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David Booth: Hold onto him?

Spotted Zebra

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Before I start, can we agree to keep any extravurrilcular activities he enjoys out of this thread. This is about him as a hockey player.

15 games into this season I was aboard the Buyout David Booth train. He was slow, he didn't seem motivated and he didn't have JT's trust, obviosuly. No brainer buyout at 4 and change right?

But now as we enter the second half of the season I think we should reconsider this.

I am very happy about his dedication to coming back, maybe not at a 30 goal pace, but at a point where he is a good player and can contribute. He has regained at least some of his speed, and while his balance may not be completely there, he looks dangerous at least a couple times a game. And he is working hard on the forecheck and laying the body

He is also one of the few canucks who can just bury their head and drive the net. He hasn't converted, on a few of them but they are glorious chances and refreshing to see from the cycle along the boards.

People forget that in his first year here, he scored 16 goals in just 56 games thats good for a 25 goal pace.

If you rewind to the playoff series against LA, true he didn't score, but neither did a bunch of the Canucks (there was this guy named Quick...). However, he was an absolute horse, hitting everything he could and it was fun to watch.

Obviously if he regresses or gets injured again, then the tune will change, but if he can keep up this level of play, with the cap going up to 71. If we can integrate lower salary young players like Horvat and Corrado, and maybe move Edler, I think it'd be in our best interest to keep the guy.

Inflation. Cap goes up salary for potential signings go up. David only has a year left after this one, if it doesn't work out then you can let him go

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Trade him for a pick at the trade deadline then trade Edler to a team on the outside of the playoff standings looking in for Picks (1st) and Prospects. losing 9.5 in cap with the cap going up 7.1 9.5+7.1 we have 16.6 in cap space

. Use that money to re-sign Santroelli,Kassain,Tanev then sign free agents Matt Niskanen 2 year 3 mill and Ryan Callahan 4 year 6 mill

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Booth is starting to come around and become the top 6 player MG wanted when he aquired him. Getting rid of him only makes sense if the Canucks want to open up a roster spot for a young player. I doubt MG does anything untill next season when some prospects battle for a roster spot, and maybe then make a trade if need be., especially since he will be an UFA. There is definitely value in keeping a guy like Booth around if he is performing well because fast power forwards with decent hands are hard to come by, and his chemistry with Kassian is really helping the team right now. Why not keep that intact for next season? Imagine Horvat centering those 2 wingers.

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I agree with you OP. I also think that IF the canucks get rid of him, it will be through trade and not buyout. He is playing well enough for another team with a need to give something for him. Even if we dont get much, we can get better than a buyout for him. As I said though, if he continues this way I would like to see him stay here

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A month ago I would have been all "No, trade him for pucks"

But...He's been playing better as of late, and with the cap going UP $7 million next year and it being (I think) the last year of his deal. Unless they can get something for him, they might as well keep him.

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None of us have actually seen what Booth can do when he is fully healthy. I've maintained that he's got all the tools to be a really good hockey player if he is healthy.

After putting together a string of games where nothing has been bothering him, I think we can all say that he will only continue to improve.

4M is a risk but we were all thinking the same way with Garrison, weren't we?

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Keeping Booth thread turns into trading Edler thread LOL

And I keep asking why Edler is going to waive his ntc within a year of getting it for taking less than market value.

The few times I've heard of it happening it was the player asking to be moved because he wasn't happy in his current situation. Like Pronger asking to be moved out of Edmonton after one season because his wife absolutely hated it there. The majority of waived ntc's are players who are pending ufa's on non-playoff teams or players who are unhappy in their situation and actually ask to be moved. Neither scenario applies to Edler. Add in MG's public statement that he won't ask players to waive their ntc and Edler proposals become completely pointless.

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It's great that Booth is now "looking" like a top 6 winger, but he sure as hell ain't producing like one.

2G 2A in the last 10 games says that $5M can be used elsewhere on the team. Not to mention that the coach doesn't see enough good in Davie to use him on the 2nd line.

We already have a power forward project in Kassian to risk a roster spot on. We don't need another guy that will play just well enough, every once and a while, so that one fan out there would get their hopes up just high enough to create a stupid thread about it.


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I guess where I'm at is that yes Booth is finally producing, but he is not producing at a 4.5 million dollar price tag.

Booth is being outperformed by players on our team getting paid 1-2 million dollars, so why would we keep him?

Give him to the trade deadline to see if he continues to improve, but if he plateaus or starts to decline again, then yes, see if we can get anything for him on the market and if we can't, consider the buyout in the summer.

As others have stated, there are a lot more consistent scorers out there that we can get for a similar price tag, and if the Canucks need anything, it is consistency from their fowards.

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None of us have actually seen what Booth can do what he is fully healthy. I've maintained that he's got all the tools to be a really good hockey player if he is healthy.

After putting together a string of games where nothing has been bothering him, I think we can all say that he will only continue to improve.

4M is a risk but we were all thinking the same way with Garrison, weren't we?

^^^ Sums up pretty much what I was gonna say. Booth does have the tools, he just has to get on a roll.

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