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Nucker 67

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Everything posted by Nucker 67

  1. Stress of the TDL is over. Travis Hamonic is gone. Younger, enthusiastic Dman has joined the team. Feeling good, energized, time to start winning a bunch of games (trying to be optimistic)
  2. If this is true, then I'm glad for the Canucks, a positive change in the room is a good thing, not to mention adding Dermott. He seems like a good guy and should fit in well with the team. Hamonic is OTT's problem now, and $3 less than the Canucks have to pay. Good job Patrik.
  3. This TDL was pretty boring, as a Canucks fan. They made very minimal moves, only got rid of a bit of cap. Is this because it was this management's first real deadline? Were they overly cautious because of this being the first "war room" situation, dipping their toes so to speak? From what I've heard JR likes to make trades, lots of them, so I was surprised with what little happened, but being Allvin's first kick at the cat, they were conservative. I expect them to be a lot more aggressive in the off season with a clear plan in place. Canucks missed the 1st Round in the last two Drafts, and have no high end prospects. It would be great to get one of the top players from those Drafts - Holtz, Lundell, Mercer, Schneider, Mukhamadullin, Othmann, Lysell, etc.
  4. Sounds like OEL and Petey are playing hurt, but they're still in the hunt so they'll play. If the Canucks lose games down the stretch until they're pretty much done, they might shut OEL and Petey down, and give opportunities to guys like Rathbone and Lockwood, etc. They might also cut back on Demko starting games, and let Halak play more. If they do this stealth tank, they could possibly end up with a slightly higher pick. If I had to choose between Horvat and Miller being re-signed, I would choose Miller, even though he's a couple of years older. He's the glue that keeps the team together, and he produces way more than anyone else on the team. Remember when Boeser was a fun lovin' dude with the flo? Brock doesn't seem too happy these days, and I'm hoping it was just the stress of the TDL affecting his game. Maybe now that it's over, he can get back to firing rockets into nets. Getting that smile and swagger back. Petey is a very good player, but I'm wondering if he'll ever be great. Coach Boudreau and even Allvin said that the players need to prepare themselves in practice etc., and be ready for games. Pettersson needs to spend his off season in the gym, not boating and relaxing with friends. I wouldn't be opposed to trading him if the return was another good top 6C under 25.
  5. Really not sure what to expect. COL is far and away the better team, but COL might be looking at the Canucks coming in as an easy win. Some of the Canucks players struggled through the TDL, but now that it's over, maybe they play a more focused game. I'd love to see an upset.
  6. So horrible, I hate hearing of these things, but I know it happens. I worry about my parents as well. There's a special place in hell for these scammers.
  7. Petey's got 2 years left at $7.35, and at the time I thought, "It's too short a term, why doesn't Petey want to play here?!!" But, in hindsight, it's a good thing his contract ends sooner rather than later. If he keeps up his current play, I can't see them giving him much of a raise, if they re-sign him. He's still got 2 years after this one, so we'll see if he improves.
  8. I would want them to do player for player trades (e.g.) 1. Boeser for a #3/4 RD (25 and under) 2. Pettersson for a Top Line C/W (23 and under) 3. Horvat for a Top 6C or D (25 and under) 4. Myers+ for a Top 4 D (25 and under) Getting strictly picks back may or may not work out, and the Canucks would need immediate help back, especially if they're shipping out one or more of these guys.
  9. Petey needs to put on 20 lbs and work on his skating. When he was drafted I was surprised VAN took him, but seeing him play, he was going to be amazing. He's looked anything but amazing this season. Too easy to play against. He's never been a point-a-game player in the NHL. The only absolute keepers I see right now are: Demko Podkolzin Hughes Schenn Dermott (tbd)
  10. Who the heck is this Wiley Canuck buffoon? That's not what Seravalli said. Just trying to stir up some hate. I'm sure Hamonic wasn't popular with team mates and there were differences, but c'mon man. The big story here is VAN fleecing OTT
  11. I wonder if there's a decision to be made between Miller and Horvat. Both play C and will need new contracts in 2023. Do they trade one and then re-sign Boeser? (5 x $7) I'm going to guess that Schenn will be re-signed after his contract expires in 2023. He's too valuable to let go.
  12. Is this an issue? Should Patrik take a Toastmasters course? Who cares if he pauses and is careful what he says, the guy is going to build a championship team here.
  13. Dermott - Hunt This might actually be pretty good. I know Hunt gets some heat around here, but he's a decent Dman. He'll sacrifice himself for the team and makes some smart plays. I'm looking forward to seeing Dermott out there in the blue and green. Just a hunch, but I'm thinking he might be feeling really good about his new surroundings and he'll flourish.
  14. Allvin would like to change the culture, and feels some younger players don't work hard enough in practice and off the ice than they should. Having that mindset, the dedication to winning. I wonder if Boeser is one of those players. Also Petey? I get the feeling that Podkolzin, Hoglander and Hughes work very hard
  15. Some are really upset Motte is gone. Would they be just as upset if Highmore left? Same type of player.
  16. People are dreaming if they think he'll re-sign for under $6 If he re-signs for under $7, then keep him. If not, then trade him.
  17. I like the Dermott and Hamonic trades more and more. Hamonic missed a lot of games, and not all because he was injured. I don't think he gave his all in VAN, he didn't get in many fights anyway. From what I hear he didn't get along very well with his team mates, differences of opinion probably. He's also 31 and makes $3. Dermott is 6 years younger, plays both right and left, is half the price of Hamonic, and they feel he has good analytics and upside. I think he'll do really well in VAN. The 3rd round picks are a wash, but....VAN traded WPG's 3rd to TOR for Dermott, so if OTT finishes below WPG in the standings, that's an added small bonus of moving up a few spots in that 3rd round.
  18. People complaining about Richardson, I could see frustration if they re-signed him for 2 more years, but they didn't. He cost basically nothing. He's only here for 20+ games. Relax. He'll be a calming, veteran influence heading down the stretch, and maybe even playoffs. The real work will happen in the offseason.
  19. After the Rangers get ousted in Round 1, they'll circle back to Miller in the offseason. Offer their 1st, Kravtsov and Lundkvist.
  20. I'm not convinced they'll re-sign Miller. Yes, he's their best player right now, but they also said they want to get younger, to build a young core that can win together. I don't believe this includes Miller, and maybe the return in his trade will be more good, young players to add to the VAN core. I think they'll try to re-sign Boeser, but if he's wanting $7 or more, then he could also be traded. They might also trade one of Myers or OEL. I see them dumping cap and getting younger.
  21. The players and coaches will always play to win the game. They couldn't care less about a high draft pick.
  22. This team isn't going to be fixed overnight. Halak has been a big mistake bringing in, but he'll be gone after this season. My guess is: other teams actually watched him this year and wanted nothing to do with him and their playoff run. Can't really blame Allvin for that. Richardson was brought in, because he's familiar with some of the players, he's a good faceoff guy, good team guy, veteran stability, and he's really cheap. The Canucks are still pretty much intact to still make a run at a playoff spot. Wouldn't that be interesting if they actually snuck in. I see VGK and ANA both lost again. The bigger moves will happen in the offseason, and at the Draft. Let's enjoy the rest of the season with these guys, cheer them on. If they get in - Great! If they don't and get a decent Draft pick - Great! Next year will be better.
  23. So, who gets traded in the summer? My guess: Boeser Garland Pearson Dickinson Myers Team could look very different next season
  24. I know some keep calling Motte just a 4th liner, but he had intangibles most on the team don't have. His speed and tenacity, his aggressiveness on the puck, the hounding, the good stick and even some pretty good hands/skills. But, the Canucks want to get younger (Richardson, Sutter and Chiasson are done after this season). Motte is 27 and is looking for a nice contract, he deserves it, but that doesn't fit in with what the Canucks are trying to do. That 4th could also play a role at the Draft, as an added piece for something greater.
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