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Everything posted by Cramarossa

  1. MARKUS granLUND MARKUS nasLUND Coincidence?? *Puts on tin foil hat*
  2. Where'd y'all hear/read/see this??
  3. This was one of the preseason games a few weeks ago, I believe.
  4. Confession: I don't know what I want to do when I grow up, which is unfortunate given I'm 26 years old. I have a university degree in the sciences, but work a job (ironically at a university) that doesn't really use what I've learned. I'm too chicken to pursue a career in science (I was only a B level student), but wholly uninterested in pursuing a career in higher education. I've thought about quitting my current job to start from the bottom in science, but the work I do now is pretty easy and I make a pretty good wage. Pursuing science would be harder and more stressful, plus I'd make much less. But I'm also not happy strolling in to my higher ed job everyday pulling a Vrbata and phoning it in. I am very thankful for where I'm at, however. I know many people would kill for the life I have.
  5. Every time Granlund scores a goal this Prusty gets a bit thrustier.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cramarossa
    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      Would you sit on his face tho 

    4. Cramarossa


      Yes, definitely. Amongst other things.

  6. Did Jake end up meeting with the concussion spotters after all? Any updates?

    1. mll


      He did and was cleared - that's why he missed part of the 1st.  WD announced the same lineup for tonight so he's fine.

  7. Anyone else see them botch the spelling of Gretzy's name when introducing him tonight during the LAK 50th anniversary?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shift-4


      ummmm Gretzy?   :P 
      That be ironing

    3. Cramarossa


      Of all names to misspell…:lol:

      This had me rollin'.

    4. Ghostsof1915


      Must be this guy.



  8. Would it be weird of me to buy a third Canucks jersey? Most people I know only own one team jersey, max two. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cramarossa


      That's why I just wanted Granlund's tshirt!! Ahaha. 

    3. Fantomex


      You can never have enough swag. 

    4. brilac


      I have two Canucks jerseys - one ol skool from 2003 erra and one a bought a few years back - black and pink, and a bunch of swag. 

  9. Happy hockey day, everyone! :towel:

    1. Drive-By Body Pierce
    2. Fantomex


      It has been so long... I'm so happy its back! :frantic::wub::emot-parrot:

  10. *clicks ignore* Kidding, but seriously that made my stomach turn.
  11. Confession: I don't give a rat's behind about who gets banned/why.
  12. Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian CDC friends :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Maybe just appreciate every day Joe. I got to see my niece and her 2 year old son running around. And most of the members of my family. The kids laugh make things seem like the world is a better place. 

    3. Cramarossa


      @smithers joe When I was a kid sometimes we would just do deli meat turkey sandwiches, but still all the traditional sides. It was a lot easier to cook that way! 


      What are y'all thankful for this year? I am happy to have my health, a home, a loving boyfriend and family, cute kitties, and a hockey team I just can't quit. As I age I find myself thankful for the little things. I got a Daniel Sedin autograph in the mail this weekend- it made my day! 

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i'm thankful the length of my life; 42 years i got to spend with my wife; having my son and grandson living here with me has been great and a lot of good friends, who i know will help me as i start another chapter of my story.  i'm also thankful for our canuck family. hockey is just a game but people are golden. 

  13. On my way to WWE No Mercy :3

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cramarossa


      We were behind the bell/timekeeper. You can see my bf when Ziggler runs with the belt between the timekeeper and the commentary table :) Bf goes and is grabbing on him lol

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      o **** there you are xD  glad you guys had fun :3

    4. Cramarossa


      It was awesome! Bf is on his way right now to RAW. 

  14. Jeez that interviewer seemed a bit negative. Nikita seems like a sweet, very respectful kid. I liked what he had to say about WD and how he appreciates the honesty:
  15. I'm so loving how many people on this thread are eating crow right now...we'll see if our young Finn can keep this up in the regular season . Hansen looked good with Granny/Sutter- sooo much speed on one line! Beautiful!
  16. Question for a fantasy hockey players: Do you always draft the best player available regardless of team, or do you sometimes choose your favorite Canucks even if there are better players out there?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fantomex


      Generally BPA, but it's also a good idea to snag a younger player who may have a breakout year in the later rounds. I won a pool a few years ago with a bunch of rookies and sophomores.   I was laughed at when we had our draft, but that prize pool was worth it! :towel:

    3. Cramarossa


      So, @Fantomex, you're saying I should pick Granlund? Lol I think my sleeper Canuck will be Hutton. 

    4. Fantomex


      Nope! But if you look at Team North America from the WCoH, you might find some sleepers there! Hutton would also be a very smart pickup (IMO) in the later rounds.

  17. He's a beauty. His chemistry with the twins came as advertised. It was definitely a different game with the Tre Kronor line out there- vintage sedinery within seconds. What caught me off guard and surprised/impressed me the most was Loui's backchecking. He slipped so easily into defensive position, and held it sometimes even before our defenseman got the memo. I didn't know much about Loui before he was acquired this summer but I'm definitely happy we got him- even at that ridiculous term.
  18. I took an undergrad biology course in the spring (my degree is in biology). In spite of the fact I already have a degree in the field, I found the class to be incredibly challenging. I had to bust my butt just for a low B grade. Don't be discouraged. We all have something to learn. If you knew it all you wouldn't be taking the course in the first place, right? So it can't be that easy. Hang in there.
  19. Plot twist, his date is a goat at the zoo
  20. Is it too early to buy an Eriksson jersey :wub:

  21. There are many days when you are by far my favorite CDCer :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      shaky is a pretty cool cat. any new westie is a bestie :3

    3. ShakyWalton


      New West....Gods little acre.

    4. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      and downtown new west is god's ballsack

  22. Does the Canucks filming future gif videos with Pedan mean he's staying on for a while? He was all over their snapchat today. 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. luckylager


      It wasn't really meant that way, but, internet and not lockerroom or whatevs.. 

      It was rude. Sorry.

    3. Alflives


      Well, we were all wrong, and Pedan is on waivers, probably to be picked up by another team.  I think we need his toughness, and will miss him.  Our back end has Guddy, yes, but we don't want him fighting; we want him playing, don't we?  Pedan could fill the 'chuck the knuckles' guy role.


      What does GAYNESS have to do with this thread?  

    4. Cramarossa


      @luckylager Apology accepted ^_^


      @Alflives Something  LL said. 

  23. You and me both, dude! I am looking forward to the regular season and some those human-interest style pieces they do on the players; I'm really curious to hear what Granny was up to and how he was training over summer. It looks to be paying off.
  24. But where's your face?? That's super cool! I'm jelly. I'd love to see the Canucks play in Rogers.
  25. Confession: I bought a bag of Halloween candy to put on my desk for students at work, and so far I haven't even brought it to work and instead have been eating the candy myself at home. Confession: Even though I have three NHL teams I follow (plus one honorable mention team), I have a hard time really keeping track of each one. I ALWAYS know when the Canucks have a game, but have been surprised to see when Wild/Coyotes/Blues games are on. This is unfortunate since I just bought the more expensive NHL.TV specifically so I could watch games for these other teams too. Maybe I'll feel differently after the regular season starts.
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