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Junkyard Dog

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Everything posted by Junkyard Dog

  1. Chicago is more focused on finding Bedard players that can play with him for the next decade more so than next year. Finding short term players won’t be a problem anyway. Gaining picks/prospects is high priority and they’ll have a lot of opportunities to gain sweeteners when taking cap dumps. Cap is premium and they have a lot of it.
  2. I don’t care as long as it’s cheap and if we’re able to clear a bunch of cap. I’ve got other priorities first though.
  3. I prefer Boeser as I think Garland brings more bang for his buck and Myers expires sooner. Clearing more cap by 2024 off-season. We also have a plethora of wingers both on the roster and in the system.
  4. I’d like that deal for sure. It might be a bit much for Hawks liking. Our situation puts us in a position where it may be unlikely to get a fair deal when clearing cap so I am not sure we’d get that much. It really depends on a lot of things, like how much value moving to 11th is and how much our situation dampens deals with us moving out cap. Things we don’t know and that are hard to tell/predict. Getting a quality C prospect that’s closer to making the lineup would be a smart way to help address the 3rd C position long term. Having both Dach and Raty would give us a pretty good shot at developing one. That was my mindset with it. Then we could use the 19th overall to draft a D and come out of the draft with both a C and D after the trade addressing two needs long term.
  5. I don’t mind trading down if we can dump Boeser and get a 2nd/or equivalent prospect on top of 19th. Chicago has a pretty nice prospect pool and they got Colton Dach who’s a big C playing in the WHL, going to the memorial Cup. Brother of Kirby Dach. Not their best prospect but a quality one who’s a former 2nd round pick in 2021 and is closer in development than anyone we’d draft with the supposed 2nd. Boeser would free up the most cap besides OEL and Myers is gone in a year so it would help us moving forward.
  6. I think given what route we decided to take we are not gonna be trading Miller. It would have to take a deal that would make us a better team now and moving forward and I am not sure such a deal exists for Miller. He’s a good player but not a super valuable one like a Petey/Hughes, especially with a long term contract that takes him to his late 30s.
  7. Friedman was on Donnie and Dhali and stated that the cap increase would probably only be 500k to 1M on top of the 1M increase already in place if both sides manage to agree. So 1.5M to 2M.
  8. Due to their past signings they kind of have to go for it but if they are smart they should consider next year a wash and sell some of their upcoming UFAs. They have a ton of cap coming in the 2024 offseason and that will be the time to reconstruct the roster. 2024 is a good UFA class as it currently stands. Things can change for sure though. Gathering picks then using them to help build the roster might be the best bet for next year, akin to how we acquired Hronek. It’s what I would do if I was their GM but we’ll see how they manage their situation.
  9. Yeah glad he’s getting an opportunity. Flames seem to be taking the right steps with management but their situation is a dire one so they might have their work cut out.
  10. He did state he wanted to return as per Shanaplan right before he was let go. It didn’t seem too wishy washy to me. Dubas seems like he is a little too modest sometimes. He was also his guy. I think Shanaplan should go too.
  11. The Shanaplan did him a bit dirty after hearing his presser. At least he and his family won’t be stressed out anymore. He did state he likely takes a break if he was let go. He was young when he started. Now he can enjoy some family time he had to take away from. Best of luck Dub
  12. My concerns to be alleviated. Until they prove good chemistry they don't have it. OEL needs a bounceback year too. A lot of ifs. The point was to alleviate any concerns by acquiring Maatta who has proven to already have chemistry with Hronek playing his best hockey with him rather than going into the season with the unknowns/ifs/assumptions as we currently are. Like I said though it would require considerable cap created as we need cap for other areas first. So Maatta is a long shot for being a consideration.
  13. I don’t think it’s far from unfair to have concerns in regards of OEL and their fit and I wouldn’t go out and state things for certain when there’s too much uncertainty surrounding it personally. I think if Mattaa is available and we create enough cap it’s a no brainer and less of a risky move than higher priced UFAs Mattaa won’t be as pricey as other D available, brings qualities we want as a winning team, Cup experience with our management, has been regarded as a good character guy and Hronek played his best hockey with him. Those are the facts I am gonna go by. If we clear enough cap though. We have other priorities first. I think if the opportunity arises I would take it.
  14. He's played 4 games with us so I am holding out judgement. I have watched him the past few years a bit and read a lot of what Redwings fans have had to say about him during said time(Love/Hate relationship). If he reverts back to his old self folks won't be too happy. He also has to stay healthy. Might not be the type of defenseman you can punch in with anybody. He's worked better with a specific type of defenseman. This year worked better with Maatta than a guy like Chiarot. It was almost night and day this in comparison this year. Unsure Myers or OEL would get the best out of him. Maatta more along the lines of a Tanev. Not a physically demanding but a poise defensive defenseman. Redwings fans liked them together. Maatta/Hronek spent more time together than with any other partner. Maatta-Hronek had twice as many on-ice goals together for than goals against and had a .948 team save percentage when on the ice together which was best on the team by a solid margin I believe. If we manage to clear enough cap it may be very wise to go after Maataa who's a UFA this year. I get he's a LD and might get pricey there but from a chemistry standpoint it might be smart to get them together again. He'd probably be cheaper than a guy like Gavrikov.
  15. Rodbusting/Post-Tensioning/Welding/Structural/ETC Pretty much the general jist of it with Local 97. They screaming for guys and even trying to get youth programs started like Rebar Bootcamp and what not. Probably be another job like LNG in Kitimat in Squamish within the next few years. There will be a lot of work for the next 10-15 years.
  16. I don’t think we’re getting anything back. It almost seems certain that there will be a price to pay. We’re up against the cap, as are a lot of teams, and the teams with cap are gonna be making the most of that. If we aren’t willing to pay to move out cap then they’ll find someone else that is. Perhaps a guy like Beauv we could maybe give away without sweeteners but he’d be had for scraps like we’ve pretty much seen higher quality players go for. if we want to clear cap we will have to be willing to pay a price. It is a necessary sacrifice.
  17. I live at home still at 27 and pretty much am able to for the next while or so as I finish school. Even after 1st year of school is done I’ll probably be making 5-6k(working OT) a cheque with little commitments and lowish rent. Good time to start saving for a place. Hopefully in 5ish years the housing market can begin to settle down a bit. I work in a camp setting too so 2/3rds of the time I have everything paid for. What’s in extremely high demand atm are Ironworkers in BC. Local 97 screaming for guys and you’re never out of work. They bring guys from the east coast to work here. The projects coming up soon will create even more. Gonna be a good next 10-15 years. I recommend if anyone knows anybody who wants a career path or something for themselves.
  18. Flipp app is pretty useful for finding deals. Gives you all the flyer sales of all stores and online sales as well. Good especially when trying to stock up meat. Just by a crap ton when good sales are on and freeze. What I do is kind of follow the sales because they cycle through the same ones over a period.
  19. I think we bite the bullet with one trade at wing(Boeser/Garland/etc) and wait out Myers.
  20. I look forward to watching them play. I will give them the benefit of the doubt as well as the team as they all grow. Hence why my expectations are not too high. I don't want to be unreasonable with my expectations of the team as these guys grow next year. I think we're gonna make the most of our cap situation next year and see what we got in these young guys and see how they grow over the course of the season. That said my expectations can change this off-season if they can clear cap and bring in a couple more established permanent guys. The number of youngsters we bring in will decrease but those who we'd bring in would have established veterans to play with them and I think they'd have a better environment to grow. Like having a good 3rd C for Pod/Hog/Karlsson/etc is probably better for them than having a youngster or depth guy with them for example. Having a veteran borderline 4/5 D is probably good for any youngster D on the 3rd pair than another youngster/depth D. And once these guys grow they can replace guys further up the lineup. This is something we can achieve once as clear cap which we can for sure begin in the 2024 off-season unless we bite the bullet this year. Regardless it will be an interesting year to me either way.
  21. It seems like a pretty high probability that we shed(not re-sign/etc) roster role guys in the bottom ends of the lineup and replace them with cheaper/youngsters to create cap. It would make sense and is an easy way to help become compliant with the cap. Fill in well and fit in well enough to make the playoffs next year is the question. Personally I don't think right away. These are players still growing and playoff teams usually don't have as many on their roster due to not really wanting to go through those pains while competing for a playoff spot. We kind of have to due to cap reasons otherwise we probably would be bringing in more vets while letting our depth/prospects cook, while only giving the ones who are worthy opportunities. I believe next year will be a major growth year for the parts of the lineup outside the core group. It'll be a pretty big training camp for all the depth guys as a lot of spots will probably be there for the taking in the bottom 6, extras and 3rd pair. My main point is that it will take guys time to reach whatever potential they will be. As it always has been besides with high profile impact players like Hughes/Petey/etc It'll be an interesting year but my expectations are not sky high barring what they do this off-season.
  22. Is that depth playoff worthy is the question that will be answered over the course of the season. I predict not as of right now as some are young and will be going through the pains, ups/downs of growth as we see on a yearly basis with guys. We've seen a understandable lack of consistency. Most notably Pod/Hog we've seen go through this and they've got higher upside and more experience than almost all of our other younger depth so I imagine it will take time for the others to settle in as well. That's what next year is for. To see what we got and to go through these growth periods. As we clear cap we can supplement the youngsters who've shown to fit with veterans that fit and then we have probably created a consistent playoff lineup and depth that we can rely on as a playoff team.
  23. We might have to suffer for a year without any upgrades made during the off-season and us having to rely on ELCs to fill out spots Injuries during the season to key players may be felt much more due to the lack of depth. If we stay healthy we could probably compete for a playoff spot much we'd be on the bubble. Core would have to keep up a high level of play. Will be interesting to see how a full year without Horvat effects the sustainability of our star players and centers. We got a half-season sample size with an easier schedule to judge but adding another half year where you need others to pick up the scoring, minutes and faceoff duties against tougher opponents could affect longevity and could create potential for injury. Hence why a solid 3rd C is likely the reason of being on the managements radar. Probably want Miller/Petey to not burn out down the stretch. Biggest issue with this team is consistency and a biggest reason for that is lack of proper personnel. We need more defensive guys if we want to consistently have better defensive results(PK and goals against). Coach helps but coach needs to proper guys in the proper places to get the best results. It will be an interesting year but I wouldn't have crazy expectations unless they manage to clear cap(and how much) and make things interesting this off-season.
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