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Long Term contracts to veterans (discussion)

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Well, I have been thinking this for awhile wonder how to work this.


IMO, veteran players that sign long term contracts should have the team be able to buyout at full pop, 1/4 of the years, with no penalty, but at full cost to the team.


So, basically a 8 year deal could have 2 years bought out free, at the teams discretion. The caveat is that the last 2 years should be as minimum the average of the contract. It should includes all moneys.....regular pay and bonus's.


For example....OEL's last 2 years could be bought out at his cost in full (no putting it over those 2 years) So, the total 14 million up front, right away. And released out right.


This is not going to change a signing in regards to length, but will allow for a more competitive league, with no Tampa Bay injury sick bay............I mean, there are ways around todays over spending.....so why not give them a way out that is legal?


I think it benefits the Canucks, amongst others

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I feel like this could get exploited easily by the deep pocket teams (New York/Toronto)

Example if Kane thinks he only has 3 years left, New York could offer $7 million x5 years with the under the table agreement he will be bought out at 3. Vs a small market team offering $10 million by 3


No cap penalty and $14 million would be a rounding error to some of these owners. Especially if it brings home a championship 

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3 hours ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

Well, I have been thinking this for awhile wonder how to work this.


IMO, veteran players that sign long term contracts should have the team be able to buyout at full pop, 1/4 of the years, with no penalty, but at full cost to the team.


So, basically a 8 year deal could have 2 years bought out free, at the teams discretion. The caveat is that the last 2 years should be as minimum the average of the contract. It should includes all moneys.....regular pay and bonus's.


For example....OEL's last 2 years could be bought out at his cost in full (no putting it over those 2 years) So, the total 14 million up front, right away. And released out right.


This is not going to change a signing in regards to length, but will allow for a more competitive league, with no Tampa Bay injury sick bay............I mean, there are ways around todays over spending.....so why not give them a way out that is legal?


I think it benefits the Canucks, amongst others

Every GMs says yes please!!!


But there is a reason Uncle Gary likes a hard cap and max fixed terms and cap penalty buyout....it protects rich teams to spend unlimited money without any consequence, therefore protects Owners' pockets and league profitability.  


Parity is nice but, this is where I think richer teams needs to step up and voice their opinion.  They are financing teams like Columbus, Arizona and Florida's but don't get an advantage of attracting good players due to salary cap/taxes/currency rates.

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11 minutes ago, Strawbone said:

Contracts should be limited to 5 years period. That's plenty long (I'd argue still too long) for guaranteed money regardless of performance.

I think 5 years is the perfect length to cap deals. 

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14 hours ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

Well, I have been thinking this for awhile wonder how to work this.


IMO, veteran players that sign long term contracts should have the team be able to buyout at full pop, 1/4 of the years, with no penalty, but at full cost to the team.


So, basically a 8 year deal could have 2 years bought out free, at the teams discretion. The caveat is that the last 2 years should be as minimum the average of the contract. It should includes all moneys.....regular pay and bonus's.


For example....OEL's last 2 years could be bought out at his cost in full (no putting it over those 2 years) So, the total 14 million up front, right away. And released out right.


This is not going to change a signing in regards to length, but will allow for a more competitive league, with no Tampa Bay injury sick bay............I mean, there are ways around todays over spending.....so why not give them a way out that is legal?


I think it benefits the Canucks, amongst others

It's a penalty to buy out players and should be.


Me I think teams should get one buyout no penalty every 5 years.

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Owners don’t want to make buyouts easier.  Also. The cap is based on a 50/50 revenue split so allowing penalty free buyouts would screw up the math and trigger more escrow (which the players don’t want).  If a GM screws up on a deal there’s no easy get out of jail free card. Nor should there be.  

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Make this option available only once every 5 years.Should make GMs have to be smart about it and allows older age players to get a good pay cheque before they age out of the league.Also will let teams that are on pace for a cup run to sign sign or trade for a seasoned vet(maybe with a ring already) to help mentor and then pay him out after that.I like it.Good idea JIAHN.

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What I would like to see and I know it would never happen, is the ability to renegotiate contracts, provided both the player and team agreed to it. 

The NHLPA would still have a serious problem with that though.


Of course I’d also like teams he able to cut players, like in football, but that’s an even bigger pipe dream. 



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Buyouts don’t happen enough, because they are not beneficial enough.  The proposal cannot happen with the current hard cap and escrow calculations.  This proposed change would just mean that overall salary cap would go down and the escrow payments would go up, league wide.  Always 50-50 split of monies in the CBA.

Two alternative solutions could be…

1. Reduce buyout calculation 2/3 to 1/4.  The individual player that is bought out will be adversely affected but teams, fans and remaining players will actually all benefit.


2. The contracted salary each year is the cap hit and abolish the current average cap hit calculation.  Contracts paid up front would therefore be easier to to buyout and obviously contracts with salary at the end would not.  




Edited by Canuckie8
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