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Everything posted by DSVII

  1. I know he's a rookie but I'd like to take a chance on Chris MacFarland. Sakic's right hand man
  2. He should have had that moneyball Billy Beane conversation with Green last season. "This isn't how the team is designed to play." "You can't start Chiasson on the powerplay. Because I traded him to Ottawa."
  3. I had to blink a few times during this period. When was the last time we played with this tempo and pressure. Win or lose (hopefully win!). Can't wait to see how the team evolves in a few more weeks. This is just after a morning skate.
  4. Underrated part of the interview was at the end when Bruce tried to get up from his chair and stumbled, let out an f-bomb Hahaha.
  5. Loving the positivity coming from him. I'll be tuning into tonight's game for sure, curious to see how much our structure has changed as a team.
  6. Font size? haha I think if the current core works out, he'll be looked upon the same way as Nonis, but more dragged out over 8 years. Drafting the core, but not able to put it altogether. We'll need some time for the full retrospective to play out. The carcass of the regime is still too fresh.
  7. Sad stat of the year, you could add our PP% to our PK% and our PK% would still ranked middle of the league (17th overall)
  8. It needed to be done. The second Benning admitted he had no idea why the team was struggling his time was over. The search is another thing though, and yeah I'm with you, no to Bergevin.
  9. The irony that the wheels fell apart as soon as the last vestiges of the Gillis Era on the defense left....(Tanev, Edler, Markstrom)
  10. Considering Canucks have a ~1% chance of playoffs right now, it's a tall order. But hope Boudreau can show the team what it's like to play with an actual NHL system
  11. I look forward to the future playoff disappointment. But at least it's making future playoffs. Too bad this hire wasn't made two weeks ago, while the season was still salvageable, but hopefully we get some good systems hockey now. Very telling that Aqua fired Green before Benning...see if anything moves on that front.
  12. By what metrics? There's a gluttony of numbers you can use to draw different pictures. I remember a stat where something as obscured as zone exits / 60 was used to show the difference when coming to Vancouver https://twitter.com/JFreshHockey/status/1409561130029268994?s=20
  13. They probably interact only during the voting on league business like the CBA. But if I was the other owners I'd just encourage old Aqua. He's inadvertently making the competition on their own teams easier haha I'm more curious on how is he seen by other potential nhl executives who are job hunting.
  14. It needs an owner who is willing to relinquish control. Hire people with full autonomy, sit back and cut the cheques and enjoy the quarterly updates.
  15. You don't have to hire the new president or GM now, but at least fire Green and Benning and put their interim replacements from within the organization in so you can at least signal to everyone that this isn't acceptable.
  16. Jerseys thrown on the ice. Hattys for the opposing team. The loudest chant I've ever heard in the building for firing. This has to be the nail in the coffin right? The justification for not rebuilding was so we wouldn't end up like the 2000s Leafs and Oilers. We're basically there now.
  17. Don't know what ownerships obsession with waiting till the offseason to make changes is. If you fired Green at the last homestead the season could still be salvageable. And good candidates don't wait to be hired according to your timelines wanting to keep things at a clean cutoff. They are plucked asap (I.e Gorton) because you are competing against potentiallu 31 other teams also looking to hire. You gotta be flexible and jump right away. SMH. Another lost season.
  18. I'd prefer hiring a POHO who can vet his own GM. The owners shouldn't be making this choice.
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