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Male hairloss thread


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Anyone else have hairloss issues?

thinning of hair?

anyone taking anything like Propecia or Rogaine?

Share your experiences with Propecia...

I'm pretty sure I have male pattern, I don't think I want to take Propecia since DHT plays a much larger role in men than just the hairloss.....

Is Rogaine the only other option?

....No I don't want to "shave it"

(I'm in my mid 20's and want hair till at least 50)

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Good news for you then if you are losing hair

We will probably able to regrow our hair in a year or two via stem cell. I think the front runner is histogen with some other companies in the mix racing for the gold mine. I think it's in phase two right now with some really positive result.

The technology will probbly be ready by 2015 but I think it will take a couple more years to be approve by FDA

So far the future of my lost hair seems pretty bright :)

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my brother has had male pattern baldness/thinning hair since his early 20s. he's started taking rogaine and it has stopped thinning, for the most part. I haven't noticed much in the way of growback though.

Lucky for me, my hair is as thick and lush as ever, but i'm getting grey hairs now, so i guess i'll be going grey.

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That crap affects everyone differently. The only way to actually know if it works for you is to try it.

I actually tried Propecia, got the script for finasteride, split them into 4's, 1.25mg/each roughly.....

I straight got the libido side effects, although I was 20lbs heavier and not working out/exercising at the time so Im not sure if that played a role in it.... contemplating giving it another shot.

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31, not balding or thinning. However, if have a boatload of grey hair. My brothers who are 3 and 6 years older, have no grey hair.

Apparently they are coming with a cure for whitening hair in the next few years it's being tested right now.

They've also found out that people with hairloss, the hair falls out, but the cell remains alive.... they are supposedly a few years away from being able to trigger the cell to regrow hair.... but it will probably take a few years of testing before hitting the market.

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Apparently they are coming with a cure for whitening hair in the next few years it's being tested right now.

The only thing that bothers me about going very grey is that none of my older brothers have any. Otherwise, bring it on! Instead of acting distingished, I just have to look it ;) 

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There are only 2 treatments that have been approved, in Canada, and shown to actually work for hair loss:

1) Finasteride/Propecia (different names for the same drug): This drug works by blocking the production of DHT. Normally a certain percentage of Testorone is converted into a more powerful androgen DHT. No one knows the exact mechanism of hair loss, but DHT plays a major role somewhere. This drug alters your hormone profile, so side affects come along with it. It will for instance, inhihibit the development of secondary sexualy characteristics, like chest hair. It has been known to cause impotence.

2) Rogaine/Minoxodil: This drug is applied locally to the scalp. No one really knows how it works, but this drug is also used to open up potassium channels. This drug's side effects include rapid heart beat. Theoretically, this should produce less side effects as it acts locally, but there will always be some systematic absorption.

Rogaine doesn't actually stop the mechanism for baldness (hormones) so it's not as effective, generally, and doesn't produce long term effects. When you stop using it, your hair will fall out rapidly. Some people use other hormone altering drugs, but those have not been approved.

Either way, talk to a doctor about these drugs before use, preferably a dermatologist.

OP, how old are you?

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