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Nucker 67

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Everything posted by Nucker 67

  1. I would really like it if Allvin could get another 1st (even later), to draft this player. I think Chesley will still be around in the 2nd, but of course, Canucks don't have a 2nd.
  2. Got a feeling Miller won't be accepting any kind of discounted offer. His agent will want him to make top dollar. I know he's the Canucks best player this season (aside from Demko), but is that really saying much? The Canucks are a poor non-playoff team, again. They have been for years. Someone has to be the best player on that sinking ship. And I can't get over that he'll be 30 when his new, expensive contract starts - if they re-sign him. Please don't re-sign Miller. Instead, get Petey, Podz and Hoglander some younger, faster help, and improve the D.
  3. I had this thought a while back as well. Maybe Letang would want to refresh his career, and play his last few years on a young up and coming Canucks team in beautiful BC. Reconnect with JR, Allvin and Clancey. Play where Luc Bourdon (his best friend at the time) started his career. I like the idea of: OEL - Letang Hughes - Schenn Dermott - ?? Burroughs I think Myers has to be traded. Any chance (RD) Brady Keeper gets a shot next season?
  4. Did he really need to announce it? I thought he was done playing years ago.
  5. As I was typing away, saying Fiala isn't worth it, I found myself intrigued at the idea. The Canucks need a boost in their forward group, and he could provide that added skill and speed. Be tough to give up on Hoglander though.
  6. Was watching Donnie and Dhali and apparently Allvin said he feels the Canucks don't have a superstar. Is this true? Aren't Pettersson and Hughes superstars? I'm wondering if this is a reference to never having the 1st overall, a real game changer. He's had Crosby and Malkin all those years, but here, it's just a mish-mash of pretty good and real good players, and a great goaltender. Maybe he's right? Petey's never been a point-a-game player. I think Hughes is the closest thing to a superstar. At least he will be. Canucks need to win a lottery pick, or trade for one, or try to find one on another team (Kakko? Lafreniere? Byram? Laine?)
  7. If they trade two or more of these guys: Miller Horvat Garland Boeser Pearson Myers OEL then, I'll be excited for the season. The returns could include younger, fast players.
  8. Core? Pettersson - Future Captain Boeser - I think they re-sign him to 5 x $7 (or something like that), because they won't get the huge offer they're expecting. Take a chance on him taking another step. Podkolzin - He's going to be great one day Hoglander - Fast, skilled and gritty Lockwood - Gritty, fast bottom 6 player (the future Motte?) Hughes - Elite, period. Schenn - Inexpensive, irreplaceable veteran leadership, and toughness Dermott - Inexpensive, youngish and I think he'll only get better Demko - Can't win without a great goaltender. I'm not certain Rathbone, Klimovich, Woo and DiPietro will be regular NHL players on the Canucks, but we'll see. and then the many picks and prospects/young players/depth (Cs and Ds) back in return for: Miller Horvat Garland Pearson Dickinson Myers or OEL Poolman
  9. Really hoping this Linus Karlsson kid is the real deal, same with McDonough. And that JR and Allvin can find some gems in the college and Euro ranks. Canucks need to hit a few home runs.
  10. OTT has been the laughing stock of the league for many years, but Sens fans can finally be excited about their future with Tkachuk, Stutzle, Batherson, Norris, Formenton, Sanderson, Bransstrom, Chabot, etc. They still have work to do, but they're putting together a nice young core. Is OTT going to sign a 30 year old to a 6 year contract worth $9 a season? Unlikely, but I think this young core of OTT's will contend in a couple of years. By comparison, the Canucks young core is: Pettersson, Hoglander, Podkolzin, Dermott and Hughes. Maybe add Rathbone. Not good enough.
  11. I think initially, JR underestimated the work to be done in Vancouver. He said about two years for the Canucks to be a playoff team (contender) again? He had no idea. JR might also underestimate the impatience of this fan base and how passionate Canadian hockey fans are for their team. He was in upper management in PIT and CAR, where hockey isn't the #1 sport. Far from it in Raleigh. I'm not sure they even know who to build the team around yet. Miller? Horvat? Petey? Will JR and Allvin be aggressive in trading this summer? I hope so, because this team as it is, isn't very good. Boudreau had them playing at their highest level, and that still isn't good enough. IMO, pen a letter to the fans telling them the plan, then tear it down and rebuild around Petey, Podkolzin, Hughes and Demko.
  12. That's a big problem, never having a #1 overall pick. Gotta say, getting the 1st would be amazing Pettersson - Wright - Podkozin
  13. Let's say the Hockey Gods smile down on the Canucks and VAN gets the #2. Do they take: Forward - Cooley or Slafkovsky Defense - Nemec or Jiricek ? I'd be very tempted to take the D. Other than Hughes, they haven't drafted an impactful Dman with the 1st in many years. RIP Luc Looking at teams like FLA with Ekblad, TB with Hedman and Sergachev, DAL with Heiskanen, etc. Big, physical #1 Dmen. Mind you, Nemec and Jiricek will both still need to mature, but they aren't small players. Love Hughes, but he's a different kind of player altogether. Is he a forward who plays D? Is he a throwback from a hundred years ago and Quinn is a rover? I think the Canucks still need that big, physical 1st pairing Dman, who skates well and has a bomb of a shot. Not sure if Nemec or Jiricek will have these qualities at the NHL level one day. Maybe Jiricek?
  14. The way I'm looking at it - one more loss and they're done. So, here's hoping they go 13-0! (not asking for much)
  15. I'd like to see a big shake up this off season. Re-sign and trade Boeser. Trade Horvat, Pearson, Garland and Myers. Bring up Rathbone and Lockwood. Re-sign Miller, give him the C. I wouldn't mind them bringing in Severson to play with OEL, and maybe Pesce to play with Dermott. Also be nice to get a young D with size who skates well, to eventually work their way into the Top 4. OEL - Severson Hughes - Schenn Dermott - Pesce Rathbone ? Any idea if or when Woo and Klimovich will be ready?
  16. I agree, another GM might've traded 1st and 2nd round picks for the wrong players with bad contracts, just to give ownership the illusion that playoffs are possible. I'm really looking forward to the off season, it'll be busy and I think the Canucks will have a much better, more exciting team in 2022/23.
  17. Not sure what they could be thinking or planning. I'm glad management has had several months to assess the team and haven't pulled the trigger on a big trade. They're taking their time, instead of doing something just for the sake of putting their stamp on it. As for Miller, I think he'll either be traded or re-signed this off season. I'm not sure they're going to want any major contract distractions mid-season. Maybe the same with Horvat? I don't believe they'll trade the 1st, because they want to build up the prospect pool and have good young players coming up the ranks. They might even try to get another 1st.
  18. Keep the 1st IMO. What if they traded away big pieces, but not Miller? Boeser, Horvat, Garland, Pearson, Myers Miller is the veteran forward leader, lock him up for 6 years at $8.25 - supported by Pettersson, Podkolzin, Hoglander, Lockwood and the young players they traded for OEL and Schenn are the veteran Ds - supported by Hughes, Dermott and Rathbone and the young RD they trade for (Demko), Miller, OEL and Schenn leading and mentoring all of that great, young talent
  19. It's tough to draft a stud prospect when you get in (and are a contender) in the playoffs every year. If JR had the #5 or #7 etc., I'm sure he would've drafted some really good players. Benning just looks like a smarty because he drafted high every year. Easy pickins
  20. Trade Boeser, Garland and Hunt for size ands speed. Also dump Myers, Dickinson, Pearson and Poolman Re-start with this group? (still not sold on a long term deal with Miller, but if he accepts 5 years or less...) Pettersson - Miller - ? Hoglander - Horvat - Podkolzin ? - ? - ? Highmore - Lammikko - Lockwood OEL - ? Hughes - Schenn Dermott - Burroughs Rathbone
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