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Prisoners - 7/10

Better than I would have expected. I probably wouldn't have watched this if it weren't for a lot of high ratings in this thread, so, thanks cdc. I liked a lot of the individual acting, but chemistry-wise something was off. Actually I think that speaks to a larger issue with the movie, somewhere in the directing/editing/photography there was a problem. Something in the way the final product was put together. Hard to say, it just felt heavy handed, but otherwise a solid thriller.

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Wolf of Wall Street- 7.5/10

I went into this one with wayyyyy to high of expectations. It really affected what I thought of the movie (hence the lower rating). I presumed there would be a little bit more on the finance side in the movie. But I'm sure there would be a lot of people who wouldn't enjoy that. Probably a movie that I will have to watch again and see what I think

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Enough Said - 7/10

Good performances, interesting story and it's nice to see Hollywood making decent adult movies once in a while still... but it seemed it tried to walk too fine a line for me.

Sweet but not sweet enough to be a romantic/girly flick. Funny but not funny enough to be an all out comedy. Dramatic but not dramatic enough to be that poignant soul stirring film that keeps you thinking about it for days.

Worth a watch but a little less than I was hoping for.

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Enough Said - 7/10

Good performances, interesting story and it's nice to see Hollywood making decent adult movies once in a while still... but it seemed it tried to walk too fine a line for me.

Sweet but not sweet enough to be a romantic/girly flick. Funny but not funny enough to be an all out comedy. Dramatic but not dramatic enough to be that poignant soul stirring film that keeps you thinking about it for days.

Worth a watch but a little less than I was hoping for.

i loved that movie, easily one of my top 5 favs of 2013

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I liked it...it just didn't "wow" me. What'd you see that I missed?

you probably didn't miss anything, to be honest. it probably just hit my sweet spot. i actually did find it "soul stirring" enough to be thinking about it a few days later. even though i agree, it wasn't really an excessively dramatic movie. it probably only seems great to me because almost every "romantic comedy" (if that is its genre) is complete and utter trash. maybe it only stands out due to weak comparison.

i guess i really just like "realistic" movies about adults who are sort of down and out or total losers. Sideways, Barney's Version, Manhattan, and maybe even About Schmidt are highlights of that genre for me, and Enough Said is a nice addition, even if it is a bit lighter.

plus, i could honestly watch (and enjoy) literally any movie or show with Julia Louis Dreyfus in it, not only because she's a total fox, but because she has the best laugh I have ever heard

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I LOVED Sideways and About Schmidt FWIW. It's been so long since I've seen Manhattan, I don't even remember what I thought of it...lol

Totally agree with the "realistic" and adult thing though. If nothing else I was glad it managed that!

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Bad Grandpa - 7/10

I dunno how I really feel about it, but it had me laughing a lot more than I expected it to. I also expected it to have more crude moments than it did, so I'm happy they kept it to select sequences (which kind of concentrated the crudeness into some cringe worthy stuff). So overall I enjoyed it, but I'd never watch it again.

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Man of Tai Chi - 7/10

For a martial arts film, which I'm no expert on, this was really enjoyable. Keanu Reeves' first full length feature directorial debut, and one in which we get to see him act as the villain. Think it's definitely worth checking out. It's on US Netflix.

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Wolf of Wall Street- 7.5/10

I went into this one with wayyyyy to high of expectations. It really affected what I thought of the movie (hence the lower rating). I presumed there would be a little bit more on the finance side in the movie. But I'm sure there would be a lot of people who wouldn't enjoy that. Probably a movie that I will have to watch again and see what I think

I was dissapointed when they glossed over the details and took the audience for granted. In one scene, DiCaprio begins to explain penny stocks and then says "you probably stopped listening by now" (or something to that effect), and just moved passed the details.

I don't like directors making the assumption that I'm either stupid or just don't have an interest in learning.

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