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New Lines At Practice

-Vintage Canuck-

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OMG I come back from school and I see this -facepalm for AV

I have no idea wth he thinks he is doing or wtf is going on with his head.

These lines dont make sense. If anything, these lines show that we definitely did mess things up at the trade deadline if we arent playing pahlsson as third center and are sending kassian to pressbox.

And, why break AMEX when recently they have been the only damn offence we have been getting.

BUT, right now we suck and we need to face the fact. AV knows this OR he knows the team isnt really playing and his plan is to get them to play with different linemates so in the PO, if an injury occurs, there will be familiarity to some extent.

You know, before the tradeline, VAN wasnt playing well either but they had good chemistry and just werent getting the bounces or were playing poor defensively. Now, I dont even see any dangerous chances being produced. We look so slow and lost.

He has changed lines before. IF the team does not break out this slump, I would like some management changes please..maybe starting from Defence Coach.

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exactly, people get so hung up on line numbers.........my guess is, he's hoping to get Kassian, Malhotra more ice time, and more of an offensive role.........so why not put Higgins with him, as he's the only top 6 fwd who could effectively play with grit and still provide a high skill level.

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You know who I feel bad for? Higgins.

He has done nothing but work incredibly hard and play with 100% effort on every shift (when not affected by his infection). He re-ignited the AMEX line after being reunited with Booth and Kesler and was arguably our best player over the last few weeks. Now he loses his spot to one of our forwards who is struggling the most and is demoted to the 4th line.

But it seems like AV is doing everything he can to get Raymond out of his funk. I don't think he should have to break up the AMEX line to do that.

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As long as the lines are normal for the last 4-5 games of the season, because they will need to be prepared for the playoffs. Playing with differen't teammates and not having full chemistry going into the playoffs will be the biggest mistake ever.

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I've come to realize that CDC constantly crying about minor lineup tweaks in mid-March while we're comfortably in 2nd place in the west is quite laughable.

Consider the alternative: Our team just lost 8-0 to a team well above us in the standings, our playoff hopes are almost totally shot, and all the line-juggling and coaching changes in the world won't stop the inevitable and early demise of the season.

imo THAT'S worthy of crying over. And believe me, that's what it's all about right now over in TO. Cheers.


"Here is a straw, suck it up and move along."

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Typical CDC. What was working so well last night that you all hate to see it change?

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. After all, most of the complaining is coming from people who's sole interaction with the game of hockey happens in front of a TV or computer screen...

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I dont blame AV though now that I had some time to think about it :P

I mean what is he supposed to do? It would be better if he had a little more patience. Yes we got shutout last night but does not mean you break up AMEX who were producing prior to last nights game CONSISTENTLY when no other line was.

He may be doing this so he can roll all four lines. I dont mind losing 8-0 to the hawks tomorrow if that means this team is going to wake up because they havnt played like an elite team since the Blues game and I am sick and tired of watching their pathetic performance.

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From the "what have you done for me lately" file:The last three threads I have looked at all suggest Rick Bowness "should be fired", "is an idiot", etc.

Has everyone forgotten last year? Not a single one of the top six played an entire season last year and the one who came closest, (Ehrhoff) is gone. Bones had to shuffle a total of 13 defensemen in and out of the lineup; a list which included Lee Sweatt, Ryan Parent, Yann Sauve and Evan Oberg.

Somehow he still managed to put up the best defensive numbers in the league...

How soon CDC forgets....

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I dont get why Bitz was sent down.. he IS a better player than Weise. With Bitz in the lineup it gives AV the option to play him with the Twins so he can beat Bollands face for even looking at them.

Do we really need 2 roster spots for the same players? (Malhotra/Pahlsson) And people wonder why theres no secondary scoring.

Sedin - Sedin - Burrows/Bitz

Higgins - Kesler - Booth

Raymond - Pahlsson - Hansen

Bitz - Lappiere - Kassian

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I would suggest either leaving the lines completely in tact to give the players some time before the playoffs to figure out their sh*t OR completely shaking things up to try and create some chemistry elsewhere. We know that Daniel Sedin and Kesler do not play well together from experience. What about trying something like this?

Higgins / Kesler / Burrows

Booth / Henrik / Kassian

Daniel / Pahlsson / Hansen

Raymond / Lapierre/Malhotra / Weise

Hardest working forwards on the top line. Booth back to his natural position on the 2nd line, Henrik has to rely on more than telekinesis to make or receive a pass, Kassian given a chance to find some offense with two skilled linemates. Daniel is forced to play defensively responsible on the checking line and has a chance to develop chemistry with fellow countryman Pahlsson, Hansen parks in front of the net and tries to bang away at rebounds. Raymond has been playing well defensively and steps back into a checking role on the 4th line to reflect that, and hopefully Lapierre and Weise start throwing their weight around like they are supposed to.

As far as defense goes, it doesn't matter who plays with who. They all need to step it up, hit, and be better with their pinch timing.

Personally, I am still in belief that this team can flip a switch come playoff time. There is so much proven skill and talent in this lineup that the way they have been playing lately cannot be the best they can do. Tomorrow is either going to be a tight competitive game or a blowout loss. A competitive game will show us that the switch exists, a blowout will show us that we are justified in being concerned because we couldn't elevate our game against a hated rival. Not quite panic time yet, but let's hope for the best and go 'Nucks go!

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