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The Beard Question

Saskatchewan Canucks Fan

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Today me and a friend got onto talking about beards. The topic of having facial hair for a job interview came up and we had different opinions on the matter. I am looking for some more thoughts on the matter. Do you think that every kind of facial hair must be removed for job interviews? How about a short, nicely trimmed beard with short hair? Think for a job that involves some university education rather than a minimum wage job. Something like the style below. Please look at the style and don't get caught up by the fact that it's George Clooney :P





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New popularity in all divisions of society? New? South Asians and Middle Eastern guys have been rocking them long before white guys here decided it was "in".

As for job interview, stay on the safe side and just shave it. It takes a very masculine face to pull it off without it being interpreted as careless on this side of the world.

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It really depends on the beard.. if it's Clooney-ish I think that's fantastic. A sharp, well-groomed beard is 100% class - a lot of South Asian guys pull it off really well.

If it's Brent Burns then... unless you're applying to be a lumberjack or a longshoreman people may think you're a rapist.

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I always get a kick out of that commercial on the sports channels about "What if every guy with sensitive skin grew a beard?" and that it shows all of these male models with perfect beards.

Motherfracker, if everyone with sensitive skin grew a beard there would be a lot of this:




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