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OMG Heat Wave?


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Mid-30 temperatures in Eastern Canada with high humidity.

Mid-20 temperatures in Vancouver with low humidity.




There's 2 poor men. 1 of the poor men lives in a small little shack made out of sticks. The other poor man has nothing to live under. SHOULD THE GUY LIVING UNDER THE SHACK MADE OUT OF STICKS STOP COMPLAINING SINCE HE HAS BETTER LIVING CONDITIONS? NO! IN THE END THEY ARE BOTH POOR.

I'm friggin hot right now, so hopefully people see what I'm saying :lol:

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There's 2 poor men. 1 of the poor men lives in a small little shack made out of sticks. The other poor man has nothing to live under. SHOULD THE GUY LIVING UNDER THE SHACK MADE OUT OF STICKS STOP COMPLAINING SINCE HE HAS BETTER LIVING CONDITIONS? NO! IN THE END THEY ARE BOTH POOR.

I'm friggin hot right now, so hopefully people see what I'm saying :lol:


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Going to take my shirt off and let my gut hang out for the rest of the week.

Tough luck Vancouver, it's too hot.


You lookin' at my gut?

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People who enjoy this uncomfortable weather are wierd, its much easier to stay warm than to cool down. Your body is already at a high temperature combined with the heat. Im brown so it tell you im serious about hating the heat.

I cant wait till its raining and dark and hockey season!!!

This heat wave is nothing compared to what I've experienced in some cities I lived. You will know what hell REALLY feels like once you live in a city that hits 55 deg. celsius and has pollution and sand storms daily. If you ever lived in that condition, you would probably wear a ski jacket in this weather.

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This heat wave is nothing compared to what I've experienced in some cities I lived. You will know what hell REALLY feels like once you live in a city that hits 55 deg. celsius and has pollution and sand storms daily. If you ever lived in that condition, you would probably wear a ski jacket in this weather.

Like, which cities?

If I ever lived somewhere like that, I would lose 30lbs the first week.

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