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56 minutes ago, hammertime said:

This is very true......... And ..... If your'e honest how has that looked? 

And how often is this the case at the NHL level? Generally the talent level on the player's team is significantly higher relative to the quality of the player and the opponents. As one of the most NHL-ready players in the draft, he likely will have to come into a really bad team in a year or two and probably play center immediately, so I guess there will be an element of him being expected to be the guy (certainly from fans and media), but still it's the NHL, young players are sheltered early regardless of pedigree or hype. But by a few years into his career, dude is going to be a highly sought-after commodity, and by 25 or 26 he'll have full control of where he goes and quality of his teammates.

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1 minute ago, HighOnHockey said:

And how often is this the case at the NHL level? Generally the talent level on the player's team is significantly higher relative to the quality of the player and the opponents. As one of the most NHL-ready players in the draft, he likely will have to come into a really bad team in a year or two and probably play center immediately, so I guess there will be an element of him being expected to be the guy (certainly from fans and media), but still it's the NHL, young players are sheltered early regardless of pedigree or hype. But by a few years into his career, dude is going to be a highly sought-after commodity, and by 25 or 26 he'll have full control of where he goes and quality of his teammates.

We will see. I think there are a lot of people prematurely punching his ticket rn. If he was ranked in the 3rd Id be trying to convince you he' at least a 2nd right now to those saying he's a top 10 I'd say I have him in the 20's with some others who have great potential. 

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4 minutes ago, hammertime said:

We will see. I think there are a lot of people prematurely punching his ticket rn. If he was ranked in the 3rd Id be trying to convince you he' at least a 2nd right now to those saying he's a top 10 I'd say I have him in the 20's with some others who have great potential. 

What about those of us with him in the top 5?

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20 minutes ago, HighOnHockey said:

What about those of us with him in the top 5?

I mean thats the draft. We like the players we like for the reasons we like them. Good for you If you have him top 5 I commend you for picking your horse. Ill like it a lot more if we take Dvorsky @11 than I liked the Lekkerimaki pick. I'lll say that. 


I picked Bichsel as my guy last year we will see how that plays out.


When I do a ranking I can only judge on what I can see not what I hope to see. I think guys like Barlow, Sale, Danielson, Reinbacher, Simshev, Ritchie, Leonard. Look like pro's their game looks translatable.   

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3 hours ago, hammertime said:

When I do a ranking I can only judge on what I can see not what I hope to see.

Have you seen him in Allsvenskan this year though? You can see it there. Like every player in their draft year who splits time between junior and pro, he's a very different player in one than another - players don't really have a choice, they're used to being the guy all the time, and now they're playing with adult professional athletes and they need to defer or they just won't play. Players can even look like drastically different players from league junior to international junior; Mukhamadullin was the poster boy for this, for his junior club he was the go-to guy carrying the puck, playing low in the offensive zone, the whole works, but when representing Russia he was used (more effectively in my opinion) as a pure stay-at-home shutdown guy. It was night and day.


I don't really disagree with your assessment if we're just basing it on this tournament - and it varied from opponent to opponent here, we can fully expect against the contending teams it will only get worse. Was similar with Slovakia at his U20 WJC this year too. But at the pro level he looks to me like probably the most NHL-translatable forward I've seen since Lucas Raymond. If you watch his Hlinkas where he was surrounded by elite quality teammates, or his junior league play where the quality of opposition is limited, it's very different again; at both of those levels he carries the play a lot and with a much higher success rate, as he isn't needed to carry more than his share of the load (at this U18s he and Strbak have the entire team on their shoulders - ok with help from Pekarcic).



3 hours ago, hammertime said:

 I think guys like Barlow, Sale, Danielson, Reinbacher, Simshev, Ritchie, Leonard. Look like pro's their game looks translatable.   

The funny thing about this is I agree almost exactly with the rest of these players you named being among the most translatable in the class... only difference is I'd put Dvorsky at the top of the list. Curious to see what Leonard or Ritchie would looked like if magically plunked down in Dvorsky's spot for Slovakia.

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2 hours ago, HighOnHockey said:

The funny thing about this is I agree almost exactly with the rest of these players you named being among the most translatable in the class... only difference is I'd put Dvorsky at the top of the list. Curious to see what Leonard or Ritchie would looked like if magically plunked down in Dvorsky's spot for Slovakia.

I have seen a fair bit of Dvorsky between AIK Hilinka and now the u18. The hype train started before the draft last year with people billing him as a top 3. At that time I was watching Bedard and Michkov look absolutely incredible. So when people are getting excited about a 6'1 200lb C in his D-1 I'm pretty interested. Maybe I got off on the wrong foot watching him maybe I'm just out to lunch everyone seems to be losing their mind about how good he is and I'm just over here like. 

you guys seriously GIF


As to the quoted part. I can only go on what I can see. I don't know how Ritchie or Leonard would do. 


I can say that guys like Sale, Pekarcik, Halttunen, Jarventie are in a similar situation and look more professional to me at this u18. It's not like Dvorsky is out there on an island all alone. Pekarcik, Strbak, Masnica, Cedzo, are also useful players on the ice. 


Dvorsky has bucket of skill and ability that's on full display no denyin it. 

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23 minutes ago, hammertime said:

I have seen a fair bit of Dvorsky between AIK Hilinka and now the u18. The hype train started before the draft last year with people billing him as a top 3. At that time I was watching Bedard and Michkov look absolutely incredible. So when people are getting excited about a 6'1 200lb C in his D-1 I'm pretty interested. Maybe I got off on the wrong foot watching him maybe I'm just out to lunch everyone seems to be losing their mind about how good he is and I'm just over here like. 

you guys seriously GIF


As to the quoted part. I can only go on what I can see. I don't know how Ritchie or Leonard would do. 


I can say that guys like Sale, Pekarcik, Halttunen, Jarventie are in a similar situation and look a lot more professional to me at this u18. It's not like Dvorsky is out there on an island all alone. Pekarcik, Strbak, Barcik, Masnica, Cedzo, are also useful players on the ice. 


Dvorsky has bucket of skill and ability that's on full display no denyin it. 

I totally get what you mean with Dvorsky, He doesn't always wow that is for sure and doesn't have the explosiveness of some of the other prospects that are likely available in that range. 

I like him for the Canucks as I think if he develops to his ceiling he will be a great 2 C that will help Miller move the wing as he ages and be a perfect #2 to petey. 

I think worse case he projects as a good shutdown 3C. Which isn't what u want from a ~#11 pick in a all time draft - but given our massive inability to pick and develop players as an organization I would take it over some of the terrible draft picks of the last 10 years. 

I feel St Louis take either Dvorsky or Leonard if they are on board still as they are blues type players...I and also think ASP goes before we pick as I'm sure someone in that top 10 will do a LinnBenning and feel they must draft D + ASP could project as Hughes type D if he carries on his recent form and RHD is way more valuable than 1D wingers unless they really do think they project as Pasta or someone of that class.



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7 hours ago, Odd. said:

1983 being the last time a defenseman wasn’t drafted in the top 10, I’d have to think this year may be the first time in 40 years we don’t see one drafted top 10.


Smith, Benson, Perrault, Moore, Leonard, Dvorsky, Reinbacher, ASP, Wood, Yager, Šalé… all of these guys are top 10 picks and only about 5 of these guys will actually be selected top 10. Insane draft 

I’m torn. Id have to think of Reinbacher is available at 11, knowing our situation at defense, it would be criminal not to draft him. He would be a #2 right beside Hughes and can make the jump to the AHL next year.

Reinbacher 18, 6'2 would be a great pick at 11 O/A but think he will go by 7th or 8th pick..Lots of teams will like this big RD man..

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Shout out Aram Minnetian, leading the tournament in +/- after today's games. It always amazes and confuses me how he is able to produce so few points with his skill level and considering he and his D partner Zach Schulz play most of their shifts with the Smith line. I've seen him play a ton now but still can't quite figure out what to make of him.

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5 minutes ago, HighOnHockey said:

Shout out Aram Minnetian, leading the tournament in +/- after today's games. It always amazes and confuses me how he is able to produce so few points with his skill level and considering he and his D partner Zach Schulz play most of their shifts with the Smith line. I've seen him play a ton now but still can't quite figure out what to make of him.

where is he expected to go, could be a good mid round pick with one of our 3rds/4ths

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38 minutes ago, hammertime said:

Button had Kemell 3rd OA last year and Guenther over Mctavish aaaaaand Klimovich :bigblush: what's your point?

My point is perhaps Reinbacher will be there for us at 11? And if he is should we (and do we) select him? Seems like we should, and will, if he’s there. 

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