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A Game Of Thrones: To the point of the TV show, no spoilers beyond that


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9 minutes ago, GLASSJAW said:

can someone tell me who the guy was at the head of the table that Cersei crashed, with the man sh-tting his pants? she refers to him as uncle, but I don't remember who he is, or of what relation he is to the plot. Is that Tywin's brother?


i'm referring to the man who is first seen in the clip posted above by Tre Mac

Kevan?  Is it Tywin's brother?  I just see him in that flow chart but these are the type of characters that get lost on me.


Also one thing that kind of bugs me.  If they knew Tyrion was a dwarf at birth why did he get the better name over Jaime?  If it went Titus>Tywin wouldn't Jaime be Tyrion and Tyrion gets some stupid imp like name? 

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1 minute ago, Jai604 said:

That is indeed Tywin's younger brother, Kevan Lannister.  He's the father of Lancel Lannister, the idiot squire to Robert Baratheon who eventually joined the Faith Militant under the High Sparrow.



Riiight. Interesting. I remember him sassing Cersei (i believe) last season and thought he was kind of a neat character. Hope he gets more of a role before he's undoubtedly killed off.

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Just now, GLASSJAW said:

Riiight. Interesting. I remember him sassing Cersei (i believe) last season and thought he was kind of a neat character. Hope he gets more of a role before he's undoubtedly killed off.

I would imagine there will be some squaring off between Kevan and Cersei, as Kevan is now the Hand of the King, and the head of the small council.


He pretty much gave her the middle finger last episode, and there is no way that doesn't come back to bite him in the ass at some point.  That plus the fact that he is currently the head of House Lannister and Lord of Casterly Rock, I'm sure Cersei probably wants Kevan dead.

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1 minute ago, Jai604 said:

I would imagine there will be some squaring off between Kevan and Cersei, as Kevan is now the Hand of the King, and the head of the small council.


He pretty much gave her the middle finger last episode, and there is no way that doesn't come back to bite him in the ass at some point.  That plus the fact that he is currently the head of House Lannister and Lord of Casterly Rock, I'm sure Cersei probably wants Kevan dead.

Yeah he'll get 'mountained' as he didn't do anything and just stood there when Cersei finished the atonement.  I can't blame the guy though, maybe he knew about her and Lansel's little affair.

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21 minutes ago, Tre Mac said:

Yeah he'll get 'mountained' as he didn't do anything and just stood there when Cersei finished the atonement.  I can't blame the guy though, maybe he knew about her and Lansel's little affair.

Oh, I'm sure he does.


I'm sure he isn't a huge fan of that nor the incest and the bull$&!# Joffrey and Cersei pulled when Joff was king.

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1 hour ago, taxi said:

Miraculous recover....well except for the fact there is clearly something grotesquely wrong with him.

Is there? To the average observer in KL? From what I can see, he looks much like any other Kingsguard, albeit a very large version.

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1 hour ago, RUPERTKBD said:

Is there? To the average observer in KL? From what I can see, he looks much like any other Kingsguard, albeit a very large version.

Everyone in the episode kept referring to him as some kind of abomination, so I don't think that's the case.

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4 minutes ago, taxi said:

Everyone in the episode kept referring to him as some kind of abomination, so I don't think that's the case.

The only one I heard call him that was Pycelle.


Since he identified the poison used as Manticore venom and is well aware of the expected results, he would be in a unique position to know what Ser Gregor is. Further to that, he is the one person in KL who is aware of Qyburn's history and the reason his chain was taken away.

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I was bored at work so I read up on some GoT rumours.  I only watch the show so some make sense.  Don't flame me, I only type what I read.



Hodor is actually a horse, he warg into Lyanna(sp) horse and it died in combat or he warg too long.  Insert joke about his unit size here.



Meera and Jon Snow are twins.  Lyanna died giving birth and Ned bringing two bastard children home would be too far fetched.  She does have green eyes though and this seems too star warsy.  They also seem to be 3 years apart.



Jaime will kill Cersei.  In the books the witch tells Cersei that a younger sibling will choke her, “And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.”both Jaime and Tyrion are younger but Tyrion killing her would be too obvious.



Lady Mel. is a Rastafarian Targaryen,


Edited by Tre Mac
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21 minutes ago, Tre Mac said:

I was bored at work so I read up on some GoT rumours.  I only watch the show so some make sense.  Don't flame me, I only type what I read.


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Hodor is actually a horse, he warg into Lyanna(sp) horse and it died in combat or he warg too long.  Insert joke about his unit size here.


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Meera and Jon Snow are twins.  Lyanna died giving birth and Ned bringing two bastard children home would be too far fetched.  She does have green eyes though and this seems too star warsy.  They also seem to be 3 years apart.


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Jaime will kill Cersei.  In the books the witch tells Cersei that a younger sibling will choke her, “And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.”both Jaime and Tyrion are younger but Tyrion killing her would be too obvious.


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Lady Mel. is a Rastafarian Targaryen,


Not sure if you need spoiler tags for those. I find the Hodor is a horse rumour pretty hilarious though.

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30 minutes ago, taxi said:

Not sure if you need spoiler tags for those. I find the Hodor is a horse rumour pretty hilarious though.

I think maybe some people are trying a bit too hard.


My theory on Hodor/Willas is that the Stark boys convince him to go behind Nan's back and do some sparring. One of them (Ned, probably) accidentally rings his bell a bit harder than he intended....

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15 hours ago, Down by the River said:

So tired of Danaerys reciting her titles whenever something occurs that is not in her favor.

I just started watching this show and I'm almost done season two.  Already I am tired of hearing "I am the dragon lady!""" Followed by some threats.  Pretty one dimensional character.  One of my least favourites so far.

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19 hours ago, Down by the River said:

So tired of Danaerys reciting her titles whenever something occurs that is not in her favor.

Have you read the books? 


I just started reading them YET AGAIN (i'm sure i'll give up again soon), but Martin is not a great writer at all. Great story teller? Yeah maybe, but the wording itself is often really frustrating I think. He repeats phrases fcking CONSTANTLY. i mean, maybe it's all intentional and i'm missing something, but he'll write "milk of the poppy" 15 times on a page and seemingly not care. On one character, he writes "the smell of leather clung to him like perfume" - then literally a page later, on a different character he'll write, "the smell of ale clung to him like a perfume" - I just can't get my head around it. 


so i cannot tell if when Danaerys says 'i'm the mother of dragons, the breaker of chains' every time she speaks is just a reminder of Martin's obsessive repetition, or if the HBO writers think it's some tribal simplicity or whatever. maybe both? 


is Martin getting into character as a story teller? Is he trying to mimic old ways of story telling? I don't know what to think. 

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8 minutes ago, GLASSJAW said:

Have you read the books? 


I just started reading them YET AGAIN (i'm sure i'll give up again soon), but Martin is not a great writer at all. Great story teller? Yeah maybe, but the wording itself is often really frustrating I think. He repeats phrases fcking CONSTANTLY. i mean, maybe it's all intentional and i'm missing something, but he'll write "milk of the poppy" 15 times on a page and seemingly not care. On one character, he writes "the smell of leather clung to him like perfume" - then literally a page later, on a different character he'll write, "the smell of ale clung to him like a perfume" - I just can't get my head around it. 


so i cannot tell if when Danaerys says 'i'm the mother of dragons, the breaker of chains' every time she speaks is just a reminder of Martin's obsessive repetition, or if the HBO writers think it's some tribal simplicity or whatever. maybe both? 


is Martin getting into character as a story teller? Is he trying to mimic old ways of story telling? I don't know what to think. 

Apparently he writes on a typewriter. If only he learned that computers have a copy/paste function he'd have finished book #6 long ago.


I could see him being repetitive when it comes to names/objects/places that don't occur/exist in everyday language. This style would be helpful for reminding the reader of who's who. What you're describing just seems lazy to me... the same thing that happens on successful network TV shows; they find something that worked in the past and then ride it until the end.

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The passages from the books that make me want to pull my hair out.


In the granaries were oats and wheat and barley, and barrels of coarse ground flour. In the root cellars strings of onions and garlic dangled from the rafters, and bags of carrots, parsnips, radishes, and white and yellow turnips filled the shelves. One storeroom held wheels of cheese so large it took two men to move them. In the next, casks of salt beef, salt pork, salt mutton, and salt cod were stacked ten feet high. Three hundred hams and three thousand long black sausages hung from ceiling beams below the smokehouse. In the spice locker they found peppercorns, cloves, and cinnamon, mustard seeds, coriander, sage and clary sage and parsley, blocks of salt. Elsewhere were casks of apples and pears, dried peas, dried figs, bags of walnuts, bags of chestnuts, bags of almonds, planks of dry smoked salmon, clay jars packed with olives in oil and sealed with wax. One storeroom offered potted hare, haunch of deer in honey, pickled cabbage, pickled beets, pickled onions, pickled eggs, and pickled herring.(Jon, ADWD)



Dusk found them on the fringes of the rainwood, a wet green world where brooks and rivers ran through dark forests and the ground was made of mud and rotting leaves. Huge willows grew along the watercourses, larger than any that Arianne had ever seen, their great trunks as gnarled and twisted as an old man’s face and festooned with beards of silvery moss. Trees pressed close on every side, shutting out the sun; hemlock and red cedars, white oaks, soldier pines that stood as tall and straight as towers, colossal sentinels, big-leaf maples, redwoods, wormtrees, even here and there a wild weirwood. Underneath their tangled branches ferns and flowers grew in profusion; sword ferns, lady ferns, bellflowers and piper’s lace, evening stars and poison kisses, liverwort, lungwort, hornwort. Mushrooms sprouted down amongst the tree roots, and from their trunks as well, pale spotted hands that caught the rain. Other trees were furred with moss, green or grey or red-tailed, and once a vivid purple. Lichens covered every rock and stone. Toadstools festered besides rotting logs. The very air seemed green. (Arianne, WOW)


The &^@# did I need to know all that $&!#, George...

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5 hours ago, GLASSJAW said:

Have you read the books? 


I just started reading them YET AGAIN (i'm sure i'll give up again soon), but Martin is not a great writer at all. Great story teller? Yeah maybe, but the wording itself is often really frustrating I think. He repeats phrases fcking CONSTANTLY. i mean, maybe it's all intentional and i'm missing something, but he'll write "milk of the poppy" 15 times on a page and seemingly not care. On one character, he writes "the smell of leather clung to him like perfume" - then literally a page later, on a different character he'll write, "the smell of ale clung to him like a perfume" - I just can't get my head around it. 


so i cannot tell if when Danaerys says 'i'm the mother of dragons, the breaker of chains' every time she speaks is just a reminder of Martin's obsessive repetition, or if the HBO writers think it's some tribal simplicity or whatever. maybe both? 


is Martin getting into character as a story teller? Is he trying to mimic old ways of story telling? I don't know what to think. 

care to cite an example? He reuses, but never seen a reuse a day later. I suspect you are exaggerating cuz Dany defenitely doesn't say her titles every time she speaks, or even that often.

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