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[PGT] San Jose Sharks at Vancouver Canucks | Dec. 27, 2022

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-Vintage Canuck-

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Some thoughts on the team's 3Cs...


#1.  Pettersson: - Wonderkid centerman. 

                           -Elite offensive + defensive game

                           -Makes his teammates better

                           -Still has years before he peaks as a Centerman

                           -Inconsistent with faceoffs; probably due to lack of aggression.  It will come with in time.


#2  Horvat:  -Team sniper

                    -Elite faceoffs

                    -Inconsistent physical game and defensive coverage

                    -Far more goals than assists, which implies that he doesn't make his teammates better; he's

                    a 1-man show. He doesn't require elite teammates to score his goals, however he is not a

                    good option for an elite wingers (sniper). ie: Columbus definitely does not want Horvat.

                    -Just like Miller, Bo is playing in a contract year and his game has suddenly become elite.

                    It's hard to imagine that he will sustain his current scoring stats season after season,     

                    but he will continue to pile up respectable #s for several years.



#3.  Miller:   -Scores goals, but far more assists.

                    -Is over 50% on faceoffs

                    -Inconsistent defensive coverage, but more of a physical presence than the other two.

                    -Whether playing C or LW he requires a teammate that can score to put up elite numbers.

                    -Miller is easily a pt a game player if he has a teammates that can score.  Playing him on

                    a line with a struggling Garland and 4th line Lazar, will cause a decline in his

                    offensive numbers.

                    -He's more suited as a LW, but he certainly adds to a teams' depth chart at C.



Edited by higgyfan
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3 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:

Poor Quinn.


This was obviously really getting to him. If only he could develop a better goal scoring touch he'd be so much more of a threat. 8 last year not bad but 15-20 a year with a good shot would be huge.

To become the best he can be, Quinn needs to work on his shot like Kesler did. The free-wheeling we saw last night was always there, and coupled with his consistent great breakouts and blue line protection/passing, with a powerful shot (and stay-at-home partner) he would be our ultimate scoring defenseman.

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9 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I am very interested to see what happens when we are close to a playoff spot and the trade deadline is only a few days away.  What will happen with BO, Schenn and Kuzmenko?  Will JR get the green light to trade one or all of them, or will Aquilini veto any trade and we shoot for the playoffs like last year and just miss it?  


JR is alot of talk about how he not going to let assets walk away for nothing.  I wanna see if that talk turns into action.  JR will be on the hot seat in a couple of months, that is for sure.

I am glad JR is on the hot seat and not all the pseudo-POHOs/GMs on this forum who think they know better and are constantly complaining about management.

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15 minutes ago, canuckleheads fan said:

I mentioned to another poster the stumbling block, according to Friedman, is his bonus this Sumner. He thinks their will interested in Myers in the summer. Garland could be packaged with Hughes to NJ for picks and prospects. We can do without Hughes more than we can do without Bo, from what I've hears, NJ has some interest in Garland.

Yes; Myers will be moved this summer IF we have a replacement at RHD for him OR one in the works. As u said, it’s his bonus and term that kills him; both resolved in summer.


As for Hughes, why would you trade him? That’s a terrible idea that sets the organization way back. We have other ways to clear cap for Bo; just have to temper expectations on return (as in get nothing).

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10 minutes ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

That d is our biggest obstacle. Everyone wants d and no one wants to give them up if they have promise.

We need 2-3 defensively sound stay at home D, we do not need the modern #1 D who put up significant points.  Guys like Clifton, Soucy, Graves, Mayfield, Gudas (a few of, not all) will be available as UFA.  They are all strong defensively, but may not provide much in the way offense, which is fine.   


There is also the Euro and NCAA UFA route, as well as no qualified players.  Our Management team did fantastic in those lanes last year, even if you take away Kuz.


I have full trust un the is management group, they have been excellent so far.  Still a ways to go, there are many more moves to be made, but look what they have done in a years time.


I agree that we need to draft and develop some D, and that will take some time, but we do not need to blow everything up do do that.




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2 hours ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

Well you also have to remember that Miller played well and got his contract before his contract expired and now Bo is doing the same thing. It's not crazy that they play well before their contracts expire. They want the most money they can get for free agency to set themselves up in the future. I am not so impressed by individual statistics as I am TEAM statistics. That's what should be the most important thing for this management group and fans. Too often I find that we all get caught up in individual statistics when the record show this team doesn't mix well. It's a roller coaster team. It's not great if everyone is having a career year and yet we are .500 or lower. How many times must we go through it's just not a cohesive group.

Yeah, and I put a lot of that on our C and two As. Lack of cohesion can be improved with good (great) leadership on and off the ice. Bo is playing and scoring now like a talented Captain should, but it feels like he only started that as he approached contract time. Miller's and OEL's on ice leadership is suspect to say the least. It doesn't feel like they have the personalities or consistent performance to generate great team performance.

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My concern is the team does lousy. (Well mostly) When it plays the top tier teams like Carolina, Tampa, etc.

Even if the team makes the playoffs. It will probably get steamrollered.


Long term, and even short term, the team is handcuffed.


I don't know how the team is going to improve?

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3 hours ago, Locke Lamora said:

I highly doubt Bo wants out. Dude has green/blue Canuck blood running through his veins. They offer what he and and his negotiating team thinks is a fair deal, he will happily sign on the dotted line. And I have zero doubts he will cut the team a break compared to what he could now get in free agency.


I’m actually of the mind that Bo resigning is becoming more likely as his remarkable season becomes even more remarkable with each game. Ol’ Aquaman won’t be too keen to ship out the beloved Captain (Bo is far more liked than what this forum would have you believe, lol) who is looking to put together one of the greatest goal scoring campaigns in team history. In the midst of a very possible playoff push no less.


And here is one instance where I think I’m on board with the Chairman. Bo, whether its the Oates effect or not, has become a different level of offensive player. It’s actually quite remarkable. One could argue that Bo has become a bit of a unicorn right before our very eyes. Elite goal scoring and faceoff centre….and he has made some really nice setups of late which sort of refute the argument that can’t pass and play make. Bo is, quite simply, the type of player you endeavour to keep. I get the salary cap aspect and the challenge it poses….but this management group comprised of “legends” is paid to figure it out. Figure it out Rutherford and company.


Mandatory reading for anyone calling themselves a Canuck Fan and thinks we should trade Bo.

Locke for The Lock!

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23 minutes ago, canuckleheads fan said:

I mentioned to another poster the stumbling block, according to Friedman, is his bonus this Sumner. He thinks their will interested in Myers in the summer. Garland could be packaged with Hughes to NJ for picks and prospects. We can do without Hughes more than we can do without Bo, from what I've hears, NJ has some interest in Garland.

Get that out of your head. We are NOT trading our best defenceman when we are already weak in that position. 

QH is the second most important player on this team. 

Bo is a forward. We have a plethora of forwards who generate offence.  Bo is NOT more important than QH.

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3 minutes ago, grandmaster said:

Get that out of your head. We are NOT trading our best defenceman when we are already weak in that position. 

QH is the second most important player on this team. 

Bo is a forward. We have a plethora of forwards who generate offence.  Bo is NOT more important than QH.

Hughes, is very skilled, and very talented no question. However he struggles against bigger and faster opposition.

It would have to be a crazy good deal. But I think everyone except Petey can be traded for the right price.

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19 minutes ago, BC_Hawk said:

And a heck of a lot of injuries this year too. Getting the right RHD is going to cost us, but that is the way she goes. We need to just bend over and take it to move fwd. alternative is wading through the trash as we have been trying to find hidden gems.

It will just take effort and cannot be done being cute or trying to win the trade; we will lose the trade on paper, but win the war per say. Honestly, I’d have the 2023 1st in play for the right player.



16 minutes ago, BC_Hawk said:

And why unload them unless your going to use the $$. The cap comments from PA piss me off; you don’t need cap space unless u are a buyer, which we should not be outside of a top4 RHD unicorn.

Yeah this would be my plan too. Just like JR said in the beginning though. A middling team shouldn't be maxed out on the cap. That's why I wouldn't have signed Miller. This team needs cap space so it can search for a RD and then act swiftly when the opportunity presents. Should be the first priority.


This EA Sports approach of just swapping Myers and Garland/Boeser for Hedman or even Schnieder is so much harder in reality. Even when it comes to Myers cap space in a few years there actually needs to be a RD available at the exact same time or we end up with a 2-3 yr mediocre replacement for more cap space yet again.


These guys seem set on trying to be competitive so I agree our first this year or next year preferably might be the only way to even start talks. Otherwise we're possibly looking at 3 more years until we stabilize our D. By then Petterson, Podkolzin, Hoglander, are up too plus Schenn will have aged out and Miller will be 32/33. Unfortunately we'll probably have to attach what little picks we have left besides that to open up the cap space and we'll be all in with no prospects in the pipe again.

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1 minute ago, grandmaster said:

What we saw yesterday was vintage QH when he scored that goal. He was skating circles around the entire Sharks team a La Makar, who also is not a very big guy. QH was faster than anyone in that play and regardless of probably being the smallest guy on the ice at the time, it meant nothing. 

You never trade a guy like that when we have no one else as talented on the team or even remotely related in our prospect pool. 

Once again, it depends on the deal.

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