, but i'd also be happy if we could re-sign him to something half decent.   Because strength down the middle is one of our teams best attributes, and well i love Miller.   We need more guys with his guts and passion, not less.  


Horvat has to stay unless the return is just too tough not to take.   He's also getting a raise.   7 x 8 years is what he should come in at, around what Hayes got in PHI plus the extra year.    


Brock to me is going to have to have one break out season or he's not staying.   Has to get 65-70 points to earn that type of paycheque.   Basically if a scorer isn't getting 1 point per 1k and doesn't add much but that ... he's not a good deal for the team cap wise.   


A lot of different ways to go about it, but Miller and Brock, maybe Myers (only if we get a top four RHD back) probably are the guys that need to go to boost our cores chances going into their primes.   25-32 for forwards ... 26-34 for defenseman.    Both Brock and Horvat are in their primes ... so is Miller.   OEL and Myers are too BUT they aren't good contracts.     However we also need them.   


Id be ok with going back into rebuild mode but Demko isn't going to make that easy for us ... that said Gibson was great for ANA, except last season - during their rebuild phase and it still didn't matter.   


Feel Allvin could just let this whole thing play out this season.   Sometimes the best path is doing very little.   If both Miller and Horvat committed to the team with contracts that help us still ... that can be a lot better then going to the UFA well trying to find something to fill the void.    I'd rather have Horvat then say a Kevin Hayes to fill the void.   And Miller over Kadri.    This team should get better on its own.   Last year we were 10-11th best winning percentage under Bruce.   Down the stretch even better (7-8th).    When the team was on - we could beat any team.    I'm very interested in seeing what we can do in the post season.   Locking all these guys in long term won't work - however Brock gone pays for a lot of the raises.   As does the cap coming off the following year. 


Allvin said this team can't afford to lose players for nothing (UFA).  That means both Miller and Horvat are potentially gone or signed.    I'm sure he's already talking to their agents to get a feel for where they are at with a total number.   The other thing he said is he wants to lock in lines long term.   Guys that play with each other a long time.    That can be accomplished by signing Miller and Horvat.   OR it can be accomplished by trading them for guys they want.    Includes a partner for QHs.   EK had Methot. QHs is good enough to do the revolving door thing but really needs a Mitchell type.    Manson would be the only UFA i'd actually be interested in this year.   Klingberg will turn on us fast ... LE-OEL somewhere in that range.   No thanks. 


Edited by IBatch
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22 minutes ago, IBatch said:

Odd thread.   By the time the picks gained are ready to make an impact (let's just say at best 2/3 first rounders do just that), all these UFAs plus Miller and Horvat if they are even around (probably bolt!) will be well passed their primes.    


Instead why not built behind EP/Qhs etc by using our aging vets?   Brock is about the only one that makes much sense, but even that one stings because we are sure selling low on him.    

To me Miller is the guy that makes the most sense, but i'd also be happy if we could re-sign him to something half decent.   Because strength down the middle is one of our teams best attributes, and well i love Miller.   We need more guys with his guts and passion, not less.  


Horvat has to stay unless the return is just too tough not to take.   He's also getting a raise.   7 x 8 years is what he should come in at, around what Hayes got in PHI plus the extra year.    


Brock to me is going to have to have one break out season or he's not staying.   Has to get 65-70 points to earn that type of paycheque.   Basically if a scorer isn't getting 1 point per 1k and doesn't add much but that ... he's not a good deal for the team cap wise.   


A lot of different ways to go about it, but Miller and Brock, maybe Myers (only if we get a top four RHD back) probably are the guys that need to go to boost our cores chances going into their primes.   25-32 for forwards ... 26-34 for defenseman.    Both Brock and Horvat are in their primes ... so is Miller.   OEL and Myers are too BUT they aren't good contracts.     However we also need them.   


Id be ok with going back into rebuild mode but Demko isn't going to make that easy for us ... that said Gibson was great for ANA, except last season - during their rebuild phase and it still didn't matter.   


Feel Allvin could just let this whole thing play out this season.   Sometimes the best path is doing very little.   If both Miller and Horvat committed to the team with contracts that help us still ... that can be a lot better then going to the UFA well trying to find something to fill the void.    I'd rather have Horvat then say a Kevin Hayes to fill the void.   And Miller over Kadri.    This team should get better on its own.   Last year we were 10-11th best winning percentage under Bruce.   Down the stretch even better (7-8th).    When the team was on - we could beat any team.    I'm very interested in seeing what we can do in the post season.   Locking all these guys in long term won't work - however Brock gone pays for a lot of the raises.   As does the cap coming off the following year. 


Allvin said this team can't afford to lose players for nothing (UFA).  That means both Miller and Horvat are potentially gone or signed.    I'm sure he's already talking to their agents to get a feel for where they are at with a total number.   The other thing he said is he wants to lock in lines long term.   Guys that play with each other a long time.    That can be accomplished by signing Miller and Horvat.   OR it can be accomplished by trading them for guys they want.    Includes a partner for QHs.   EK had Methot. QHs is good enough to do the revolving door thing but really needs a Mitchell type.    Manson would be the only UFA i'd actually be interested in this year.   Klingberg will turn on us fast ... LE-OEL somewhere in that range.   No thanks. 


Yes, we should 100% be building around Hughes, Demko, Petey.  The issue I see is Benning failed on Petey’s contract.  He got it right with Hughes and Demko (they each have term, so will be here for sure through a step back) but Petey has two seasons left only.  We take a clear step back for two years and our most important player then needs to be convinced we are headed in the right direction to sign again.  Yes, he’s still an RFA, but ... 

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14 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Yes, we should 100% be building around Hughes, Demko, Petey.  The issue I see is Benning failed on Petey’s contract.  He got it right with Hughes and Demko (they each have term, so will be here for sure through a step back) but Petey has two seasons left only.  We take a clear step back for two years and our most important player then needs to be convinced we are headed in the right direction to sign again.  Yes, he’s still an RFA, but ... 

Every team got boned with covid and the cap not going up, and JB definitely did himself zero favours (added to the mess by not timing his filler UFAs correctly) ... every Pearson type deal seemed to come with a Ferland and a Dickie etc.   What blows my mind is that ownership allowed this.   Team never bottomed out properly ... well second you last one year but really it wasn't enough.   Needed another two terrible seasons, if we had that we'd have a Boldy and a Schnieder type quite possibly already on the team WITH Podz.   But have to say this fanbase is full of impatience, and he knew what he was catering too.    And it is a business - filling the seats with imaginary and real promise (LE - EP) did the trick.    Sold out most nights.    


To me Allvin will have to get his inner Quin or Joe Sakic going and start doing some solid trading.     Otherwise this core doesn't have much of a chance and we should already be keeping an eye to what the one behind it looks like (talking 12-14 year olds lol)  ... 


In the end, best case, it was always going to be parts of this core and the one behind it that MAYBE gets us back into contention.    We've only had 4 good teams in club history and the first one the stars aligned for a magical run (it was actually very decent)...Only Lindens teams were very good in the post season ... Even in his twilight years, no PP time playing a checking role he amped it up in the post season - Turco would have won without Linden on our team.   The Sedins never did figure out how to play better in the post season, their game was actually somewhat neutered.  


What gives me hope Alf, is the bubble.   EP and QHs couldn't grow peach fuzz, yet both contributed.   Demko of course was incredible.    For all of JBs flubs, at least Allvin has 1000 different options.   Only OEL can't be traded.    Hate to see Miller go ... but Sundstrom was great for us too and look what he got us, and so was Butcher.    Not expecting grandiose returns, but every single team interested in Miller, Horvat, Boeser and Myers needs to be looked into.     I'm also very curious just to not do anything and let JBs hand play out all on its own.   There are worse things then letting Miller walk for nothing.   To me a nice little run to get another post season sample size is also very valuable.   Brock is still a very interesting player too.   Know most have written him off.   Sad but true.   Selling low on Brock is a mistake.   


EP?  Well go back and see some of things being said about him.   Bambi memes galore.    Kind of stopped the last 25 games or so when he was scoring at a 45 goal 95 point pace didn't it!    


Feel we've got a punchers chance at doing something with this team as is.   And fine with pushing some tough decisions off another season.   What i'm not fine with is knee jerk reactions and a new GM chomping at the bit to put his stamp on this club.   Doesn't appear that is happening at all.   Which is good.    I'm fine with trading guys and think that's where we are at - OR just letting it resolve organically.     If we want to keep EP, we better make sure whatever trades occur actually don't make this team much worse for very long right?    

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14 hours ago, smithers joe said:

my prediction for next year is hughes and marino; oel and lundqvist; dermott and whitecloud and rathbone with schenn as our 7th and 8th d-men and oh yes, leaning tower of pizza finally fulls over.

I like Whitecloud 25, 6'2 RD played well 5 X 2.7 million ----- Lundkvist might not be NHL ready only playing under 20 games?? I do like the upside with Lundkvist he can be a #3 or #4 guy soon,, Marino 25, great contract solid #2 or #3 guy would look great with Hughes...Rathbone big fan of him..Just don't know if he will be a Canuck much longer.. I really think Rathbone will be a very good D man with offensive upside.I honestly think Rathbone LD, 23, 5'11 is as good if not better then Lundkvist RD, 23, 5'11..

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1 hour ago, IBatch said:

Odd thread.   By the time the picks gained are ready to make an impact (let's just say at best 2/3 first rounders do just that), all these UFAs plus Miller and Horvat if they are even around (probably bolt!) will be well passed their primes.    


Instead why not built behind EP/Qhs etc by using our aging vets?   Brock is about the only one that makes much sense, but even that one stings because we are sure selling low on him.    

To me Miller is the guy that makes the most sense, but i'd also be happy if we could re-sign him to something half decent.   Because strength down the middle is one of our teams best attributes, and well i love Miller.   We need more guys with his guts and passion, not less.  


Horvat has to stay unless the return is just too tough not to take.   He's also getting a raise.   7 x 8 years is what he should come in at, around what Hayes got in PHI plus the extra year.    


Brock to me is going to have to have one break out season or he's not staying.   Has to get 65-70 points to earn that type of paycheque.   Basically if a scorer isn't getting 1 point per 1k and doesn't add much but that ... he's not a good deal for the team cap wise.   


A lot of different ways to go about it, but Miller and Brock, maybe Myers (only if we get a top four RHD back) probably are the guys that need to go to boost our cores chances going into their primes.   25-32 for forwards ... 26-34 for defenseman.    Both Brock and Horvat are in their primes ... so is Miller.   OEL and Myers are too BUT they aren't good contracts.     However we also need them.   


Id be ok with going back into rebuild mode but Demko isn't going to make that easy for us ... that said Gibson was great for ANA, except last season - during their rebuild phase and it still didn't matter.   


Feel Allvin could just let this whole thing play out this season.   Sometimes the best path is doing very little.   If both Miller and Horvat committed to the team with contracts that help us still ... that can be a lot better then going to the UFA well trying to find something to fill the void.    I'd rather have Horvat then say a Kevin Hayes to fill the void.   And Miller over Kadri.    This team should get better on its own.   Last year we were 10-11th best winning percentage under Bruce.   Down the stretch even better (7-8th).    When the team was on - we could beat any team.    I'm very interested in seeing what we can do in the post season.   Locking all these guys in long term won't work - however Brock gone pays for a lot of the raises.   As does the cap coming off the following year. 


Allvin said this team can't afford to lose players for nothing (UFA).  That means both Miller and Horvat are potentially gone or signed.    I'm sure he's already talking to their agents to get a feel for where they are at with a total number.   The other thing he said is he wants to lock in lines long term.   Guys that play with each other a long time.    That can be accomplished by signing Miller and Horvat.   OR it can be accomplished by trading them for guys they want.    Includes a partner for QHs.   EK had Methot. QHs is good enough to do the revolving door thing but really needs a Mitchell type.    Manson would be the only UFA i'd actually be interested in this year.   Klingberg will turn on us fast ... LE-OEL somewhere in that range.   No thanks. 


Miller will be traded for very good return...Horvat will be signed 6 yrs X 7 million AAV.. NO way will Canucks let 2 top players go and they play centre impossible to replace 2 centres.. Only one and that's Miller as he will demand 7 yrs X 8.5 million and 30 yrs old next summer..

I would like a Manson 30, 6'2, RD, signing -toughness would be good beside Hughes for 2 -3 years.. Manson 4 million X 3 yrs----Teams will want Manson..

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19 hours ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

Sign Klingburg  7 years at $7.5 million................front end loaded

Sign Forsberg   7 years at $9.0 million................front end loaded

Sign Paul 7 years at $4.00 million.......................front end loaded

Sign Lazar 4 years at $1.00 million....................

Sign Lyubushkin 3 years at $2.00 million......................

Sign Chara 2 year at $1.00 million      


Hughes, and Hoglander to Arizona for Chychrun , and 2022-3rd OA

Pettersson to Columbus for Peeke, Sillinger, and 2022-6th OA

Boeser to Pittsburg for Kapanen and 2023-2nd

Myers to Dallas for 2022-2nd 50th OA




Forsberg (27)                  Miller (29)               Podkolzin (20)                  ......................................Forsberg just make Miller better

Kuzmenko(26)                Horvat (27)             Garland (26)                     .......................................I am banking on Kuzmeno's hype

Paul (27)                        Sillinger (19)            Kapanen (25)                   .......................................Solid 3rd line, and this is the place to put Sillinger to mature with no pressure  

Highmore (26)              Lammikko (26)          Lazar (27)                         .......................................Lazar helps Lammikko reach new hieghts

                                     Lockwood  (24)                                                   .......................................Lockwood is a cheap energy guy, no need to look else ware                            


OEL (30)                        Klingburg (29)                                                    .......................................I think this is an awesome 1st line for the next 3 years

Chychrun (24)               Peeke (24)                              .                           .......................................I think this is a great 2nd pairing that will be here for years

Chara (45)                     Lyubushkin (28)                                                 ....................................... Just a big solid paring that stops all that net stuff

Rathbone (23)               Schenn (32)                                                       ........................................Schenn protects Rathbone and gives him room to be offensive


Demko (26)                                                                                              .......................................Demko has 4 years at a great Cap, let's not waste it!

Martin (27)                                                                                                .......................................Martin will surprise, and will give Silvos and Brennan time to mature


Approx 76.00 Million Cap



2022 - Draft Picks 


2022-3rd OA         Arizona..................................Logan Cooley - C

2022-6th OA         Chicago.................................David Jiricek - RHD

2022-15th OA       Vancouver..............................Brad Lambert - C/LW

2022-50th OA       Dallas.....................................Noah Warren - RHD

2022- 79th OA      Vancouver..............................Tyler Brennan - G 



Note* The value of signing players to front end loaded is their  ability to trade later on in their careers, and the cost is low to the trading team, albeit their Cap Ave is the same, as well, for older players, the cost of retirement is less of a hit financially, as well as there might be a incentive to sign for less, as they are getting their money earlier, certainly a incentive to sign in Vancouver, because they are getting their money earlier.


We are faster, better, and heavier. Our ages are spread out better, with players playing underneath, wo will be able to have upward mobility, when they mature.




OK, OK.....................and then I woke up! But I always wondered what a team without Hughes, Pettersson and Boeser would look like. Play along if you wish, it is not serious!






Big no to Klindberg 29--Signing another old D man 7 yrs X 7.5  UGH NO-- Forsberg 28 soon, 7 X 9 million... BIG BIG NO...

We have Petey to sign in 2 years he will demand 8.5 million... 

New management ground won't be signing old players over 28 for big long term contracts like 9 million....

They want cap space, don't want to be up against cap..Great way to run team they will make team better..

Don't want sig

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4 hours ago, wildcam said:

I like Whitecloud 25, 6'2 RD played well 5 X 2.7 million ----- Lundkvist might not be NHL ready only playing under 20 games?? I do like the upside with Lundkvist he can be a #3 or #4 guy soon,, Marino 25, great contract solid #2 or #3 guy would look great with Hughes...Rathbone big fan of him..Just don't know if he will be a Canuck much longer.. I really think Rathbone will be a very good D man with offensive upside.I honestly think Rathbone LD, 23, 5'11 is as good if not better then Lundkvist RD, 23, 5'11..

i agree but in my scenario. myers and poolman would both be gone.

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2 hours ago, Phil_314 said:

First meme I thought of was
Kung Fu Wtf GIF by A24

AND it'd be suitable for the OP, since in his roster OP was trying to fix everything, everywhere, all at once.

Well really - this sort of thing happens every single off-season.  No shame for trying!   (and not really when i look at all the options ... it's pretty much what i see too ... glad it's not the consensus on the CDC, me or anyone else that has to make these tough choices)....

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1 minute ago, IBatch said:

Well really - this sort of thing happens every single off-season.  No shame for trying! 

Exactly -- though, keyboard GM's, you know it's time to take a break from conjuring proposals when your fingers have become sausages!!  :P:frantic:

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1 minute ago, Phil_314 said:

Exactly -- though, keyboard GM's, you know it's time to take a break from conjuring proposals when your fingers have become sausages!!  :P:frantic:

I thought they were hot dogs.   Long dogs.    Just like the summers - our guys go golfing - and we make $&!# up!!

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