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A Game Of Thrones: To the point of the TV show, no spoilers beyond that


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Guest Gumballthechewy

everything that you could hope for, and more.

I know Joffery died. I read the books so I was going to try and answer your question without spoiling anything but I don't think that's possible.

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yup. so, since mr sandwich and margaery were married, but it was not consummated, who takes over the throne? Margaery or Cersei?

I'm not even sure it needs to be consummated in this universe... i just hope Cersei doesn't rule again.

Shouldn't be ether of them. Nor did Cersei ever have the throne. Women don't have a claim the throne as far as I can tell and the throne just falls to the next male in line. When Robert died first in line was his oldest son. Stannis entire claim to the throne was that if Joffrey is not really Robert's son than as a Lannister Joffrey would have no right to the throne. Margaery being a woman and a born Tyrell should have no claim to it ether and with Joffrey having no son the next in line should be Tommen. Though Tommen is like 12 so I am unsure if he will truly make the decisions or if another individual will be chosen as acting King until Tommen is of age. The hand of the king in Ned Stark was going to get that role with Joffrey before he was dubbed a traitor so maybe Tywin ends up ruling as acting king.

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Shouldn't be ether of them. Nor did Cersei ever have the throne. Women don't have a claim the throne as far as I can tell and the throne just falls to the next male in line. When Robert died first in line was his oldest son. Stannis entire claim to the throne was that if Joffrey is not really Robert's son than as a Lannister Joffrey would have no right to the throne. Margaery being a woman and a born Tyrell should have no claim to it ether and with Joffrey having no son the next in line should be Tommen. Though Tommen is like 12 so I am unsure if he will truly make the decisions or if another individual will be chosen as acting King until Tommen is of age. The hand of the king in Ned Stark was going to get that role with Joffrey before he was dubbed a traitor so maybe Tywin ends up ruling as acting king.

When the king is too young to be relied upon to run the kingdom in Westeros, generally a regent is appointed.

Cercei has more or less appointed herself as the Queen regent and since she has the support of the Gold Cloaks, no-one is likely to gainsay her.

Tywin effectively runs things and this is known to all who matter. He seems to be content to let his daughter think that she's in charge, but every once in a while puts his foot down to let everyone know where the real power lies.

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When the king is too young to be relied upon to run the kingdom in Westeros, generally a regent is appointed.

Cercei has more or less appointed herself as the Queen regent and since she has the support of the Gold Cloaks, no-one is likely to gainsay her.

Tywin effectively runs things and this is known to all who matter. He seems to be content to let his daughter think that she's in charge, but every once in a while puts his foot down to let everyone know where the real power lies.

What is the appropriate age a king has to be?

So Cersei technically had more power than Joffrey? It had seemed to me that after she slapped him he really took over the reigns of power and she was kind of just around.

Though I assume with Tommen as king if Cersei does get the acting power she could be 10x worse than she was with Joffrey.

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What is the appropriate age a king has to be?

So Cersei technically had more power than Joffrey? It had seemed to me that after she slapped him he really took over the reigns of power and she was kind of just around.

Though I assume with Tommen as king if Cersei does get the acting power she could be 10x worse than she was with Joffrey.

I don't think there's an official age, but Tommen is certainly considered too young at this point. In the books they make reference to the fact that his favorite thing about being King is imprinting his royal seal in the wax on official documents.

I think the plan was for Cersei to run things when Joff became King, but he quickly became too much for her to handle. (The pivotal moment becoming when he went against instructions and had Eddard Stark beheaded)

In response, Tywin had Tyrion appointed acting hand, with the expectation that he would be able to control Joffrey. (Remember, Tywin like most Lords, is essentially a misogynist. Women are for bearing children and forging alliances through arranged marriages. Even self-important women, like his daughter) Tywin likely feels that Cersei is too prejudiced by the fact that Joffrey is her son, to do what must be done to control him.

Tyrion is more successful in controlling the King's actions, but he ultimately makes an enemy of him, very nearly resulting in his death in the Battle of the Blcakwater.

When Tywin returns to Kings Landing, he quickly restores things to what he feels is the proper balance. Tyrion is removed as Hand and made Master of Coin and Tywin assumes the mantle of Hand which he had deferred to his son in his absence. He makes subtle changes in how things are run, just to show everyone (Joffrey especially) who really runs things.

Moving Small Council meetings to the Tower of the Hand was the first step. Summarily dismissing the King and "sending him to bed" sealed the deal. Joffrey can protest, make a lot of noise (constantly proclaiming "I am the King!") and bully the smallfolk to his heart's content, but tywin has left no doubt where the real power lies.

It's like the line from season 1: "Who controls the Gold Cloaks?"......

"The one who pays them."

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So after careful consideration, I've decided on a winner for "The Worst Detective in Westeros" award...

The nominees:

Cersei: Doesn't realize that by exposing the Highgarden plot to marry Sansa to Loras, that she would be the most logical choice to replace her.

Automatically assumes the Tyrion has poisoned Joffrey, even though it would have been one of the most clumsy assassination attempts ever, especially knowing how cunning Tyrion is.

Of course some of her enthusiasm can be put down to her loathing of her brother, but most people would want to see the real murderer brought to justice. For someone who considers herself "clever", she was easily duped.

Catelyn: Another mom fooled into blaming the obvious person for an attack on her child. She fails to recognize that only a fool would attempt to kill someone with a weapon easily recognizable as their own and Tyrion is anything but a fool.

She also takes Littlefinger at his word, even though she is well aware of what a schemer he is.

She takes Tyrion into custody, even though she has to realize the far reaching consequences of such an action.

Ros: She spies for her boss' biggest rival at court, but is not particularly circumspect even though she is well aware that he has his own spies everywhere...

Ending up as Joff's pincushion was predictable considering her lack of detective skills...

And the winner is.......

Theon Greyjoy!

After sacking Winterfell, the Prince of Pyke awakes to find himself strapped to a wood frame in the shape of an "X"... He is questioned by an unknown assailant and asked to guess where he is...Knowing only that he is no longer a Winterfell, he then proceeds to guess virtually every other northern stronghold except the one that he's in.

His captor begins to skin his finger, yet Theon is still unable to figure out his location....If only there was a northern house known for flaying it's enemies.....If only there were an example somewhere of the wooden frame that he finds himself strapped to...

But alas, it's not like any of the well-known northern houses has anything similar as their sigil or anything...

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^ The Theon and Ros things seem more like oversights by the show writers than anything

Btw, really like your posts. Westeros.org quality (Y)

Agreed. That's why I posted it in this thread, rather than the "spoiler" one...

And thanks Hodor. Back atcha! :)

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What is the appropriate age a king has to be?

So Cersei technically had more power than Joffrey? It had seemed to me that after she slapped him he really took over the reigns of power and she was kind of just around.

Though I assume with Tommen as king if Cersei does get the acting power she could be 10x worse than she was with Joffrey.

In the books the appropriate age for a King to rule is 16. Until the King is of age someone else takes the position of Regent and Protector of the Realm.

Once Robert died and Joffrey became King, Cersei declared herself Queen Regent and Protector of the Realm. She technically was in charge but that didn't stop some people from obeying Joffrey instead.

Edited by Beluga Whale
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Not that I am ignoring anyone I did read the responses... but as far as this episode...

- Don't understand the Jamie and Cersei scene. Unless I am missing something it just seemed out of place.

- Samwell and Gilly also bore me.

- After the scene with Margaery and Olenna while talking about her next husband and how she wants to be queen they conveniently show Tommen. This is a show that loves to cut to the next scene with a random connection.

- I support Ygritte and Styr.

- In rewatching the show Sansa became one of my favorite characters. Please for all that is holy do not put her with Little Finger. He couldn't give off more rape like vibes.

- Oberyn <3

- Dany is now liberating another slave city on her moral crusade across Essos. *snoore* Hopefully this is just good filming and this doesn't go so well for her.
- Hound and Ayra gained massive points in episode 1. Everything they gained 2 weeks ago is now gone with this episode.

- Podrick is effed.

- Tyrion seems effed. But I am hesitant to think the show would kill him. He is like Dany 2.0. Maybe the scene with Jamie and Cersei is relavant. Jamie did call her a hateful bitch or something because taking her against her will.

Overall it was the least interesting episode of the season and felt maybe like a 7/10 for me pending possible overlooked things but seemed like a set up episode for big things.

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- Dany is now liberating another slave city on her moral crusade across Essos. *snoore* Hopefully this is just good filming and this doesn't go so well for her.

It's a spoiler'ish hint of future plot, but no actual solid information:

GRRM wrote the later Dany story line after the US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan began so he drew a lot of influences from these current events into Dany's story line, which I'm sure the TV show will soon.

Edited by CB007
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Disapointing episode. There were a few things I liked but a lot of negatives. It seems now everytime they change something from the book it bothers me.

- Littlefinger/Sansa was great. I agree with you Florence on Sansa. She's a really good character and only gets better.

- The scenes with Tywin were great.

- The Jaime and Cersei scene felt odd and out of place. While it was a scene in the book, it happened right after Jaime got back so it made more sense.

- They are going way too far with the Oberyn orgy scenes imo.

- The Hound/Arya was HORRIBLE. While Maisie did a great job a portraying Arya in the first 2 seasons, her acting is slowly getting worse. I didn't like any aspect of their scenes this episode.

- I also disliked the final Dany scene. Shooting the collars at them, the arrows shot before Daario...please too cheesy for me. I also found it absurd how she was talking to the people of Meereen when she was so far away. First it showed the Champion coming out of a gate that looked very far away, next second they can all some how all hear her?

I know I'm being way too critical, I blame the books for being so damn good

Edited by Beluga Whale
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- I also disliked the final Dany scene. Shooting the collars at them, the arrows shot before Daario...please too cheesy for me. I also found it absurd how she was talking to the people of Meereen when she was so far away. First it showed the Champion coming out of a gate that looked very far away, next second they can all some how all hear her?

I know I'm being way too critical, I blame the books for being so damn good

only on CDC can you be too critical. LET IT FLY, BROTHER

i don't particularly agree with your opinion on a lot of scenes, but i never read the books to this point so idk. however i do agree with the above. i actually really enjoyed the episode, though.

i find almost every scene with the dragon woman to be unbearably cheesy. she's made for an action movie.

Edited by GLASSJAW
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I dunno, I enjoyed the episode overall. I can't point to any one thing that I particularly hated outside of the Daenerys scene. Freeing the slaves the first time was alright. This is just bleh. She's starting to grate on my nerves more and more with every appearance.

I hear people more often then not talk about how they could care less about Sam and Gilly, but honestly I'm pretty interested in seeing how exactly that turns out. Obviously not well, but I hope for better, lol.

But all in all, I hope someone massacres the Wildlings. Probably more so than anything else. The ones across the wall aggressing. I hate them all.

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I think the writers have done a poor job with Daario Naharis. His lines used to be delivered with a lot of arrogance and I don't give an eff I'll do what I want. Now he's asking Dany's permission for things that don't seem to be of his character. I don't blame the new actor, he can only do so much with the lines he's given.

I'm looking forward to the showdown between Oberyn and the Mountain. I wonder if the Hound will show up?

The fact that the Cersei/Jamie scene felt so out of place makes me think that it is going to be really important to the storyline, otherwise I think the showrunners would have just cut the scene altogether.

I think my favourite scene was between Tommen and Tywin. Tywin has so much influence on everyone and I like seeing Cersei squeam.

Feels like the show could have saved a lot of money by having Emilia Clarke saying her lines in front of a green screen and then just place in whatever sweet backdrop they want for each place she conquers. Its not like each one of her conquests is different from the previous. Snore.

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I dunno, I enjoyed the episode overall. I can't point to any one thing that I particularly hated outside of the Daenerys scene. Freeing the slaves the first time was alright. This is just bleh. She's starting to grate on my nerves more and more with every appearance.

I hear people more often then not talk about how they could care less about Sam and Gilly, but honestly I'm pretty interested in seeing how exactly that turns out. Obviously not well, but I hope for better, lol.

But all in all, I hope someone massacres the Wildlings. Probably more so than anything else. The ones across the wall aggressing. I hate them all.

Also, not a fan of how everyone seems to be constantly fawning over Daenerys. I get why some of the long term associates she has are so loyal. However, it seems like every guy she meets is willing to risk their lives just to get into her pants. It's a bit much.

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Also, not a fan of how everyone seems to be constantly fawning over Daenerys. I get why some of the long term associates she has are so loyal. However, it seems like every guy she meets is willing to risk their lives just to get into her pants. It's a bit much.

Ser Barristan would like you to take that back.


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