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Motorcyclist charged after video catches violent swarming of family on NYC highway

-Vintage Canuck-

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One guy stops for whatever reason. Not unusual for others to stop as well. These guys arent part of a meth cartel just because they ride bikes.

What if they were Trekkie's instead?

If they were Trekkies, then they would have known that is was illogical to provoke someone with an SUV transporting his family. They would have obeyed the prime directive of the traffic laws.

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Update from the Boston Globe on the rider that was injured badly - he should have never even been there:

Though Mieses is a Massachusetts resident, he has never had a valid Massachusetts driver’s license for a passenger vehicle and has never applied for a motorcycle license, the Registry of Motor Vehicles said.

Registry records show that Mieses applied for a learner’s permit in 1999 and 2000, but that he never obtained a full license because he failed to pay fines imposed after he was ticketed for speeding in Lawrence in 1999. His last contact with the Registry was in 2001, when he obtained an identification card, registry records show.

Since 1999, he has been ticketed by police 16 times, in Lawrence, Methuen, Roxbury, Andover, and New Hampshire, according to registry records.

In June, the Registry notified the National Driver Register that Mieses was a habitual traffic offender whose right to drive in Massachusetts was revoked until 2017, records show.

D'oh! :picard:

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Maybe but he/she was driving a huge weapon and the other might have been throwing insults. I ride myself and believe me when a car driver refuses to respect a riders safety it gets your ire up.

Yeah you're being silly.

I get it that safety is very important. If this gang with glorified dirt bikes would have done the safe thing instead of swarming around this guy he wouldn't have been put in the position to make a choice like this.

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Last time I drove to Vancouver on the freeway some jackass was darting in and out of traffic he cut my car off twice in his vehicle, everyone and their dog was laying on the horn to this guy.

My 2 kids were actually getting freaked out and my wife driving (not a city driver) was seriously considering pulling over because she had to lock up the brakes on a wet road more than once when this guy darted in front of us.

I asked her to speed up and I launched 2 half finished chocolate shakes at his windows as he was flailing his hands around and talking on his cell phone with some tart in the passenger seat. I politely motioned with 1 finger for him to pull over so we could..."talk" about things because as a father I was now furious that some jackass would endanger my families safety.

He pulled over indeed. And I then flipped him the bird and sped off leaving some tatted up loser on the side of the road getting poured on in the middle of a rainstorm.

Small vindication I know,

But the moral of this story is that when my kids are freaked out, my wife is freaked out and even I am fearing for our safety there is NOTHING I won't do to ensure their safety up to and including trying to run some tatted up A-hole off the road or in this stories case running down a gang of bikers in front of me.

This isn't a case of oh the SUV driver was panicky, this is a case of a father being attacked and fearing for his life. by all accounts having knives brandished at him after bumping some moron who intentionally slowed down in front of him after his posse surrounded his vehicle.

All apologies and sympathies tot he guy who may or may not be paralyzed but as someone said wtf are you doing getting out and walking on a freeway in New frigging York?

Threaten the safety of someone's family and expect that they're going to use that big ol SUV as a weapon.

So pro tip

1. Don't swarm an SUV

2. Don't stand in front of an SUV

3. Find a country road to be awesome with your posse of dirt bike and rice rocket ragers

Again, I feel for the guy but after fearing for my families safety I would have done the same and possibly backed up as well.

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If anyone has actually seen the footage before the incident, these bikers were already in town running red lights, harassing people at a gas station, and asking for traffic mayhem, this was all before they brake checked the guy in the SUV on the freeway.. the guy who bumped into one of the bikers who brake checked him, causing them to mob his car, and causing him to run their stupid asses over to get away. I doubt these biker morons will get much sympathy from rational people.

Ya I saw that to, I also love how convenient it is the guy with the go pro didn't post the hole video looking for sympathy for his cause.

Once you see the whole video it becomes clear. And seriously, that gas station crap was garbage. Anyone who sees the whole thing will agree these guys were out looking to cause trouble.

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I agree, it's "bikers" like those that give us bikers a bad name.


I rode before my accident, I know a ton of guys who ride I know even more who participate in the annual three flags from Mexico to Canada.

None of them act like this. You get enough a holes together eventual sh*t will happen I guess

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Update from the Boston Globe on the rider that was injured badly - he should have never even been there:

Though Mieses is a Massachusetts resident, he has never had a valid Massachusetts driver’s license for a passenger vehicle and has never applied for a motorcycle license, the Registry of Motor Vehicles said.

Registry records show that Mieses applied for a learner’s permit in 1999 and 2000, but that he never obtained a full license because he failed to pay fines imposed after he was ticketed for speeding in Lawrence in 1999. His last contact with the Registry was in 2001, when he obtained an identification card, registry records show.

Since 1999, he has been ticketed by police 16 times, in Lawrence, Methuen, Roxbury, Andover, and New Hampshire, according to registry records.

In June, the Registry notified the National Driver Register that Mieses was a habitual traffic offender whose right to drive in Massachusetts was revoked until 2017, records show.

Sounds like a totally responsible guy. Victim for sure.....

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Last time I drove to Vancouver on the freeway some jackass was darting in and out of traffic he cut my car off twice in his vehicle, everyone and their dog was laying on the horn to this guy.

My 2 kids were actually getting freaked out and my wife driving (not a city driver) was seriously considering pulling over because she had to lock up the brakes on a wet road more than once when this guy darted in front of us.

I asked her to speed up and I launched 2 half finished chocolate shakes at his windows as he was flailing his hands around and talking on his cell phone with some tart in the passenger seat. I politely motioned with 1 finger for him to pull over so we could..."talk" about things because as a father I was now furious that some jackass would endanger my families safety.

He pulled over indeed. And I then flipped him the bird and sped off leaving some tatted up loser on the side of the road getting poured on in the middle of a rainstorm.

I couldn't have written something so ironically hilarious if I tried.

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Yup, looks like there's a link to the guy with the GoPro's YouTube account too. Here's one where they're running red lights, riding the oncoming lane and riding on the sidewalk while pedestrians are hiding in doorways and alcoves to avoid getting hit.


I know alot are angry at the guy who got ran over but c'mon he doesn't deserve to be paralyzed for life. And bringing up karma only means some bad mojo is headed your way...

If he is participating willingly in attacking another person then he has to be prepared to accept the consequences. By all reports, he's clearly not an upstanding citizen and this is more than likely karma coming back on him for his actions and recklessness to this point.

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Not sure if there have been updates as to what led to this (will read through the thread when I have time)....but this video disturbed me. The fact that there was a child in the car has me lose faith in humanity, as those terrorizing the driver also were doing the same to an innocent child. Shame on them for that.

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Like he couldn't have pulled over and called the cops. No, run over bikers after obviously causing a situation in the first place.

Really? Pulling over would have meant his certain demise....he was being swarmed and you think pulling over with a child in the car was a good idea? The police would take minutes to dispatch ... in that time, it could have been too late.

Sad that someone was seriously injured in this...but, when you play with fire you get burned.

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I know alot are angry at the guy who got ran over but c'mon he doesn't deserve to be paralyzed for life. And bringing up karma only means some bad mojo is headed your way...

Two words I absolutely hate and put no stock into whatsoever are "Fair" and "Deserve." Nothing in the world is fair and nobody deserves anything, be it good or bad. In this situation, this motorcyclist has a history disobeying traffic laws and put himself in a dangerous situation. Did he deserve this outcome? Who cares. What happened to him, happened because he choose to act irresponsibly. So often, we always focus on the outcome and scream, "Why me? This isn't fair." Instead of focusing on our decisions that brought us to that outcome. This man made a foolish decision and he has no one to blame but himself.

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Really? Pulling over would have meant his certain demise....he was being swarmed and you think pulling over with a child in the car was a good idea? The police would take minutes to dispatch ... in that time, it could have been too late.

Sad that someone was seriously injured in this...but, when you play with fire you get burned.

Watching the end of the video you see a very large guy pounding on the very window the child was seated beside. I mean really....

Some people should not be allowed to pro-create

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I couldn't have written something so ironically hilarious if I tried.

I smile every time I think of some scrawny dude with no sleeves dark skin and slick hair getting soaked while my wife pulled away. Highlight of that trip (after breakfast at Sophies Cosmic café of course)

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