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Status Replies posted by TimberWolf

  1. People who tell others to "cheer for another team" when they are critical of the team are hilarious.

  2. Not everyone but some of you are letting your hatred of CDC blind you to unconditional love for Benning.

  3. why is everyone saying fire jb? we're getting younger, the core we have right now can't get it done

  4. "real return" if you ask CDC every single player is worth a first. Okay.

  5. "real return" if you ask CDC every single player is worth a first. Okay.

  6. Terminated contracts, trading retired players to circumvent the cap floor on a league owend team? What next? How can Buttman make the NHL more of a joke.

  7. Star Wars III is a shame to that series.

  8. The amount of ignorance on CDC is sometimes funny. Pedan was trade for a 2016 3RD, DORSETT was our 2015 3rd....... I've seen this error to many times today

  9. lol draft hasn't even started yet and everyone is freaking out. I understand why we are hated now.. because our fanbase is full of annoying 12 year olds

  10. While a huge fan and having the same desire as everyone else to gain multiple picks this year and draft yet again top ten and in the 20's....I'd chuckle a little if almost nothing happened and Canucks just walked up drafted 23rd and that was it.

  11. If the Sedins retired today, would they be hall of famers?

  12. Sportsnet just lost all of their credibility to me. They made a list of the best late round picks in NHL history and had freaking Joe Pavelski on it over Pavel Bure.....

  13. Anonymous may have just declared war on Westboro Baptist Church...

  14. Have I just not been reading the right threads or is the lead up to this years draft a lot more civil? I remember there were some pretty big war of words going on between the Virtanen/Nylander/Ehlers camps last year.

  15. I... Also... Care about rep points. +me please

  16. While it's incredibly early to ask and I know I will take heat for it. Is Keith a future hall of fame entrant? multiple gold medals, multiple cup wins, multiple norris wins and still in his prime. Is he a future hall of famer?

  17. If Lehner goes for 21st overall and Talbot goes for 15th overall, we could get a bigger haul for Lack than we expected...

  18. Everything bad in the world can be traced back to rejection, selfishness, or fear.

  19. IF i have learnt anything about CDC in the last year it's that everyone wants to trade established players for a top 10 pick even if it doesn't make sense...

  20. IF i have learnt anything about CDC in the last year it's that everyone wants to trade established players for a top 10 pick even if it doesn't make sense...

  21. Girlfriend says that starting next season I have to pick- her or the Canucks. Says she hates hockey.

  22. Should I keep the beard?

  23. Minus Boston, Chicago, LA, SJ and now Calgary. What other team do you hate?

  24. You gotta cut loose.

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