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Explain Like I'm 5: 3C - Richardson over Horvat/Gaunce/Schroeder


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Because Richardson is not a 3rd line center, part of the reason we let Lappy walk.

Also because some of our prospects are better suited for that position, not in terms of experience but because it would help them develop at the same time.

Schroeder for example has waited 3-4 years for this chance and instead of giving it to Brad, he's getting the opportunity he deserves.

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Its gives us more depth. Also, Richardson is a below average third liner. As a Stanley Cup conteding team, we need a good one.

E.g. - Malhotra, Derek Roy, maybe even Hodgson ;)

We don't know what Horvat, Schroeder, or Gaunce will be next season. But it is highly possible that Gaunce or Horvat might perform like Malhotra, and it is also highly possible that Schroeder can be a highly offensively talented player.

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Its gives us more depth. Also, Richardson is a below average third liner. As a Stanley Cup conteding team, we need a good one.

E.g. - Malhotra, Derek Roy, maybe even Hodgson ;)

We don't know what Horvat, Schroeder, or Gaunce will be next season. But it is highly possible that Gaunce or Horvat might perform like Malhotra, and it is also highly possible that Schroeder can be a highly offensively talented player.

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Schroeder isn't a rookie anymore, he's probably inked as our permanent 3C. He proved he can make himself big being only 5'9..I think?

People seem to forget when we signed Richardson we signed him as the 4C. I just don't see gaunce boho or joschro playing alongside Sestito sorry.

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Its gives us more depth. Also, Richardson is a below average third liner. As a Stanley Cup conteding team, we need a good one.

E.g. - Malhotra, Derek Roy, maybe even Hodgson ;)

We don't know what Horvat, Schroeder, or Gaunce will be next season. But it is highly possible that Gaunce or Horvat might perform like Malhotra, and it is also highly possible that Schroeder can be a highly offensively talented player.

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It's a young man's game now. We're quickly looking at the average age of retirement from hockey being somewhere between 32-35. This is amplified by the number of veterans signing PTOs this year, and guys like Raymond being unable to find work.

Anyways, back to topic. Richardson doesn't have much offensive upside, though he seems to be a tenacious checker. In this respect, we could use a few different looks for our 3rd line, offensive or defensive. With young guys coming up, they NEED minutes, which is why most people on here favor the up and coming rookie to the aging vet.

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Richardson is a 4th line center not a 3rd line center. Gaunce is better than Richardson, suited better for the 3rd line. The 3rd line is good enough to shutdown players with Gaunce there, he is strong strength is defense, Hansen and Higgins suit him well aswell as they are both solid defensively. This could be our shutdown line next year.

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It's the evolution of the game now. If you want to win, you gotta play your top prospects, especially centres, right away. They'll learn faster and get that much more experience. Letting them 'develop' in the minor leagues is decent but not nearly as effective as putting them in right away, especially when he have prospects in Gaunce and Horvat with franchise type potential...to prove my point: look at the past cup winners since '04/'05 or whatever year lockout it was. It's the new trend and the new way to win in this league.

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I suspect that the 3C and 4C will be bounced around between Schroeder, Richardson (them mostly at 3C) and Lain (mostly at 4C).

As I see it, for this coming season, Gaunce and Horvat aren't going to be here, at least not full time. They may get a game or so here and there.

Why do people keep suggesting that they will be here? I put it down to over-optimism and the hope that at least one of these young guys will be the white knight to lead the team to the Cup. He would be the guy that Vancouver fans could point to as the star player of the future. Mostly, it's because when folks look around at other teams which have young players doing well, they want our team to also have a good young player about which they can feel proud.

It's a case of Prospect Envy. Sigmund Freud talked about this kind of thing all the time.



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Schroeder scored around the same clip as Richardson did, is faster with much more potential, younger and has been improving every season he's been in pro-sports. Give him the spot.

Gaunce and Horvat need to bide their time and gain experience. Schroeder looks ready.

Sedin - Sedin - Kassian

Burrows - Kesler - Booth

Hansen - Schroeder - Higgins

Jensen - Richardson - Weise

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I suspect that the 3C and 4C will be bounced around between Schroeder, Richardson (them mostly at 3C) and Lain (mostly at 4C).

As I see it, for this coming season, Gaunce and Horvat aren't going to be here, at least not full time. They may get a game or so here and there.

Why do people keep suggesting that they will be here? I put it down to over-optimism and the hope that at least one of these young guys will be the white knight to lead the team to the Cup. He would be the guy that Vancouver fans could point to as the star player of the future. Mostly, it's because when folks look around at other teams which have young players doing well, they want our team to also have a good young player about which they can feel proud.

It's a case of Prospect Envy. Sigmund Freud talked about this kind of thing all the time.



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