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A Game Of Thrones: To the point of the TV show, no spoilers beyond that


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Yeah these people that think Cercei is somehow changed cause of this one episode...? She's clearly playing these people and will no doubt knife them in the back figuratively shortly.

During Cercei's scene, my wife turned to me and said, "I don't trust that b*tch."

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Yeah these people that think Cercei is somehow changed cause of this one episode...? She's clearly playing these people and will no doubt knife them in the back figuratively shortly.

Sucking up to Margaery seems a bit unnecessary though. As Tyrion has already pointed out, mace will vote exactly how Tywin tells him to vote, so Oberyn and Tywin are really the only two she needs to sway.

It could be that she's just "covering her bases" as it were, or it could also be that she knows are Tommen/Marge wedding is inevitable and instead of alienating margaery further, has decided that you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Tywin is an interesting dynamic here. He's a smart man and he is well aware of how clever Tyrion is. He has to know that Tyrion would never be so clumsy as to be standing there with the murder weapon in hand, looking both guilty and foolish at the same time.

That being the case, Tywin has to know that someone else is responsible for Joffrey's death, but doesn't seem to be too concerned with finding out who. The expedient thing I suppose, is to get rid of a son he's always despised and at the same time, put a far more malleable king on the throne.

It brings to mind something Tyrion said before he was sent into battle against Robb's forces (paraphrasing): "There must be an easier way to have me killed!" If Tywin truly wanted his son dead, he's had many chances to make it happen, but has not, ostensibly because he feels that family is everything.

It makes you wonder what his true motives regarding Tyrion are.

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i think i'm gonna stop reading/participating in this thread. the bitching is getting as bad as the walking dead thread.

The Walking Dead Thread was mindless babble. Haters said nothing but I hate this show it's boring. Lovers said nothing but no I think this show is amazing because zombies or (insert another mindless self relevant comment). I couldn't even get a half thought out response from a 3 paragraph essay based on show facts. It's a cheap thrills show loved by cheap thrill fans.

Thrones on the other hand is a deep show that rivals Star Wars, Star Trek, Mass Effect etc. It has it's own made up languages. Science, rules, lore, that are relevant to the universe that is built beyond the show. It requires a lot of actual logical thought and many people who complained provided a real logical thought behind it. Even when people complain here I feel I learn more about the world.

But yes you are welcome to leave and stick to The Walking Dead or nothing at all if you wish.

No hatred for it, just don't have time for it. I'm allowed to not like certain characters, just like you may dislike some characters that I like. No person is 100% likeable or 100% unlikeable. I just don't like Sansa, no harm no foul.

Fair enough. But out of curiosity who are your favorite or most liked characters?

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Hey Dany's scene wasn't so bad that episode :)

Tyrion's speech was also pretty damn good.

Mace is also a whipped beotch.

Though my only knock is the Yara and Theon storyline. Doesn't seem believable to me.

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Tyrion's trail and the rest of the Kings Landing scenes were great.

The Dreadfort "battle" was terrible, this scene was ridiculous on so many levels, There is no way Ramsay would just let Yara/Asha Greyjoy escape. So much build up and afterwards, by some miracle, essentially nothing has changed.

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The Dreadfort "battle" was terrible, this scene was ridiculous on so many levels, There is no way Ramsay would just let Yara/Asha Greyjoy escape. So much build up and afterwards, by some miracle, essentially nothing has changed.

To me, it looked like somebody who when writing season 3 had a great storyline for Yara changed their mind before season 4, and decided to just write something and put an end to that storyline.

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Well be interesting to see who the combatants are for Tyrion's trial. It doesn't look good for him now, but he's gotten himself out of some pretty bad situations before so I wouldn't put it past him. I suspect Oberyn will play an important role; he must have gained a great deal of respect for Tyrion after his speech against his family.

Interesting that Jorah Mormont was a spy; I suspect that he'll be a part of whatever plan Varys has in mind. I'm wondering why he bothered to save Dany from the assassin who tried to poison her in season 1 though.

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