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Lucic says he'll never go to DT Vancouver

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I don't know how this is being blamed on Vancouver or Canucks fans as a whole. Lots of players have come from the area and made it big, and this hasn't happened before.

I don't condone the actions like trying to fight Milan or defacing a church, that's horrible, and I can say as a hockey fan I'm pretty proud of the guy and his accomplishments, but I'm not ready to be pointing any fingers at anyone other the guy who attacked him.

And like other posters have said, Milan knows he's not liked as a Bruin in this city, he has to, and putting himself drunkenly in a place where other drunk people are going to be, right after a game, that's dangerous.

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I think its sad that the guy can't go out in his hometown without this kind of shyt happening but it has to do with him being a Bruin. As long as he is a bruin he should know that he could expect something.

That picture of what happened to his church is f'd up. Why would you do something like that like the riot wasn't enough to make the city look bad, and the goof that did it didnt even spell "canucks" right.

It's that type of mentality that makes things like this happen.

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I'm sorry, but it seems like a lot of people go have a drink after a bad day. Lucic doesn't deserve the crap he gets dude. He's from here, won the memorial cup here, and just because they won a game we trash on his life when he returns? Like what the frack?

Probably more professional to go to the lounge of your hotel for that drink instead of hanging out on Granville where people go to look for trouble.

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"Can't really blame the people of Vancouver"…what if he had gotten cracked over the back of the head with a bottle and was seriously hurt? Singing the same tune? This isn't the first time that he, his family, or his community has been harassed in his own hometown too. But I guess you "can't really blame the people of Vancouver" for defacing the church he went to growing up just because of the outcome of a hockey series.


^Now that's class…take notes, Boston!

The idiocy that is so prevalent in this fanbase is nothing short of embarrassing.

CA I completely respect your opinions but I have to politely disagree with you on this one. These acts are idiotic but you are lumping the entire fanbase of the Canucks into a category for things that were perpetrated by individuals.

Yes the vandalizing of a church is wrong - but it's wrong under any circumstances - falls more into hate crime IMO and it's not like vandalizing is legal in Vancouver.

Yes throwing stuff at an elderly couple is wrong - but again it's wrong under any circumstances

Yes that drunk idiot was wrong for antagonizing Lucic - but that's again wrong whenever it happens.

My point to all this is that these things happen and not just to NHL players and not just in Vancouver. I have a lot of friends that are Canuck fans and not a single one of them would ever do these kinds of things for any reason.

Blaming an entire demographic because of what individuals do is ignorant at best. These people doing these things do so for more reasons than being Canucks fans, perhaps they feel this gives them an excuse to break the law, but my guess is these people would be doing things like this even if there wasn't hockey to give them that excuse.

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First off if you watch the video he says he was hit 3 times then at the end he says 2. He was pretty drunk and I highly doubt he is 100 percent innocent when you factor in his " Don't you know who I am?" Comment and a previous domestic disturbance with his girlfriend in Boston and reportedly saying the same thing there Its obvious he has a chip on his shoulder.

He made a poor decision going down there and now rather than be accountible or say nothing he lashes out at an entire city?

Ironic they shipped Seguin out for possibly bringing shame upon the team for partying and now they have this to deal with.

I dont even care what team he plays for the actions of a few do not represent the many and its immature to suggest so.

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Well mr goon, thanks for telling us you won't be here much. Can't really blame the people of Vancouver after you decided to go to the busiest club/bar after a blowout game to 'blow off steam'...sounds more like you were looking to get into trouble with those words but hey, it must suck not being wanted in Vancouver where you're practically born from.

It's people like you who are probably the first to make a stink when this sort of thing happens to a Canuck after an away game. Canucks fans are always complaining about the lack of class other fans have, but yet another example of how fans in Vancouver are the the ones with the least class. Keep it up Canucks fans

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This is a two way street to me a lot of crap has been done to Lucic and his family but lets say by chance Kesler or Burrows decided to for a bar/ club in Boston after the game you can bet the same thing would happen to them, it's a shame cause Lucic is a beast and would be perfect for our team but you can't play an entire city for what happened...

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CA I completely respect your opinions but I have to politely disagree with you on this one. These acts are idiotic but you are lumping the entire fanbase of the Canucks into a category for things that were perpetrated by individuals.

Yes the vandalizing of a church is wrong - but it's wrong under any circumstances - falls more into hate crime IMO and it's not like vandalizing is legal in Vancouver.

Yes throwing stuff at an elderly couple is wrong - but again it's wrong under any circumstances

Yes that drunk idiot was wrong for antagonizing Lucic - but that's again wrong whenever it happens.

My point to all this is that these things happen and not just to NHL players and not just in Vancouver. I have a lot of friends that are Canuck fans and not a single one of them would ever do these kinds of things for any reason.

Blaming an entire demographic because of what individuals do is ignorant at best. These people doing these things do so for more reasons than being Canucks fans, perhaps they feel this gives them an excuse to break the law, but my guess is these people would be doing things like this even if there wasn't hockey to give them that excuse.

Also known as stereotyping or racism depending on who it's for.

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Two people get drunk and fight each other, there is no reason whatsoever to assume one is more guilty than the other. We have yet to hear anyone else's perspective, Lucic doesn't magically become the victim just because what he says ends up in the news. Unless we have evidence that Lucic was minding his own business and got attacked, we have to assume he was just as much of an instigator as the other guy.

What we do have evidence of, is that Lucic simply cannot handle the fact that a few people don't like him. His ego is such that he feels the need to blame an entire city for what a few people do. I've certainly met dbag clubber types who act like idiots, and then when that behaviour gets them in fights they act like everyone else is against them.

You will never, I mean NEVER, hear about the Sedins in this type of situation. They are hated, they were the league's "sisters" for how many years, and yet this never happened and will never happen. Burrows is hated, so is Kesler, why doesn't it happen to them? Ever heard of Patrick Kane getting in fights in Vancouver? Nope. This type of thing can sometimes happen to innocent people, absolutely, but when it happens over and over to the same person then it is a sign that the person involved is part of the problem themselves. This type of thing surrounds Lucic everytime he is here, clearly he is encouraging it.

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First off if you watch the video he says he was hit 3 times then at the end he says 2. He was pretty drunk and I highly doubt he is 100 percent innocent when you factor in his " Don't you know who I am?" Comment and a previous domestic disturbance with his girlfriend in Boston and reportedly saying the same thing there Its obvious he has a chip on his shoulder.

He made a poor decision going down there and now rather than be accountible or say nothing he lashes out at an entire city?

Ironic they shipped Seguin out for possibly bringing shame upon the team for partying and now they have this to deal with.

I dont even care what team he plays for the actions of a few do not represent the many and its immature to suggest so.

also he said "Im going to kill you"

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From beloved Vancouver Giant to having his family harassed, church vandalized, and attacked at a bar?

C'mon guys, Vancouver fans are better than this. I understand that not all of us do these things...but unfortunately with this and the riots, people truly start to think all Canucks fans are idiots. I get that people live and breathe hockey, but at the end of the day it's not worth doing any of this stuff to him.

As someone said this kind of thing was probably bound to happen if a Bruin went out in Vancouver, but it doesn't mean he deserves it.

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This city seems having something against Lucic, it's not his fault he wasn't drafted by the Canucks. Defiling his church was a terrible thing as well.

The city didn't do that. One idiot did. Dont pay too much attention to your Hawks media, they are not ever going to give this city a break. Look at the Winter Olympics if you want a sense of what this city is really about.

I don't care about Lucic being drunk or not and being in a stupid part of vancouver be he's tired of defending us? Someone find me a soundbite where he ever has.

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It's people like you who are probably the first to make a stink when this sort of thing happens to a Canuck after an away game. Canucks fans are always complaining about the lack of class other fans have, but yet another example of how fans in Vancouver are the the ones with the least class. Keep it up Canucks fans

You are too close to the source and that makes it too easy to self loathe. Spend any time in any hockey hotbed and you will find the same thing. There will always be some that take things too far.

From beloved Vancouver Giant to having his family harassed, church vandalized, and attacked at a bar?

C'mon guys, Vancouver fans are better than this. I understand that not all of us do these things...but unfortunately with this and the riots, people truly start to think all Canucks fans are idiots. I get that people live and breathe hockey, but at the end of the day it's not worth doing any of this stuff to him.

As someone said this kind of thing was probably bound to happen if a Bruin went out in Vancouver, but it doesn't mean he deserves it.

The first step is not letting a minority of idiots represent you. They are small incidents and of course will be blown up in the media. It's not like the whole city chased Lucic out with pitchforks.

How many places could Burrows wander in Boston? (If they knew who he was, of course)

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