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Status Replies posted by TimberWolf

  1. @VanCanucks: "He's done everything from his perspective that he can do to make this team" - Benning on McCann, who will play final two exhibition games.

  2. What do you think? Is there a Sasquatch on Alert Bay? Could it be Slender Man? A publicity stunt for tourism? http://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/very-eerie-bizarre-howls-spark-sasquatch-hunt-on-remote-b-c-island-1.2578210

  3. all of you are stupid idiots, the world's ending on December 21st, 2012

  4. Is it Necropost Thursday and I missed the memo?

  5. What a quick offseason

  6. Does anyone know that song that goes like this? Dododo dooo dododo dooo dododo do do do dododo dooo

  7. Karl Wolf vs. Johnny Kapahala who would win

  8. Got my first official interview tomorrow. Kinda nervous. Any tips?

  9. Does Vrbata get re-signed?

  10. Note to self: Don't bother with thread on Religion, Gun control, or Politics, almost impossible to find someone who can hold a rational discussion on these topics

  11. Crosby is...

  12. Brad Marchand is...

  13. AMC - Something More - but they cut out violence and profanity from movies being played @ 1 am.

  14. Always makes me laugh how people try and predict the weather for winter, in August.

  15. Aloha Akbar!!

  16. Halle Berry is a beautiful woman.

  17. Food for thought: Edmonton and San Jose are going to be relaying on rookie goalies to get them into the playoffs. As far as I can tell there has only been a handful or goalies who have made the playoffs during their "Rookie season" as a starter.

  18. NHLPA going to fight the Richards termination. Awesome...I hope they win, suck it Kings

  19. Fruity Oaty Bars Make a man out of a mouse. Fruity Oaty Bars Make you bust out of your blouse. Eat them all the time. They will blow your mind. WOO!

  20. i want to know, if when expansion comes, does a team has to protect a player with a ntc? and what are the ramifications ?

  21. Quit saying " this _>

  22. Virtanen only got 2 goals and an assist,, trade him he sucks

  23. is it wrong to want to call social services everytime you see a child wear a flames jersey

  24. Everything. OK! I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play.....

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