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1 hour ago, Neversummer said:

Yo, you guys know about Michael Oher (left tackle for Panthers) ... he was the one in the movie Blindside with Sandra Bullock.  Interesting!  He's already got a SB with Baltimore in 2013.  

Movie was based on his life. He didn't actually appear in the movie lool

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NFL blows chance to fully understand football air pressure http://wp.me/p14QSB-9YEn 


...so the NFL admits it didn't keep data on PSI of footballs this season as required and stated by its own rules:



NFL's missing data on air pressure is another black eye in deflate-gate saga


SANTA CLARA, Calif. – Roger Goodell sure did get upset when Tom Brady destroyed his cell phone last year during the deflate-gate saga, an implication the quarterback was hiding something.

The NFL commissioner returned the favor on Tuesday when he announced the league did not keep any of the data on air pressure of footballs that officials were required to log and submit to the league office during the 2015 season.

Evidence? What evidence?

Now the New England Patriots are no longer able to point to specific, NFL-generated data that proves Ideal Gas Law, not human tampering, caused its footballs to lose air pressure in the 2014 AFC championship game.


That study was supposed to be the franchise's best chance to introduce new information that might allow the return of the 2016 first- and fourth-round draft picks, plus $1 million, the league docked it for deflate-gate.

"We do spot checks to prevent and make sure the clubs understand that we're watching these issues," Goodell said on "The Rich Eisen Show" on Tuesday. "It wasn't a research study. They simply were spot checks."

Spot checks?

Here's how it was written as an "update" to the NFL's operation manual back in August 2015:

"At designated games, selected at random, the game balls used in the first half will be collected by the KBC [kicking-ball coordinator] at halftime, and the League's Security Representative will escort the KBC with the footballs to the Officials' Locker room. During halftime, each game ball for both teams will be inspected in the locker room by designated members of the officiating and security crews, and the PSI results will be measured and recorded. Once measured, those game balls will then be secured and removed from play.

"For these randomly selected games only, the back-up footballs will be used for each team during the second half. Approximately three minutes prior to kickoff, the KBC along with a designated Game Official will bring the back-up set of game balls to the on-field replay station to be distributed to each club's Ball Crew.

"At the end of any randomly selected game, the KBC will return the footballs to the Officials' Locker Room where all game balls from each team will be inspected and the results will be recorded."

That's quite a lot of procedure for a simple "spot check."

Most notably, however, is this:

"All game ball information will be recorded on the Referee's Report, which must be submitted to the League office by noon on the day following the game," the operations update reads.

So all the data was recorded on an official referee's report, which was sent to New York in a timely fashion where the pertinent information – or presumably entire referee report actually – just … vanished?

August 2015: we specifically demand this data.

February 2016: no, no, we never wanted the data, why would we?

So the NFL got the info … but didn't? Or it still has the info ... but doesn't care to look?

Since the NFL established the ball-testing plan, scientists around the country have been waiting to see how the league tried to spin its way out of Ideal Gas Law, which has been accepted fact since 1834. It seemed like Goodell was walking the league into a trap.

Apparently the league won't even try to fight it and just hope no one is paying attention.

Of course, that's been the strategy for a while now. Consider the original "Brady destroyed his cell phone" story – conveniently leaked via "league sources" to scream through the news cycle. It turned out Ted Wells, who headed the NFL's investigation, told Brady that he didn't need to hand over the phone. Brady's mistake was trusting Wells.

It didn't matter. When something that wasn't needed was destroyed, the league used it as proof of guilt, both in Goodell's findings and the court of public opinion.

Now that something that was needed was "lost," hey, it's no big deal.

As recently as October, with the new pressure measuring system under way, Goodell was asked at a formal news conference when and how the NFL data would be released publicly.

"I don't know," he said, with zero insinuation that the league wasn't keeping the information.

The NFL, in a follow-up inquiry from Yahoo Sports, stated a week later, "we simply haven't focused yet on how the information will be distributed."

Apparently it was distributed into an incinerator.

Confused? Try being Roger Goodell, who has seen deflate-gate become an albatross. The NFL hasn't looked good in this since the release of  Wells' report in May 2015. It was then the public was able to comb over the findings away from the frenzy of false media reports.

What emerged were endless inconsistencies, absurd reaches in logic, failures of scientific methods and proof of an over-the-top misinformation campaign. And then there are the clown-show rationalizations like this one.

Day by day, drip-by-drip, the case has fallen apart, be it in federal court, a lecture hall at MIT or in the commonsense-rooted laughter that greeted Goodell's acknowledgement on Tuesday.

What remains is this most likely scenario: that NFL officials, completely unaware of Ideal Gas Law, believed that any New England football that measured below the minimum of 12.5 psi in the AFC title game was proof of orchestrated tampering. Anything in the 11s was proof of a massive conspiracy. In fact it was all a natural act.

Ignorant of science and overwhelmed by confirmation bias, the NFL embarked on an effort to nail the Patriots. Then, via leaks to favored reporters who were as prejudicial as they were false, the league found itself too far out on the limb to climb back as facts came in and theories fell apart.

All it could do is point to random text exchanges and nicknames, and hope the public was too naïve to question it, too scientifically ignorant to comprehend it or too bored to still care.

Well, there were also those howls about destroyed evidence, because we know destroyed evidence is something that Roger Goodell's NFL must absolutely take a stand against. The NFL just can't tolerate that type of behavior


So the league sat there and said they'd record PSI data and see what the study reveals. And now all of a sudden they don't have the information? Lmao...oh they have it alright. But like the Wells Report, won't share the data because it goes against the theory they support.

This should be on every news channel but it's not because it goes against the public opinion that the Pats cheated and doesn't fuel the fire anymore than it did. NFL thinking they're smarter than everyone is laughable and it's crystal clear deflategate - like I said from the beginning - was a which hunt and a load of crap from the get go. 

Pretty insulting the shield thinks the fans are stupid and will nod their heads like sheep to everything they say. Unfortunately it's true because most fans are biased against the Pats because of the winning and fail to see the obvious truth which doesn't garner the interest of main stream media like anti-Pats rumours get. 

...and not to bring back this talk, but just proves how bs the NFL is all of a sudden not having this information. Not fishy at all. Hey it's not like it would prove the Patriots innocence and go against what the league supported or anything right? This is especially concerning because we've been wrongfully stripped of a 1st round pick even though we've had our innocence proven time and time again. How would you feel if your team had their 1st rounder taken away for no reason? That pick will have a major impact on the team's fortunes for the next 2-10 years and it isn't a gimme. And for us, the potential difference between making a SB appearance and missing the playoffs possibly.


Frack you, Goodell.

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42 minutes ago, TheRussianRocket. said:

The funny thing is, it's true too :lol::lol:

It's fishy, no doubt, but Kraft and Goodell are buddies so I doubt any of this comes as a surprise to Kraft. The general public maybe.

You guys didn't miss the Superbowl because of a 1st round pick, you missed it because you're entire team was on the IR all season, and BB decided to blow the Jets game and the Dolphins game instead of securing home field advantage.


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55 minutes ago, Green Building said:

You guys didn't miss the Superbowl because of a 1st round pick, you missed it because you're entire team was on the IR all season, and BB decided to blow the Jets game and the Dolphins game instead of securing home field advantage.

Why would we miss the SB this year because of a 1st round pick in next years draft? Comprehension error..reread lol


And tbh Goodell's comments constitute prima facie evidence that the data which the league was supposed to collected this year and were to share does in fact exonerate the Patriots. The data which everyone knows they gathered (except @M A K A V E L I 96) but are lying about by saying they don't have anymore which vanished into midair is the final nail in the bs saga coffin. Because we all know if the numbers showed every single football tested was above 12.5 PSI, it would have been leaked to league employed reporters and all hell would break loose again.

According to the NFL, it is impossible any football was below 12.5 PSI this season. If it were, it was tampering just like the Patriots. But there were, because of IGL...all those games in minus temperature and the ones played in snow, those footballs would drop below 12.5. But the NFL conducting this experiment and seeing the numbers and they're wrong doing won't admit it. Not in a million years. 

...It was never about the truth. It was about attacking a team and knocking down the greatest qb to ever play fueled by hate and jealousy to the very core. Goodell spews this crap about the integrity of the game all the time yet he is a proven liar who has zero integrity. To him, parity is integrity. If it was ever about the truth, a year later, the shield would reveal these PSI numbers which they sure as hell collected and saw. And then would proceed to publicly apologizing to Brady, Mr.Kraft, and the Patriots organization, as well as uplifting the wrongful punishment which was given in the first place to the team. But that won't be happening anytime soon.

Hope someone whether it be Brady's lawyers or Kraft or maybe even the fans expose these lying clowns in court and make the league eat its words. Disgusting what has gone on and continues to happen and it would be the same had it happen to any other organization. 

Edited by TheRussianRocket.
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5 minutes ago, TheRussianRocket. said:

Why would we miss the SB this year because of a 1st round pick in next years draft? Comprehension error..reread lol


:ph34r: Definitely a re-read. Brain fart on no sleep.

I think there's an obvious raw deal aspect to it from the point of view of the general public, but I would be incredibly shocked if any of this came as a surprise to Kraft. Christ man, he lobbied most or all of the other owners on behalf of Goodell when Goodell had that salary scandal leak out. They are buds.

Think of all the publicity this has generated for that Pats over the last season and a bit. That cool mil has already been made back and then some.  Not to mention that $1,000,000 is a piece of piss to Kraft. Comparatively, it would be like me losing my wallet with some cash in it, bit of a downer only. Having said that, a 1st rounder is no joke. 

It's difficult to name another team that has had the same impact on the sporting world as the Pats have had in the same time period, perhaps the Yankees before their little tumble from the top, and when you're up high someone is always trying to knock you down. Thems the breaks.


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Roger says there was no tampering with footballs this year. Well then, prove it and release the numbers if there wasn't sherlock. But he won't because once you started lying, you have to keep lying to coverup the original lie. 



From Tom Brady’s appeal hearing on June 25:

Jeffrey Kessler, Brady’s attorney:Now, at the time that was true, did you know that the footballs were automatically going to lose pressure if it was cold outside compared to how warm it was inside? Was that ever something you thought about prior to this game?

Troy Vincent, NFL executive VP of game operations: No, sir.

Kessler: OK. Now we then get to the halftime. You were present for the halftime testing, correct?

Vincent: Yes, sir.

Kessler: And is it fair to say you did not tell anybody to record the temperature in the room at the halftime testing, correct?

Vincent: No, sir.

Kessler: And nobody recorded the temperature in the room at the halftime testing, correct?

Vincent: Not to my knowledge.

Kessler: Right. You didn’t tell anybody to record the exact time when different balls were tested at the halftime, correct?

Vincent: No, sir.

Kessler: And to your knowledge, nobody recorded that?

Vincent: Not to my knowledge.

Kessler: You didn’t tell anybody to record whether or not the balls were tested on the Colts before reinflating the Patriots’ balls or after? You didn’t instruct anybody to record that anywhere, correct?

Vincent: No, sir.

Kessler: And to your knowledge, it was not recorded anywhere?

Vincent: Not to my knowledge.

Kessler: OK. You didn’t instruct anyone to indicate whether the balls were wet or dry at the time they were being tested, correct?

Vincent: No, but most were wet.

Kessler: And when this testing was done, no one told the referees, hey, see if it’s a dry ball and note that or if it’s a wet ball, right? No one was asked to record that?

Vincent: Not to my knowledge.

Kessler: And the reason for no one doing this is because neither you nor anyone else was thinking about the Ideal Gas Law or how time or temperature or wetness may affect these readings, right?

Vincent: Correct.

Kessler: Now, when you say, “They had eleven balls 10 under compliance,” what you meant is that they had 11 eleven balls that were below 12.5 being measured, 12 correct?

Vincent: Yes.

Kessler: But at the time, you didn’t know that some of that reduction could happen just because of cold or wetness or other factors, right? That just wasn’t something you were aware of, correct?

Vincent: I didn’t include science, no, sir.



Troy Vincent — a man whose foremost job responsibility is to “protect the integrity” of the NFL, a man who was in the center of The Great Air Pressure Measurement of 2015 — admitted that at no point did the NFL or anyone measuring the footballs know one thing about science. Every single part of the NFL’s “investigation” was done under the assumption that the Patriots were guilty. Everything else worked backward from that spot, and if science had to be twisted (or obliterated) in some cases, then so be it. You only get so many chances to catch a team “cheating” red-handed.

That transcript was released on Aug. 4, but at that point, most everyone in the country had already made up their minds. Very few cared to read that document, which was without a doubt the most damning piece of evidence against the NFL.

"Independent" investigation my arse. Independent is a MIT professor. Independent is a prof from Columbia University. Or do you mean independent as in every 8th grade teacher in the world.

That transcript ^^ tells you all you need to know about the league and it's crap. I could write an entire book on this but will stop here so I don't get in the way of what we should really be talking about which is the SB.



13 minutes ago, Neversummer said:

What's the over and under for how many 'Omaha's' this Sunday?

Depends on how well he can keep the ball from going into the hands of the defense B) 

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