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CFL/BC Lions Thread


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and......another 4th quarter meltdown. :picard:

Jeez, what a kick in the nutz couple/few of days of sports watching.

Whitecaps: continue to slide and lose to most likely blow their chance at a home playoff game

Canucks: Lose a home game

Lions: Another 4th quarter meltdown for a loss with the playoffs looking more remote

Blue Jays: Back to back losses AGAIN to start a series.

Ah well. can't win em all.

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Leone is the best punter in the league and the worst kicker at the same time. I know they are trying to save a roster spot but too many points are being lost and costing the Lions close games.

Yeah, it's time to seriously rethink having Leone handle all the kicking duties.

Edited by Grapefruits
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I'm sorry. I just can't watch the CFL any more. There are too many mistakes for it to be considered a pro league. I'm thinking its semi-pro, with very poor players - literally and figuratively. I have a ton of respect for the players, but don't feel they are worth the price of the ticket. The league just loses too many good players to better paying, and less physically crippling, jobs to keep a decently high standard of play. It's very sad to see the state of the CFL now. This once was a proud league with a depth of excellent players - at every position. Now there are a very few quality players sprinkled amongst a lot of semi pro types. I understand the players, who could make the league so much better, choosing other (better paying) employment.

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They got rid of McCallum for this Leonne guy and he cant even kick a convert..how many has he missed this year..unreal.

I understand he is a pretty good punter but he is a bad place kicker..what kind of trade off is this.

Edited by ShakyWalton
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They got rid of McCallum for this Leonne guy and he cant even kick a convert..how many has he missed this year..unreal.

I understand he is a pretty good punter but he is a bad place kicker..what kind of trade off is this.


He's first in the league for punting, but I see what you're saying.  Though McCallum didn't have the great stats his first couple seasons.  Hopefully the accuracy will come.  Though I would like to see them look into the option of bringing in a field goal kicker.

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He's first in the league for punting, but I see what you're saying.  Though McCallum didn't have the great stats his first couple seasons.  Hopefully the accuracy will come.  Though I would like to see them look into the option of bringing in a field goal kicker.

I guess every now and then you miss a convert but Leonne has missed 25% of his converts..that stat is usually unemployment ..I dont think I have ever heard of a PK missing that many.

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I guess every now and then you miss a convert but Leonne has missed 25% of his converts..that stat is usually unemployment ..I dont think I have ever heard of a PK missing that many.

Usually a convert isn't 32 yards. New territory this year.  What gets on my nerves with Leone is the fact he misses them indoors.  If we make the playoffs it will be on the road, and likely in crappy weather.  Those missed points could cost us dearly.


Damn Argos making a game of this.

Edited by Grapefruits
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