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[GDT]Los Angeles Kings @ Vancouver Canucks | 7:00 PM | SNET-P |


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yeah,, I think I would be talking to some of our useless NTCs and asking if they would be willing to go elsewhere,,,but lets dump on Kassian and maybe after the game you can start the 50th hate thread for him.

It's not about being his fault, it's about his development. I think Kassian will be a good player but he needs to be playing 20 minutes a night. I would rather play Archie on the fourth line this year and have a stronger, better Kassian next year when this team might actually have a chance at winning.

Ducan Keith was in the AHL until he was 23. Power forwards, like D, take longer to develop. He is better off playing more.

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can you honestly say with a straight face that Kassian is actually helping us win

I can honestly say he is helping as much as 3/4 of this team,,I think that he needs to play more and if its in the minors, then so be it...but...he has 5 goals in limited ice time, so he can put it in the net...but to suggest he is our problem when the first and second line are hardly off the ice is beyond me.

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No elite goalie is gonna make that stop. A possible one time shot you have to commit to, then he goes against the grain with the deke, the only option is the poke but when youre going the opposite way with the offence carrying that much speed youre always gonna get walked around. Hence why d never stand still when they defend because they too will always get deked. So what is it you want? An easy one timer goal or at least an opportunity for the dman to do his job and prevent a shot or an easy deke from happening?

You're dillusional one of Luongos worse traits is getting out of position and overreacting he looked pathetic on that goal.

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