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Status Replies posted by TimberWolf

  1. Mod's be like "we aren't paid enough to do this job" God some of the threads i've read in the last 24hr are frustrating

  2. Ehlers tossed for abuse of officials today. His battle with the refs this season has been epic while his diving rep grows.

  3. It's possible that Carrie Brownstein and Fred Armisen followed me around to get ideas for Portlandia. I'm not proud of it, but that show is exactly my life.

  4. IF we put all the members CDC in a room, I wonder what would happen....

  5. If we make the playoffs and somehow play LA. Willie D and benning need to be smarter than AV and Gillis were in 2011 and call up a meathead from utica to run quick successively every single game the same way the bruins did Luongo. To beat LA you have to...well BEAT LA

  6. these pretzels are making me thirsty

  7. I am living here with Roman!!!

  8. What's everyone's favorite spice mix or seasoning?

  9. lol really, what happened canucks...

  10. Remember when Gstank was a cool kid? me neither :(

  11. foods that end in amburger

  12. foods that end in amburger

  13. Cities that start with "H":

  14. Dumb and Dummer to is the most disappointing sequel of all time.

  15. I need some help on a paper, and I think this is the right place to get a lot of ideas: Why do players participating in any sport commit acts of unsportsmanlike nature?

  16. I don't see Benning doing anything at the deadline. Him and Linden are happy to make the playoffs and nothing more.

  17. I wish that I had Jessie's girl...

  18. Jensen got Called Up. Kassian going to be watching from the pressbox again LOL

  19. What's a poposal?

  20. Celebrity Jeopardy ftw

  21. So Kane goes from a playoff team like the Jets to basically the new gulag of the NHL Buffalo.. Makes sense.

  22. This damn forum cracks me up. We lose: "We're worse than the Leafs and Willie is an idiot!!!" We win: "How many cups will we win?" It's called lithium and it's not expensive.

  23. Come home Evander. I know its a pipe dream.. but he can make it happen. Pull a Keeler and say you are only going to one team.

  24. You know what I like? Those little nipples on tires. I like to pull them off and roll them in between my pointer finger and thumb. I just wanted to share that. Oh, and I love you.

  25. It's funny how even in limited ice time, Kenins and Clendening looked way more creative with the puck then 3/4 of our team. 1 play where Kenins cut to the middle shocked me because I haven't seen any of our forwards do that for a while.

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