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The Mule 7/10


Got to hand it to Clint Eastwood, he still can act his ass off at 88 years old. He plays a senior citizen who starts running drugs inter-state for a Mexican cartel.


I was kind of hoping for another "Gran Torino" and The Mule is not that but it's pretty good and worth a look. Bradley Cooper and Michael Pena gave their usual solid performances, but this movie was all Clint.

Edited by nuckin_futz
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On 1/5/2019 at 9:40 AM, Shift-4 said:



I prefer A Quiet Place

Just watched A Quiet Place as horror movies go it wasnt very good 5/10.


Saw Vice last week the acting was good but it felt like the movie tried to shove alot into the movie while avoiding alot of other stuff.



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Oldboy (not the Spike Lee remake)


So after finally watching this, as I heard great things, I think I need to watch it again to fully "get" why this is considered one of the greatest foreign films (and by some all films) of all time.


The ending, which I'm not going to spoil here, was also not something I felt was really shocking. In fact, I correctly guessed what happened quite early on. And I honestly wouldn't even call it a guess, either. At no point was I, "Oh, I think this is what is happening." I said, "Oh yeah, this is definitely what is going on." I just worked under the belief that I was right, because it seemed so obvious.


Going under my correct belief, I watched the film knowing what was going on. Did I enjoy it? At times. I felt it was better in the first 40-60 minutes. After that, it started to decline in quality. The ending itself, especially the last frame/scene, is quite interesting. It definitely leaves a bleak taste in my mouth. Would like to actually talk to someone more about it, because it is quite interesting the implications of what ended up happening.


Should you watch? I mean, maybe. I don't want to say yes if you're squeamish, because the ending (last 20 minutes) is quite something.


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Avengers, Infinity War - 6/10


It's definitely a pinnacle of movies of its kind...but I just don't like comic book movies.


I didn't bother with many of the recent ones either. Tried to watch Black Panther, but could only get through 15 minutes. Didn't have a clue who Vision was, or the girl who is his love interest (still don't know her name :lol:). Knew who Bucky was only from Winter Soldier. The only recent one I saw to completion was Thor Ragnarok, because it was hilarious.


Some of the early comic book movies and the Netflix series (Daredevil, in particular) are decent, because they basically tried to insert the idea of a superhero into the real world. But as they have multiplied and taken over to become their own "Universe", they felt more and more distant, and useless.


Another thing I find annoying about superhero movies in general is there seems to be no real stakes. This movie definitely had real, discernible stakes at play, however...



...Isn't it obvious what is going to happen in the next movie? They're going to somehow use the time stone to go back in time, before Thanos makes his 50% cull, and probably before his daughter or anyone else of importance died too, and just undo everything? So in the end, it will be all meaningless, and the ultimate example of having no stakes?


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6 hours ago, Monty said:

Oldboy (not the Spike Lee remake)



Watched it about 12 years ago and I remember guessing what was going on as well ( had to read the wiki page to remind me about the very end scene though, it is up for interpretation regarding his memory) . I was training a lot of traditional Karate at the time, was watching and reading everything I could get my hands on that was Japanese. A friend told me I would like it, I did not.

Not the type of subject matter that I could stomach. 

I remember some pretty cool fight scenes though!

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9 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

Watched it about 12 years ago and I remember guessing what was going on as well ( had to read the wiki page to remind me about the very end scene though, it is up for interpretation regarding his memory)

Going to spoiler tag this, even though it’s been 15 years :lol: 



Well what’s worse? That he remembers and can never again have a relationship with her (unless he tells her the truth), or that he doesn’t remember and the two of them continue to have a romantic relationship? :sick:

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6 minutes ago, Monty said:

Going to spoiler tag this, even though it’s been 15 years :lol: 



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Well what’s worse? That he remembers and can never again have a relationship with her (unless he tells her the truth), or that he doesn’t remember and the two of them continue to have a romantic relationship :sick:[\spoiler]


I think it is worse to continue the relationship knowing or not knowing ( I understand that's the catch, if the hypnosis worked... then he would continue with her innocently) Its why the movie works, us viewers 'know' so we can't really respect the ignorance could be bliss idea for them. So, I would have liked him to tell her, admit that they were set up....do years and years and year of counselling so that they can be in each other lives in the right way.  


ahh crap, you've got me...It is a good discussion and that might be why the movie is so respected. Just so yucky to think about!


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37 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:
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Exactly! If he does actually remember, then does he leave her be and live with it alone, or does he tell her the truth in order to try and have a father/daughter relationship? She may end up resenting him for it (very likely). Although, then that takes out why he wouldn’t let her know to begin with (via phone call) before he lopped off his tongue.


But if he doesn’t remember, then there’s the whole “lifetime incest” chestnut.

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Actually, the more I think about the movie and the open ended ending:



The more I believe he did remember everything. The purpose of the final hypnotism was so his “monster” side would no longer be alive; that it would die.


However, the monster side was the one that seeked revenge. The one that remembered, the groveling one that begged for mercy, was also the person that was begging at the beginning of the film when he was first captive. That was not the monster that was affected by the realization that it was his daughter, that was the human side of him that lived. The monster side was not truly him. 


At least, that’s my interpretation.

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Don't know if it belongs in the TV thread or this one, but the Black Mirror choose your own adventure show is really average. Do you want one really good story, or a trillion versions of uninteresting possibilities?!!??! 


If you're a writer that cares about your craft, you must hate this choose your own adventure crap. 

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16 minutes ago, Down by the River said:

Don't know if it belongs in the TV thread or this one, but the Black Mirror choose your own adventure show is really average. Do you want one really good story, or a trillion versions of uninteresting possibilities?!!??! 


If you're a writer that cares about your craft, you must hate this choose your own adventure crap. 

I reviewed it, sort of, in the TV thread. 


I felt bad for Will Poulter. Great actor. Intetesting (on paper) idea, but should never have been realized. One of those things where the writers SHOULD have said, “Yeah, that would be an interesting episode idea. But it wouldn’t work, because you wouldn’t feel attached to the characters, you don’t know what the actual resolution is supposed to be, and executing it successfully would be impossible, because it’s an interesting idea, but a terrible thing to watch.”

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sisters brothers - 6.5/10


think the book is great. the movie is much less so.


i hate those 'omg the book was better' conversations, but in this case i can't help it.


the book balanced so many things well: quirk and politics, gore and sentimentality, etc. but instead of even attempting to do this stuff well, the movie just barely glazes over it all. the result is a pretty generic western with a little bit of heart at best.


apparently the book's author, patrick dewitt, had done an original script/treatment for the movie but it was scrapped by the late-addition director who wanted his friend to write it. i bet the original script would have been significantly better.


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8 hours ago, GLASSJAW said:

i hate those 'omg the book was better' conversations, but in this case i can't help it.

Never much of a conversation. Majority of adaptations to screen don't have the time to do the source material justice. People seem to understand that the movies just can't be as good as the books.

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Escape Room - 7/10 


It is kind of scary that the movie came out just as there were stories in the news about people dying in an actual escape room. I thought it was very well done, and had multiple interesting storylines that they worked into the escape rooms. The story is about a handful of people, with lets say unique stories - who are invited to play in an escape room for money. And things get real, real fast. 


The only thing i wasn't happy about is, they set it up for a sequel so you don't get a lot of the answers you are looking for and it left off an a bit of a cliffhanger. 

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Just now, Down by the River said:

What sites do you guys go to for movie/TV reviews? I used to go to AV Club, but I find their reviews really shallow now. 

For tv reviews, AV Club used to be “ok”, at best. I feel like I can get a good handle on tv shows after a bit of digging. So not sure what a good site would be. I do a lot more digging on a tv show to watch than a movie.


For movies, I’m finding it a little more difficult than I used to, perhaps because I’m older now and don’t want to watch something too out of my wheelhouse. For pure entertainment, I like YouTube’s Half in the Bag (RedLetterMedia). That’s more of a good, humorous tv show show investment (30-40 minutes). 


For more in depth reviews, I’m not sure to be honest. I find that good reviews inevitably end up spoiling the film. I’ll usually read up on the synopsis and go from there, without finding out too much about it.


So, to answer your question. I don’t know.

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