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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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Rush (2013): 8/10

Ron Howard adds another good film to his track record, but it's not his best and it didn't live up to the hype. Had good performances from Daniel Bruhl and Chris Hemsworth, fantastic cinematography, and some very exciting races.

Edited by Spoderman
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Her - 8.5/10

Really good film. Some people might find it boring, since it's fairly long and mostly consists of discussions between Joaquin Phoenix and a voice over. But, man, I really enjoyed it. They did a great job portraying a believable near future technology/lifestyle. A lot of creative effort even went into the clothing and decor of the characters and environment. Excellent film. Joaquin was great.

The secret life of Walter Mitty - 6.5/10

Movie was alright. I was expecting a bit more from it.

Gravity - 7.5/10

Pretty good film. Terrific special effects. Storyline was a bit soft, and I would have liked to see more of George Clooney. The movie was also a little short.

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The Big Lebowski


Maybe I need to watch this again the film it just didn't grab me, and I really enjoy the Coen Brother's movies, although I enjoyed any scene with Walter (John Goodman) in it.

Other then the LOTR Trilgoy, this is my favourite film of all-time. I would suggest giving it another viewing, though. You may not end up giving it the praise I do, but I know lots of people who did not really enjoy it the first time they watched it, but have come to absolutely love The Dude.

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Dear Zachary - 7/10

Since I have come to think that D-Money and I share similar tastes in music and film, though a 2/10 is way too hash for Man of Steel, I decided to check this out yesterday.

Absolutely heartbreaking. I remember hearing about this back in university and being absolutely horrified. Learning more of the details made it even more sickening.

And while I agree that the amateur parts do add to the theme, I felt those amateur bits (we all know what they were) were a bit too much. I hate to say, I was actually rolling my eyes at one of the parts, which was very inappropriate due to the seriousness of the subject matter.

Overall, good watch.

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Mud: 8.75/10

Terrific film overall. Shot beautifully, great storytelling, and excellent performances from Matthew McConaughey and Tye Sheridan. Mud has characters that you relate to and you actually care about, which I find rare in films today. Just a fantastic coming of age film with good themes. Strongly recommend this film to anybody.

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Mud: 8.75/10

Terrific film overall. Shot beautifully, great storytelling, and excellent performances from Matthew McConaughey and Tye Sheridan. Mud has characters that you relate to and you actually care about, which I find rare in films today. Just a fantastic coming of age film with good themes. Strongly recommend this film to anybody.

Mud was a good film. I just saw it a few weeks back. Being a movie fanatic and enjoying everything and trying to find positives in stuff as much as possible, I have to agree with your post. But at the end my numbers would sit somewhere in the range of 7.75/10. That is pretty respectable figure in my books.



My personal review will feature Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome


Back some 20 years I would probably have rated it 8/10 or even higher. But reality check here. Not even close. It's unfair to rate movies and compare them to movies of today. 80's action movies wouldn't stand a chance anymore. And IMO all the best movies action have been made during the 80's and 90's. I remember thinking this was an all-time top-10 movie when I was a kid. Oh boy!

But 6.5/10 is my final word on this one. For one, the movie would be even worse if it wouldn't have been a sequel. The one alone without the flesh around the bones would leave the viewer very confused. And if the viewer hasn't seen the previous one, it would be pretty painful and boring to watch. A few returning stars from the previous Mad Max (Mel Gibson and Bruce Spence) and Tina Turner signed on to play the evil villain.

Nice trip down memory lane for those who don't exactly remember the story, but boring to those who haven't seen it before. Pass.

- Spooshy

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Mud was a good film. I just saw it a few weeks back. Being a movie fanatic and enjoying everything and trying to find positives in stuff as much as possible, I have to agree with your post. But at the end my numbers would sit somewhere in the range of 7.75/10. That is pretty respectable figure in my books.


Yeah, I find myself to be more forgiving with films.

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Everybody's Fine - 6/10

Decent movie about a father trying to get closer to his kids after the death of his wife. Heavy-handed at times, but not DeNiro's worst recent work (sadly). Is on Netflix.

Since I have come to think that D-Money and I share similar tastes in music and film, though a 2/10 is way too hash for Man of Steel, I decided to check this out yesterday.

Alright then... ...how about 2.5?

The fact that they wasted such an amazing cast really irked me. Not even Michael Shannon could make his role interesting.

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Alright then... ...how about 2.5?

The fact that they wasted such an amazing cast really irked me. Not even Michael Shannon could make his role interesting.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't think it was great by any means. I may have given it a 7 originally (I don't remember), but ultimately, it's more of a 5/10 for me. My expectations were also incredibly low going in. I felt that Kevin Costner, for the minor role he played, was very good. Surprisingly, the entire Crypton scene and how they handled Crowe's Jor-El was very well done. And lastly, Michael Shannon was, by far, the best cast person in the film (along with Costner). However, Cavill is and will always be a terrible actor and Amy Adams was horribly miscast. Unlike some other superhero films, Superman is an incredibly difficult comic to translate to the big screen for today's more serious audience. I think the movie did as well as it could have, considering the casting, the director, and the obstacles that Superman faces for todays superhero films. We all love the flawed human, not the alien who's only weakness is a green rock.

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Some horror movies:

Saw the Carrie remake.

Julianne Moore does a good job as the mom, but overall I thought the update was needless. Julianne Moore has played deadfaced characters before and it doesn't take much effort for her to do it for this movie. The period girl from Movie 43 plays Carrie. Appropiate casting.

Re-watched Phantasm series.

Debatable to me if Phantasm 1 or 2 is better. Phantasm was a '79 cult classic, but Phantasm 2 has an Evil Dead 2esque appeal to it. I prefer the amped-up action and effects over the pure weirdness of the first, but to each their own. 3 and 4 are horrible, straight to video crap.

Re-watched Hellraiser series as well.

Also think the sequel is marginally better due to added effects, but the first was great in it's own right. Both are a couple of the bloodiest, goriest movies ever. Blood and gore with a sinister purpose though, which makes it all the better. Tired of movies that show blood and guts 'just because.' Like the Evil Dead remake, which was totally needless. Or silly crap like most of the Nighmare on Elmstreet series. 'Hey look! Cockroach arms!' Hellraiser 3 featured a lot of Pinhead, but lost the story's direction and the sequels beyond all stink.

Hellraiser 2&1 > Phantasm 2 > Phantasm 1 > Carrie remake, easily. Phantasm nostalgia/cult classic factor comes into play, but imho Hellraiser stands up.

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Anchorman 2:


Should have asked for my money back. The movie wasted my time, I'm not going to waste more time describing why it sucked. Will Ferrell is terrible and hasn't made a good movie in what seems like ten years.

2 out of 10 is a little harsh, but the movie wasn't NEARLY as good as the fitst one.

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Other then the LOTR Trilgoy, this is my favourite film of all-time. I would suggest giving it another viewing, though. You may not end up giving it the praise I do, but I know lots of people who did not really enjoy it the first time they watched it, but have come to absolutely love The Dude.

I'll probably have to. That's the problem I didn't enjoy The Dude all that much he just felt like a bumbling idiot and every time he went to explain his story it seemed predictable that someone or something would interrupt him.

Bt I'll give it another go, as I said before I do enjoy the Coen brothers films.

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Anchorman 2:


Should have asked for my money back. The movie wasted my time, I'm not going to waste more time describing why it sucked. Will Ferrell is terrible and hasn't made a good movie in what seems like ten years.

I'd probably give it a 5 it was really drawn out and Brick's parts were over the top and not funny although I really enjoyed the fight scene *cough* Jim Carrey *cough*.

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i don't think i could ever watch Anchorman 2

and i'm basing that purely on the 2 or 3 seconds in the trailer where Steve Carell is yelling about his legs disappearing against the greenscreen or something, and he is just screaming and screaming

ugh, annoying

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Just watched The Hunt on Netflix. Highly recommend it. I've been into Danish films lately, and love anything with Mads Mikkelsen in it.

As a sidenote, if you like Nicolas Winding Refn movies, then I implore you to check out the Pusher trilogy. All three of those movies are amazing.

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