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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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Nightcrawler - 6/10 - Not a very entertaining movie IMO but JG was certainly good in his usual creepy way.

Enemy - 8.5/10 - A far more entertaining movie with JG as his usual creepy self. This movie actually had a thought-provoking storyline, unlike Nightcrawler.

Not sure where else to post this but I've been on The Knick marathon, and with two more episodes to go till I am done with the first season (which feels more like a long movie), here are my thoughts:

I really like the first couple episodes of the Knick but it really started to lose me near the end of the season.

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Yeah, I wouldn't try to make Take Shelter out of Birdman. The most straightforward and thematically satisfying interpretation for me was of his opposing desires to either pursue a career like Robert Downey Jr. or maintain his artistic integrity to please the likes of that critic. Those visions were simply physical manifestations of conflicting desires in a personal crisis (not a mental health crisis).

I really like the first couple episodes of the Knick but it really started to lose me near the end of the season.

I agree. Gallinger was the only character whose personal life was interesting in any way. The most ridiculous part for me was how everyone in the Knick turns into model citizens during the riot where the episodes leading to it they were tearing apart Algernon.

Edited by FramingDragon
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neill blomkamp (district 9, elysium, chappie) has confirmed he's doing Alien(s) 5. ridley scott's sequel to Prometheus is still coming out too.

not news i particularly care about (although i did enjoy most of the Alien(s) series), but some of you may care


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you think he LITERALLY had schizophrenia??

Yup. Or at least some form of schizotypal disorder. The voices he heard, the stuff he threw around his room that he told people he was controlling with his mind. The freneticness of his behavior. I don't know that Gonzalez specifically wrote the character with the intention of him having schizophrenia, but when you look at the character and try to make sense of his behavior as if it were happening in the real world, that makes sense to me.

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lol at the Black Swan praise.

Citizenfour: 9/10

There's a moment at some point in the movie when it hit me that all this was real, and the scope of it felt astronomical. I don't know, it was disturbing.

If you think about it clearly what snowden did though was kind of stupid. I mean his story barely lasted as frontage news and he basically destroyed his whole life just to get it out.

Still a good movie though

Citizen four


Edited by Sedins23
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If you think about it clearly what snowden did though was kind of stupid. I mean his story barely lasted as frontage news and he basically destroyed his whole life just to get it out.

Still a good movie though

Citizen four


Wasn't it shown that because of Snowden another insider has begun giving information to the journalists?

Side of the head, whatever. Didn't think my colloquialism would be interpreted so literally.

I bounce my boyfriend on my lap all the time. Don't pretend you don't enjoy it as well.

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Don't know where else to put this, but I watched the series finale of the Mentalist. I'm unsure of why I continued to watch the series the whole way through. The show was terribly inconsistent, and at its worst when it needed to be at its best. So the finale was entirely underwhelming. Don't know if I expected anything different.

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neill blomkamp (district 9, elysium, chappie) has confirmed he's doing Alien(s) 5. ridley scott's sequel to Prometheus is still coming out too.

not news i particularly care about (although i did enjoy most of the Alien(s) series), but some of you may care


I liked the first two, (the rest, not so much) but I have to admit that I'll probably check it out.

Unlike many people I've talked to, I also enjoyed Prometheus, so I'll be watching RS' sequel as well.

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I liked the first two, (the rest, not so much) but I have to admit that I'll probably check it out.

Unlike many people I've talked to, I also enjoyed Prometheus, so I'll be watching RS' sequel as well.

I really liked Prometheus as well.

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neill blomkamp (district 9, elysium, chappie) has confirmed he's doing Alien(s) 5. ridley scott's sequel to Prometheus is still coming out too.

not news i particularly care about (although i did enjoy most of the Alien(s) series), but some of you may care


I am interested but a little disappointed they chose Neill.

I enjoyed the first three Alien movies but the last few were basically parasites feeding off of the success the first two created.

I was excited for Promotheus but was disappointed (I thought Noomi Rapace was good though). It was way too ambitious for it's own good: a movie with a plethora of mistakes, trying to tackle our biggest questions. I think Blomkamp is guilty of the same crime. I will keep my expectations even-keeled this time around.

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Draft Day - 3.5/10

Started off very well for the first 40 minutes, but it trailed off miserably towards the end. You already knew what was going to happen, that's one thing. What was far worse was how exactly it happened. If it was all about the character of that Lavonte guy he picked, what do we really see? He comes off as an entitled and whiny jack ass. So was that Bo Callaghan guy sure, but what killed all the tension is that there were no realistic alternatives beyond him for the first overall pick. Just a top 10 running back and a top 20 linebacker. So you're supposed to feel good when the whiny Lavonte gets his payday by being picked first? Like being a 15th overall pick in the NFL wouldn't afford him the money to begin taking care of his nephews? And they wrap it up with a bunch of unrealistic arm turning by Costner on a bunch of GM's that make no sense. They act like he knew what he was doing the whole time, when it started with him having a panic attack. But he didn't regret it because he knew he was going to take that top 20 linebacker 1st overall the whole time, as evidenced by that piece of paper he wrote at the beginning? Then why the hell were we even watching the movie like he had a decision he was making? And what the hell happens to the cap situation they were trying to balance earlier in the movie when they have to also fit in the 7th overall and a premier kick returner to the whole thing?

God, frack this movie, lol. It tries to be so sentimental, without proving why it's ending was the happy one. And it's so full of logical inconsistencies and conveniences that push it there. Very, very poorly written.

I liked that Jennings guy they ended up taking, but I hope that the Brown's team failed miserably that year, and that Bo Callaghan torched them for 7 touchdowns in their matchup. And someone need to drop kick Costner's mom. Why the hell would anyone need approval from that awful hag?

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