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[PGT]Another Loss

Ryan kesler the beast

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all 3 goals against were ugly, luongo should've had 2 of them, except the last one since Edler is a SCORING MACHINE against us lol

Kessel's was a snipe post and in through a screen....1st goal thought Lu could've had but again Raymond sniped top corner with very little space there and given all the time to make the shot.

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How does firing a GM equal to the team quitting? The team is still going to play their games and a chance to make a push still. it's a change that should be made.

By your logic, Kings shouldn't have fired their coach mid season and get a new coach in Sutter, the guy who took them to a cup. Were they quitting on the season because they did this mid season?

You are all over the place with your arguments. Just stop.

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Theyre family men now so thyve quit trying and arent committed or working as hard?....gimme a break. If thats true then its pathetic.Most famil men worth their salt work harder with that responsibility.

It isn't "everything" to them anymore in a life goes on way now. Even Burr stated in an interview that things have changed since having a daughter...that he used to go home and go over things from the game in his mind and now he leaves it behind, on the ice.

Not "quit trying"...just not live and die the game anymore. They did that and fell short...just not sure they're as emotionally invested as they were when they had that champion mentality. They take consolation in going home to kids that help forget the pain of losing and you can't fault them for that, but it may be having an impact to some degree. Not just that, but I think it's part of it.

If you're watching Revealed they go back to the hotel and face time their kids. The game ends there.

When you're a young guy on a team that brotherhood of teammates is your family. After the game you're still probably discussing the game and sharing things about the game. Just an idea of why the drive and determination doesn't seem as strong. Hate to say it, because that's what made some of these guys so good, was that this game meant everything. And, honestly, that's the mindset you need to win.

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It isn't "everything" to them anymore in a life goes on way now. Even Burr stated in an interview that things have changed since having a daughter...that he used to go home and go over things from the game in his mind and now he leaves it behind, on the ice.

Not "quit trying"...just not live and die the game anymore. They did that and fell short...they take consolation in going home to kids that help forget the pain of losing. If that makes sense.

If you're watching Revealed they go back to the hotel and face time their kids. The game ends there.

Teachers don't get paid nearly as much as they deserve in many cases, yet they have to go home and plan for their classes on their own time. No excuses. Burrows is not performing. He is an employee of the Canucks, and if i'm Aquaman, i'm telling him to start pulling his weight, or start packing his bags. Same with Edler. He's done more bad than good.
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We never went on a stretch of only 4 wins in 20 games under AV.

AV had a system that utilized his players to their strengths.

This team looks like it has no system, and I'm convinced they don't even work on offensive zone plays in practice. The powerplay is also the worst it has been at any time in the last 6 years.

AV benefited from a younger core entering their prime. Tortorella doesn't have that. Torts inherited a mess. We were trending downward after the 2011 finals. That should be obvious to anyone. At the end of AV's tenure, even he couldn't get much out of the team anymore. We need new players, not a new coach.

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clearly you are since you have no response to my last post....shut you right up

lol... tough guy.

I already gave my opinion.

I think we would be here all night if we kept going back and forth. Besides, you seem to alter your argument every time.

Have a good night sir.

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Anyway, so many of our problems goes back to poor drafting.

We only have a few legitimate top six players. When one or two of them hits a rut they cannot get out of then it negatively affects the others who can score because the workload and pressure becomes just that much more. Especially with injuries. The workload and pressure compounds and those who are still in the line up to the point where they just cannot do their job effectively anymore. You're also asking players who can't score regularly to do just that to keep the team competitive. And then the team implodes.

We see teams all the time bringing in players they have drafted and developed to contribute regularly. When the hell was the last time we've done that? We got Kassian (a fourth liner more than anything), and Shroeder... not a clue where he fits here. That is literally it for about 6 or 7 years now. Furthermore you don't have to show loyalty to aging players and retain all of them which are also hampering this team making it almost impossible to move them.

The best way to address the poor drafting would have been for MG to move some of the aging core and redundant players for prospects and picks. Instead, he trades Schneider, Hodgson who are success stories of drafting and gets lateral impact players., Youth for more youth. Guys like Edler, Burrows and Hansen had value last year and each could have landed top prospects or picks.
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THis concerns me the most. They can't complete a pass, cant find their teammates even on an odd man rush, they seldom even generate a shot. H0w does that happen? These aren't things the head coach is responsible to teach. It's like these guys are playing with blinders on and rubber sticks

Or put it this way:

After it was 3-1, Kessel and JVR raced in on a 2-on-1 attacked the net with speed and put one off the post.

In comparison, with a close game going, Schroeder and Burrows entered the Leafs zone like a couple kids tiptoeing their way through a church looking to steal candles, and ended up not even getting a shot attempt.

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We're in tenth place.

If we keep tanking that's a top ten pick.

This is a deep ass draft. I think we should keep falling; go for it. The players wont admit it but know they have no chance to do anything in the playoffs anyway. Sure, they themselves don't care about a great draft pick either but it's great for management and the fans. Of course I'm always worried about those involved in our selection process because it's been a flop time and time again.

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Or put it this way:

After it was 3-1, Kessel and JVR raced in on a 2-on-1 attacked the net with speed and put one off the post.

In comparison, with a close game going, Schroeder and Burrows entered the Leafs zone like a couple kids tiptoeing their way through a church looking to steal candles, and ended up not even getting a shot attempt.

Yup. At least they didn't button hook and wait for everyone to join the rush or go into the corner to start the cycle like the twins do on a break.
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all 3 goals against were ugly, luongo should've had 2 of them, except the last one since Edler is a SCORING MACHINE against us lol

Yeah, sure. Raymond was given nothing but free space and time to make the perfect shot and somehow found a way into the tiny hole above Luo's shoulder. The second goal was screened. Hard to stop what you can't see.

Seriously, with that kind of vision for the game you should look into becoming a ref. You'd fit right in.

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It isn't "everything" to them anymore in a life goes on way now. Even Burr stated in an interview that things have changed since having a daughter...that he used to go home and go over things from the game in his mind and now he leaves it behind, on the ice.

Not "quit trying"...just not live and die the game anymore. They did that and fell short...just not sure they're as emotionally invested as they were when they had that champion mentality. They take consolation in going home to kids that help forget the pain of losing and you can't fault them for that, but it may be having an impact to some degree. Not just that, but I think it's part of it.

If you're watching Revealed they go back to the hotel and face time their kids. The game ends there.

When you're a young guy on a team that brotherhood of teammates is your family. After the game you're still probably discussing the game and sharing things about the game. Just an idea of why the drive and determination doesn't seem as strong. Hate to say it, because that's what made some of these guys so good, was that this game meant everything. And, honestly, that's the mindset you need to win.

The moral of the story is that successful teams are constantly bringing young blood into their rosters in order to mitigate these exact issues. Even in Stanley Cup winning seasons, teams like the Hawks and Bruins are bringing in young and eager young players.

Our roster just feels so stale.

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AV benefited from a younger core entering their prime. Tortorella doesn't have that. Torts inherited a mess. We were trending downward after the 2011 finals. That should be obvious to anyone. At the end of AV's tenure, even he couldn't get much out of the team anymore. We need new players, not a new coach.

A team doesn't go from a President's trophy winning team to the Oilers in a matter of 2 years.

The coach has gotta get more out of these guys. You don't just trade away the entire team because the coach can't get through to them.

They've shown they can win and be dominant. It's up to the coach to get them back on track and find that consistency again.

I'm hoping that it's just a matter of injuries putting more pressure on our guys and wearing them out because they had to play alot more minutes. The Sedins and Hamhuis were being played way too much early on. They could all use breaks. We'll see after the break who this team really is.

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I honestly do think MG will be gone at the end of the season. I mean.. ever since the cup run,we went to just winning 1 PO game...this year however, we're not even going to make it...

If MG is to be gone, I would rather it be sooner rather than later. Do we really want him making the decisions which need to be made at the trade deadline?
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Yeah, sure. Raymond was given nothing but free space and time to make the perfect shot and somehow found a way into the tiny hole above Luo's shoulder. The second goal was screened. Hard to stop what you can't see.

Seriously, with that kind of vision for the game you should look into becoming a ref. You'd fit right in.

As much as LU has struggled lately, this game was certainly not on him.
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