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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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In Bruges was fabulous. I can understand if one missed it but if they actually saw it how could they say it wasn't any good?

when i say under-appreciated i mean it just seems like not many people have seen it.

do you remember when it was in theatres? it was marketed in such a bizarre way. frankly, they made it look sorta stupid. just seems like it fell under the radar a bit.

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Garden State is overrated and I hate the manic pixie dream girl caricatures.

The Fountain has an amazing soundtrack and visuals but the story only barely made sense (I thought about it a lot). Could've been so much better.

Still a better movie than most, and the fountain was shockingly good once you grasp the idea
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if you like Seven Psychopaths, please watch In Bruges. It's by the same guy, and it's way, way, way, way, way, way, way better

one of the most under appreciated movies i can think of

Brought up In Bruges a few pages ago, Watch The Guards. The writers brother, same kind of dark comedy but I thought it was better

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RED 2 - 5/10

Was pretty blah. Started off in a manic and nonsensical way that made it hard to understand, or even care about what was happening. Though it shapes more into form in the latter half. Either way it's not quite good enough.

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when i say under-appreciated i mean it just seems like not many people have seen it.

do you remember when it was in theatres? it was marketed in such a bizarre way. frankly, they made it look sorta stupid. just seems like it fell under the radar a bit.

I know what you mean but any film with Gleeson, Fiennes and Farrell has way too much potential to pass on.

Edited by hudson bay rules
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2 Guns - 6/10

Along with RED 2, I dunno what it is about these comic book adaptations that I just watched that hate the government so much. They're not just inept, or corrupt, but in these movies are instead just pure evil. The assumptions that are presented, and the conclusions that it jumps to are just too much.

It has some decent action, and is at times sorta funny, but as a movie it's nothing really all too special.

Not all films have such terrific writing as The Walking Dead has.


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The Dark Knight Rises: 8/10

Watched it for the third time this weekend. Each time I've watched it, I end up liking it more then the previous time.

Yes, the plot holes are still there (Wayne losing all his fortune on a bad stock investment THE SAME DAY AS THE STOCK EXCHANGE GETS ROBBED). Yes, the level of realism decreased (ie: every police officer in the city going to the sewers; Wayne treking all the way from an undisclosed location (overseas) to Gotham with no money or resources and sneaking into a city that seemingly nobody else can get into; Alfred not doing a proper background check on Selina Kyle, a known criminal, before she works a Wayne event).

Aside from my gripes with the film, it is still really enjoyable, and better then virtually every other comic book movie out there. Yes, I would have preferred a Bane death with a little more "oomph;" and I believe having Bruce Wayne die at the end would have been a more satisfying ending. All that said, still good.

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Bad Grandpa 8.5/10

I had moderately high hopes for this movie as I love jackass, but it was much better than I expected and actually had a pretty touching storyline, all things considered. I loved that only the main characters were in on the story and everything else was reality TV/vintage Jackass reactions.

Great flick

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Hard to sum up all the reasons why i liked this movie. the 2 friends i watched it with both did not enjoy it nearly as much as i did, but neither are really into space/future related flix. so i hold their opinions as moot. that being said..

for what it is, i enjoyed it. and would recommend to any fans of futuristic action/space fims.

to sum up what happens

Matt Damon starts out as a kid in an orphanage, grows up and develops a strong bond with another orphan and swears to get them out of the ghetto of earth and onto Elysium, which is a futuristic paradise for the wealthy. looks like a giant ring around earth. which is now a wasteland.

so it jumps ahead like 20 years and Matt Damon is now an ex-con working in a factory making battle droids or something. some type of robot soldier i believe. He gets his ass whooped and arm broken by 2 Robocops for cracking a joke, goes to the hospital and reconnects with the girl from the orphanidge, who is working as a nurse, who he has been estranged from since he went to prison for stealing cars. now its the next day or something..

Matt Damon is back at work and there is a Jam in his machine stopping the door from opening, boss tells him to get in there and move it or he's fired. he begrudgingly does so. moves the pallet. door slams shut. and the droids in the machine receive a crazy high blast of radiation, so does damon. goes to the Robodoc office, where the Robodoc tells him he has 5 days to live, all his organs are failing, hands him a bottle of pills and sends him packing.

Damon stumbles his way home, runs into a friend and collapses in the street. buddy makes him take his pills, fixes him up abit and asks Damon what he wants to do... now, there is another character named spider. he runs a smuggling business sending illigals (earth citizens) up to Elysium. he is also damons old boss from his car boosting days, who he swore to never see again. anyways, damon tells his buddy he has to go to spider and persuade him to take him to Elysium by any means necessary. a ticket on that shuttle is something damon could never afford. so he goes to spider..

He convinces him to give him a ride up, IF Damon steals bank codes and passwords a CEO of a large weapons company on earth and Damon obliges, but first he has to equip a mechanized suit to damon because he is too weak to move. so they do and damon takes a team of spiders men, hits the CEOS motorcade and steals the information from the computer in his brain. because in this future world people have computers on there brain. but the information is not what he expects, seems scrambled. big shootout ensues and spiders men die, Damon barely escapes but is hurt bad. stumbles to his old lady friend from the orphanage and convinces her not to call 911 but instead fix him up, hush hush. morning comes and..

Damon has to go, lady friend begs Damon to help get her and her daughter up to Elysium, where the have medical chambers that can fix any ailment. because her daughter has leukemia or something, something bad, not long to live. says he cant and leaves. like right around the corner is a surveillance bot that spots him and sends troops after him and to rip apart the neighborhood to find out who hid him. the catch lady and her daughter and take them to the ship too interrogate back at Elysium

Damon finds his way back to spider who decrypts the info in damons head. its a override and reboot for all of Elysium. will take control of all Bots and name a new president. Damon now knows why they want him so bad and that they wont kill him so he turns himself over. they pick him up while he holds his brain hostage with a grenade, during the flight, one of the Elysium guards gets handsy with damons lady friend and he flips, fight ensues and some dude is chucked into the cockpit, causing the plane to dive and Damon to drop the grenade. plane rights itself but the grenade goes off and the plane goes down, crash lands into some homes,

Grenade seems to have taken out the Elysium guards and damn the lady and her kid escape, but not for long, are captured and taken prisoner. they make the lady and kid watch while they attempt to log into damons brain, they do, see what he has, president orders it be removed, Damon killed, and the other 2 taken prisoner. the lady and kid are taken away, just Damon and 2 doctors. Damon like hulks out of the restraints and kills the 2 doctors, finds out where lady and girl are in get them free. tells them to find a medical chamber and get treatment, lady points out they cant because they are not citizens, Damon says don't worry and to go. they do.

Damon then runs into spider and some of his men who have also flown to Elysium, and he agrees to help spider take over Elysium with the program in his head if he sends his best dude to guard the lady and her kid. they both agree and head to the main computer. killing tons of dudes and robots on the way. they finally reach the main computer and get the program set to launch. spider then finds out running it will kill Damon. lets Damon know. but he already knows and agreed. spider runs it. Damon dies. all earth citizens are now citizens of Elysium. lady gets kid into medical chamber and she is all better. spider is now president. medical response teams are sent to earth to begin helping people.

the end

i cannot believe i typed all that and expect no one to read it hahaha. but its a good flick. wish i saw in theaters

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